Participating Organization(s) |
National Institutes of Health (NIH) |
Fogarty International Center (FIC) |
Funding Opportunity Title |
Fogarty HIV Research Training Program for Low- and Middle-Income Country Institutions (D43) |
Activity Code |
D43 International Research Training Grant |
Announcement Type |
New |
Related Notices |
Request for information notice (NOT-TW-10-006); Notice to consolidate (NOT-TW-11-010); Clarification notice (NOT-TW-11-016);Notice to discontinue AITRP (NOT-TW-11-015); ICOHRTA AIDS TB (NOT-TW-11-014 )
Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Number |
PAR-12-068 |
Companion FOA |
PAR-12-069 (G11), PAR-12-070 (D71) |
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number(s) |
93.989, 93.279, 93.242, 93.398 |
FOA Purpose |
The purpose of this FOA is to encourage applications for research training programs to strengthen the HIV research capacity at low- and middle-income country (LMIC) institutions. Each application should propose a training program that will build or strengthen research capacity in an applicant-defined HIV-related scientific topic at an identified LMIC institution. Current AITRP and Phase II ICOHRTA AIDS TB award institutions are not eligible to submit applications under this FOA until the last year of their current AITRP or Phase II ICOHRTA AIDS TB project period. U.S. Institutions must have on-going HIV research collaborations with the LMIC institution named in their application to be eligible to apply Only LMIC institutions with a previous planning grant award under the AIDS International Training and Research Program (AITRP), an award under the Phase II (U2R) International Clinical, Operations and Health Services Research Training Award for AIDS and TB Program (ICOHRTA AIDS TB), or a planning grant award under this program (Planning Grant for HIV Research Training for Low-and Middle-Income Country Institutions D71 Award) may apply in response to this FOA. Other LMIC institutions should apply for a planning grant- see D71 FOA. |
Posted Date |
December 22, 2011 |
Open Date (Earliest Submission Date) |
June 24, 2012 |
Letter of Intent Due Date |
June 24, 2012, June 24, 2013, June 24, 2014 |
Application Due Date(s) |
July 24, 2012, July 24, 2013, July 24, 2014, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization. |
AIDS Application Due Date(s) |
Not applicable |
Scientific Merit Review |
October/November 2012, October/November 2013, October/November 2014 |
Advisory Council Review |
January 2013, January 2014, January 2015 |
Earliest Start Date(s) |
April 2013, April 2014, April 2015 |
Expiration Date |
(Now Expired April 26, 2013 per issuance of PAR-13-126), Originally July 25, 2014 |
Due Dates for E.O. 12372 |
Not Applicable |
Required Application Instructions
It is critical that applicants follow the instructions in the SF 424 (R&R) Application Guide especially the Supplemental Instructions to the SF424 (R&R) for Preparing Institutional Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Application, except where instructed to do otherwise (in this FOA or in a Notice from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts). Conformance to all requirements (both in the Application Guide and the FOA) is required and strictly enforced. Applicants must read and follow all application instructions in the Application Guide as well as any program-specific instructions noted in Section IV. When the program-specific instructions deviate from those in the Application Guide, follow the program-specific instructions. Applications that do not comply with these instructions may be delayed or not accepted for review.
Part 1. Overview Information
Part 2. Full Text of the Announcement
Section I. Funding Opportunity Description
Section II. Award Information
Section III. Eligibility Information
Section IV. Application and Submission
Section V. Application Review Information
Section VI. Award Administration Information
Section VII. Agency Contacts
Section VIII. Other Information
The overall goal of the Fogarty HIV Research Training Program is to strengthen the human capacity to contribute to the ability of institutions in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) to conduct HIV-related research on the evolving HIV-related epidemics in their country and to compete independently for research funding. See http://data.worldbank.org/about/country-classifications/country-and-lending-groups for the countries defined as low-and middle-income.
The Fogarty HIV Research Training Program encourages applications under three different Funding Opportunities Announcements (FOAs). The Fogarty International Center (FIC), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), through this FOA (D43), are encouraging applications to support research training to develop and strengthen the scientific leadership and expertise needed for HIV-related research at LMIC institutions. The second FOA (D71) (PAR-12-070) is to encourage planning grants to support LMIC institutions to develop an application to submit under this FOA . The third FOA (G11) will support applications from U.S. institutions for training in defined research infrastructure areas at LMIC institutions (PAR-12-069).
Current AITRP and Phase II ICOHRTA AIDS TB award institutions are not eligible to submit applications under this FOA until the last year of their current AITRP or Phase II ICOHRTA AIDS TB project period.
U.S. Institutions interested in applying under this FOA must have on-going HIV research collaborations with the LMIC institution named in their application to be eligible to apply
Only LMIC institutions with a previous planning grant award under the AIDS International Training and Research Program (AITRP), an award under the Phase II (U2R) International Clinical, Operations and Health Services Research Training Award for AIDS and TB Program (ICOHRTA AIDS TB), or a planning grant award under this program (Planning Grant for HIV Research Training for Low-and Middle-Income Country Institutions D71 Award) may apply in response to this FOA. Other LMIC institutions should apply for a planning grant- see D71 FOA.
The Fogarty International Center (FIC), with co-funding from other NIH Institutes, Centers and Offices, has provided 25 years of support to HIV research through two HIV research training programs, the AIDS International Training and Research Program (AITRP) and the International Clinical, Operations and Health Services Research Training Award for AIDS TB program (ICOHRTA AIDS TB). Awards under these two programs have supported research training of LMIC individuals who have participated in important HIV-related research, conducted at LMIC institutions and in partnership with U.S. and other international scientists and scientific institutions. Over the years, some of the most important recent scientific advances in HIV/AIDS, including interventions to reduce mother-to-child HIV transmission, to address HIV/TB co-infection, and to prevent HIV infection through behavior change, microbicides, and antiretroviral drugs, have been facilitated through partnerships with LMIC scientists and supported by the FIC research training programs.
Efforts to implement research findings within the context of increased provision of HIV prevention, care and treatment services in LMIC over the past ten years have led to the emergence of new research issues, such as combination HIV prevention interventions, better linking of newly diagnosed individuals into care programs, and integration of HIV programs with other health services. As LMICs implement HIV prevention, care and treatment programs for their populations, these and other, yet undefined, research issues will need evidenced based solutions. Because the social context of an LMIC will influence the research designed to answer these evolving research questions, LMIC institutions and their researchers, who intimately understand the social context of their country and with the research capacity to design and conduct the research, are best positioned to conduct the most relevant research, disseminate the results in-country, and influence policymakers, program managers and medical/public health practice. Continued investment in training to strengthen research and research capacity at LMIC institutions is needed to address the on-going HIV epidemic in LMICs.
FIC decided to consolidate the two FIC HIV research training programs in FY2013 into a new program, Fogarty HIV Research Training Program. This new program is designed to focus each individual research training award on specific research capacity at an identified LMIC institution. The new program will move beyond simple output indicators (number and type of people trained) to outcome indicators (increased research capacity at an institutional level) for more meaningful monitoring and evaluating both of individual awards and of the program as a whole.
The new program will provide an opportunity for LMIC institutions and their U.S. partners to collaborate to fill a gap in research capacity and bring the LMIC institution to a higher level of research capacity in a particular HIV-related topic. This new program will allow applicants to design training programs to increase the research capacity at LMIC institutions to address the long-standing unanswered questions as well as the new and emerging questions that have arisen as a result of recent scientific advances. It is anticipated that this approach will allow applicants to be more responsive to an emerging need at an LMIC institution for research capacity, and will provide more opportunities for LMIC institutions to collaborate with NIH and other U.S.G. funded efforts.
This FOA, under the Fogarty HIV Research Training Program, can support training for a broad range of HIV research areas: all basic, epidemiologic, clinical, behavioral, social science, implementation, operations, health services, and health systems research across HIV prevention, care and treatment; research on HIV co-infections, AIDs-defining and HIV-related cancers, co-morbidities and other health conditions, both infectious and non-infectious, that contribute to HIV transmission or poor health in HIV-infected individuals; research and research methodology for community-based research, complex and multi-component interventions, for structural interventions, for comparative effectiveness research, for impact evaluation or for health economics; HIV-related research among vulnerable or under-researched LMIC populations, including women, children, substance users, men who have sex with men, transgendered populations, aging populations, orphans and vulnerable children; training for clinical research team members to support clinical research and clinical trials; bio-statistics for research design and methodology, data analysis, data management, and data quality assurance and control; and laboratory capacity, bio-safety, and maintenance of lab quality assurance and control.
Each applicant will need to:
The selected topic or question may need expertise that crosses the research disciplines and methodologies (see HIV research areas listed above), and applicants are encouraged to develop research training programs in the various disciplines that are needed to address the specific scientific topic or question. The proposed training is expected to raise the LMIC institution to the next level of research capacity to be able to address the specific topic or question. In many cases, it is anticipated that the proposed program will complement other ongoing research training programs relevant to the specific scientific topic or question occurring at the LMIC institution. The applicant should describe these other research training programs at the LMIC institution, regardless of the source of funding, and explain what distinguishes the proposed training program from the other training programs, how their program will synergize with the others, if applicable, and make it clear that the pool of training staff, potential trainees, and resources are robust enough to support additional research training programs.
Awards made for applications in response to this FOA can support a mix of short-(three months or less), medium- (over three months and up to six months) and long-(six months and longer, including degree) term training to support increased research capacity in the specified scientific topic at the identified LMIC institution. Part-time long-term training is permitted but should be described and justified in the application. Emphasis should be on training that provides the theoretical and applied depth needed by an individual or by a group of LMIC individuals in the LMIC institution so that the research capacity gained in the identified scientific topic would be maintained at a level of high quality (i.e., produce results publishable in international peer-reviewed journals, support independent research grants, etc.) after the five-year training period.
Over time, it is anticipated that the LMIC institution could serve as a training site in the defined scientific topic for other LMIC institutions, and existing faculty and staff at the LMIC institution are eligible for further training to achieve this goal. The applicant may propose advanced training to support the career development of former trainees under this or other FIC training programs, as long as the rationale describes how the training would contribute to increased and sustainable research and training capacity in the identified scientific topic at the LMIC institution. Training models can be innovative, but must be appropriate for the context of the LMIC institution. Applicants may propose advanced training models to engage former AITRP and ICOHRTA AIDS TB trainees, who are employed in non-research positions at the LMIC institution, in meaningful research in the specific topic.
Training should take place at the most appropriate site for the proposed training. The training site may include institutions other than the applicant or LMIC institution named in the application. Distance learning with sufficient mentoring and support at the LMIC institution can be an option.
Training-related research must be conducted or use data from the country of the LMIC institution identified in the application. Where appropriate, the design of training-related research projects should take into account potential sex and gender differences that may affect the questions asked and the analyses performed. These might include different responses to and impacts of health interventions, differences in physiology, and different behavioral bases for disease prevention strategies.
Applicants are encouraged to review the FIC Strategic Plan at http://www.fic.nih.gov/About/Pages/Strategic-Plan.aspx and the NIH Plan for HIV-Related Research for the year they are applying, available at http://www.oar.nih.gov/strategicplan/. Applicants are also encouraged to explore research training in topics of interest to PEPFAR (http://www.pepfar.gov/) and the U.S. Global Health Initiative (http://www.ghi.gov/).
Funding Instrument |
Grant |
Application Types Allowed |
New |
Funds Available and Anticipated Number of Awards |
The number of awards is contingent upon NIH appropriations, and the submission of a sufficient number of meritorious applications. |
Award Budget |
Application budgets are limited to $282,000 direct costs. Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs requested by consortium participants are not included in the direct cost limitation, see NOT-OD-05-004. Facilities and administrative costs are limited to 8% for all awards and sub-awards. |
Award Project Period |
Five Years |
Stipends, Tuition, and Fees |
Stipends are provided as a subsistence allowance for trainees to help defray living expenses during the research training experience. Medium- and long-term trainees may be paid a stipend comparable to their professional experience and institutional policy, but stipend level should not exceed the NRSA levels (see NRSA Stipend levels at http://grants1.nih.gov/training/nrsa.htm#policy), or grantee institutional policies for trainees involved in medium- or long-term training. Partial stipends for part-time long-term trainees should reflect the amount of time they need to be supported for training in the budget and described in the budget justification Living expense for short-term trainees should be covered by per diem and included under travel expenses Funds for tuition and academic fees at the U.S. or a foreign institution may be requested. Note that health insurance is not included as part of this budget category, and is now included under the Training Related Expenses category. |
Trainee Travel |
Funds may be requested for round-trip economy class airfare on U.S. carriers (to the maximum extent possible). Funds may be requested for lodging and per diem for short-term trainees. Funds may be requested to support participation in international conferences and meetings in which current or former trainees will present training-related research results. Trainee travel to attend scientific meetings and workshops that the institution determines to be necessary for the individual’s research training experience is an allowable trainee expense. |
Training Related Expenses |
Applicants are encouraged to budget adequate professional development opportunities for trainees, including international scientific conference attendance. Training-related expenses (e.g., books, computers, and courses for software, English language proficiency, etc.) may be included but must be described in the budget justification. Funds for self-only or family medical insurance may be requested. Applications may include costs for short- term courses and those costs should be described in budget justification. Applicants may include costs to support mentored research projects conducted in his/her country for long-term trainees after they have completed their didactic training. Direct costs should be limited to up to $15,000 direct /project/trainee, and only one project allowed per trainee. All training-related research projects under this award must be independently peer-reviewed through scientific review procedures established by the applicant institution, with documentation of education in the protection of human subjects for the trainee, compliance with the required federal citations, and approval from an institutional (or ethical) review board or committee at the applicant institution and, if different, at the institution in which the research is being conducted. |
Other Program Related Expenses |
Senior/Key Personnel Salary: The salary for the PD/PI, other key personnel, training faculty and administrative staff must be commensurate with the salary structure and benefits at the institution where they are employed and within the limits described at http://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/salcap_summary.htm. Collaborators may receive appropriate compensation for significant activities on the program, such as recruitment and selection activities, as well as other program-related roles. The administrative, training or teaching responsibilities and time commitment for personnel receiving salary should be thoroughly described and justified. Senior/Key Personnel Travel: Funds may be requested for round-trip economy airfare on U.S. carriers (to the maximum extent possible) and lodging and per diem for the applicant for training responsibilities and to attend necessary meetings, including the annual program network meeting, normally in the U.S. Principal Investigators are expected to attend the network meeting, and may also budget for grant administrators, other faculty, collaborators and trainees to attend. |
Indirect Costs |
Indirect Costs (also known as Facilities & Administrative [F&A] Costs) are reimbursed at 8% of modified total direct costs (exclusive of tuition and fees and expenditures for equipment), rather than on the basis of a negotiated rate agreement. |
NIH grants policies as described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement will apply to the applications submitted and awards made in response to this FOA.
Higher Education Institutions
The following types of Higher Education Institutions are always encouraged to apply for NIH support as Public or Private Institutions of Higher Education:
Nonprofits Other Than Institutions of Higher Education
Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entities (Foreign Institutions) located in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Current AITRP and Phase II ICOHRTA AIDS TB award institutions are not eligible to submit applications under this FOA until the last year of their current AITRP or Phase II ICOHRTA AIDS TB project period.
U.S. Institutions must have on-going HIV research collaborations with the LMIC institution named in their application to be eligible to apply.
Only LMIC institutions with a previous planning grant award under the AIDS International Training and Research Program (AITRP), an award under the Phase II (U2R) International Clinical, Operations and Health Services Research Training Award for AIDS and TB Program (ICOHRTA AIDS TB), or a planning grant award under this program (Planning Grant for HIV Research Training for Low-and Middle-Income Country Institutions D71 Award) may apply in response to this FOA. Other LMIC institutions should apply for a planning grant- see D71 FOA.
The applicant institution must assure support for the proposed program. The LMIC institution named in an application from a domestic institution must also demonstrate institutional commitment to the proposed training by identifying a tangible means of support for the proposed program. Appropriate institutional commitment to the program includes the provision of adequate staff, facilities, and educational resources that can contribute to the planned program. Applicants are encouraged to maximize the number of trainees supported under the award by exploring institutional support for reduced tuition, trainee stipend, trainee research expenses, and key personnel salary and travel.
The applicant institution must have a strong and high quality HIV research program in the scientific topic proposed under this FOA and must have the requisite faculty and facilities committed for the proposed research training program. A substantial number of program faculty will have active HIV research projects in which participating trainees may gain relevant mentored research experiences consistent with their interests and goals. The proposed research training program should complement other ongoing research and research training programs at the LMIC institution.
Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entities (Foreign Institutions) located in Low- and Middle-Income Countries are eligible to apply.
Non-domestic (non-U.S.) components of U.S. Organizations are
not eligible to apply.
Foreign components, as defined in the NIH Grants Policy Statement, are allowed.
Applicant organizations must complete the following registrations
as described in the SF 424 (R&R) Application Guide to be eligible to apply
for or receive an award. Applicants must have a valid Dun and Bradstreet
Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number in order to begin each of the
following registrations.
All Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) (PD(s)/PI(s))
must also work with their institutional officials to register with the eRA
Commons or ensure their existing eRA Commons account is affiliated with the eRA
Commons account of the applicant organization.
All registrations must be completed by the
application due date. Applicant organizations are strongly encouraged to start
the registration process at least 4-6 weeks prior to the application due date. Registrations for international institutions may take
up to 4 months. Guidance for International Applicants Blocked from
Registration Websites NOT-OD-11-090.
International applicants may obtain more information on the registrations required for grants.gov and eRA Commons at:
Any individual(s) with the skills, knowledge, and resources
necessary to carry out the proposed HIV research training as the Program
Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) (PD(s)/PI(s)) is invited to work with
his/her organization to develop an application for support. Women and individuals
from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups as well as individuals with
disabilities are always encouraged to apply for NIH support.
For institutions/organizations proposing multiple PD(s)/PI(s), visit the Multiple
Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) Policy and submission details in
the Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) Component of the SF 424 (R&R)
Application Guide.
The PD(s)/PI(s) should be an established investigator in the scientific area in
which the application is targeted and capable of providing both administrative
and scientific leadership to the development and implementation of the proposed
program. The PD(s)/PI(s) will be expected to monitor and assess the program and
submit all documents and reports as required.
PD(s)/PI(s) on applications from U.S. institutions must demonstrate a history
of relevant research collaboration with researchers or faculty at the LMIC
The PD(s)/PI(s) on a D71 award under the Fogarty HIV Research Training Program is expected to be the PD(s)/PI(s) on the respective D43 application.
This FOA does not require cost sharing as defined in the NIH Grants Policy Statement.
Applicant organizations may submit more than one application, provided that each application is programmatically and scientifically distinct.
NIH will not accept any application in response to this FOA that is essentially the same as one currently pending initial peer review unless the applicant withdraws the pending application. NIH will not accept any application that is essentially the same as one already reviewed. Resubmission applications may be submitted, according to the NIH Policy on Resubmission Applications from the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide.
Current AITRP and ICOHRTA AIDS TB award institutions are not eligible to submit applications under this FOA until the last year of their current AITRP or ICOHRTA AIDS TB project period.
Researchers from diverse backgrounds, including racial and
ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, and women are encouraged to
participate as mentors. Mentors should have research expertise and experience
relevant to the proposed program. Mentors must be committed to continue their
involvement throughout the total period of the award. Applications should include descriptions of the roles and
bio-sketches for relevant faculty, mentors and other teaching staff expected to
participate in the proposed research training program and contribute to its
ability to bring the LMIC institution to the next level of capacity in the
specified scientific topic.
Only individuals from the LMICs are eligible for training under this FOA
Applicants must download the SF424 (R&R) application package associated with this funding opportunity using the Apply for Grant Electronically button in this FOA or following the directions provided at Grants.gov.
It is critical that applicants follow the instructions in
the SF424
(R&R) Application Guide, except where instructed in this funding
opportunity announcement to do otherwise. Conformance to the requirements in
the Application Guide is required and strictly enforced. Applications that are
out of compliance with these instructions may be delayed or not accepted for
For information on Application Submission and Receipt, visit Frequently
Asked Questions Application Guide, Electronic Submission of Grant
Letter of Intent
Although a letter of intent is not required, is not binding, and does not enter into the review of a subsequent application, the information that it contains allows IC staff to estimate the potential review workload and plan the review.
By the date listed in Part 1. Overview Information, prospective applicants are asked to submit a letter of intent that includes the following information:
The letter of intent should be sent to:
Jeanne McDermott
Program Officer
Division of International Training and Research
Fogarty International Center, NIH
Bldg 31 Rm B2 C39
31 Center Dr. MSC 2220
Bethesda MD 20892-2220 U.S.A
Telephone: 301-496-1492
Email: [email protected]
The forms package associated with this FOA includes all applicable components, mandatory and optional. Please note that some components marked optional in the application package are required for submission of applications for this FOA. Follow the instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide to ensure you complete all appropriate optional components.
All page limitations described in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide and the Table of Page Limits must be followed.
Item 12. Proposed Project Start and Ending Dates - Use the Earliest Anticipated Start Dates given in this FOA as the Proposed Project Start Date.
Include the applicant institution, the identified LMIC institution in the application and any other participating institutions, both U.S. and foreign as performance sites.
Follow all instructions provided in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide for Preparing Institutional Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA), with the following modification:
Project Summary /Abstract
Provide an abstract of the entire application, including the long-term goals and objectives of the program, key elements of the research training plan, and brief descriptions of planned research training program. Include the country and name of the LMIC institution and the specified scientific topic for which research training is being proposed. Include the rationale and design of the program, the expected increased research capacity and the measures the applicant will use to demonstrate that increased capacity.
Project Narrative - Include the name of the LMIC and the LMIC institution, the specified scientific topic for which research training is being proposed, and describe the public health relevance of the increased research capacity to the LMIC institution.
Advisory Committee (Uploaded via the Other Attachments section)
A plan must be provided for the appointment of a Training Advisory Committee (TAC) to monitor progress. Responsibilities, frequency of meetings, and other relevant information should be included. Describe the composition of the Training Advisory Committee, identifying the role and the desired expertise of each member. The Training Advisory Committee should be composed of expert faculty and relevant professionals from the U.S. and the specific LMIC as well as other countries and who are not directly involved in the training program or in mentoring trainees. They should be included as key personnel as described in SF 424(R&R) Senior/Key Person Profile Expanded Component.
Describe how the Advisory Committee will function in providing oversight of the development, implementation, and evaluation of recruitment strategies, the recruitment and retention of candidates, scientific review of trainee projects, and the evaluation of the overall effectiveness of the program. Please name your file Advisory_Committee.pdf
The filename provided for each Other Attachment will be the name used for the bookmark in the electronic application in eRA Commons.
Follow the directions in SF424 for whom to include as Senior or key personnel. In addition,
Follow all instructions provided in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide with the following modifications:
NIH defines a Postdoctoral scholar as an individual who has received a doctoral degree (or equivalent) and is engaged in a temporary and defined period of mentored advanced training to enhance the professional skills and research independence needed to pursue his or her chosen career path (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/glossary.htm#P) .
Enter the number of trainees for degree training (master’s and doctoral level) in the section labeled Predoctoral , for those without a doctoral degree, (MD, PhD etc.). Request tuition for the degree program and a stipend level appropriate for the educational background of the trainee and location of training. .
Enter the number of post doctoral trainees (prior doctoral degree) non-degree seeking and degree seeking as indicated. Request any necessary tuition and a stipend level appropriate for the educational background of the trainee and location of training.
Enter the number of trainees without a prior doctoral degree and who will receive non-degree training in the section labeled Other. Request any necessary tuition and a stipend level appropriate for the educational background of the trainee and location of training.
Enter the total stipends and tuition for all categories. Partial stipends for part time long term trainees should reflect the amount of time they need to be supported for training in the budget and described in the budget justification.
Part B. Other Direct Costs
Enter the total costs for Trainee Travel, Training Related Expenses, Total Direct Costs from R&R Budget Form and Consortium Training Costs (if applicable).
Consortium Training Costs (if applicable) -If training occurs at more than one institution, and any transfer of funds between institutions occurs, the Training Sub-award Budget Attachment Form should be used for each sub-award institution for each period for which trainee funding is being sought. (See Section 4.8 of the Grants.gov SF 424 R&R Application Guide). Total the direct costs from each of the Training Sub-award Budget Attachment Forms for the period and insert here. The applicant institution is responsible and accountable for any arrangements, expenditures, and submission of all required forms when more than one institution is involved in the research training program.
Use Section F to attach one pdf file with detailed budget justification for training costs for the applicant and any sub-award institutions.
Use Section A to submit costs for Senior/Key personnel.
Use Section B to enter salary support for administrative staff.
Use Section D to submit costs for key personnel and faculty travel including annual network meeting.
Use Section F for other costs and describe fully in budget justification. If consortium sub-awards include costs for faculty and administrative expenses, total these consortium costs for the period and include here.
All Supplemental Instructions to the SF424 (R&R) for Preparing Institutional Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Application must be followed, with the additional instructions described below:
Use the directions below for items 2-5 of the PHS398 Research Training Program Attachments, in place of the instructions in the 424 Application Guide:
Program Administration (Component of Program Plan)
Describe the strengths, leadership and administrative skills, and scientific expertise of the Training PD(s)/PI(s) including relevant scientific or professional background and research training experience in specific LMIC and, if relevant, other LMICs. Include the planned strategy and administrative structure to be used to oversee and monitor the program. For applications with multiple PD(s)/PIs, address the Leadership Plan and how the combined knowledge, skills and experience of the individual PD(s)/PI(s) will enhance the likelihood of success of the program. Indicate the level of effort and activities for which the PD(s)/PI(s) will be responsible. Describe the decision-making process, including how the PD(s)/PI(s) will obtain continuing advice from the TAC. For U.S. applicants, describe the role of the LMIC Key Collaborator in the development and administration of the proposed research training program.
Program Faculty (Component of Program Plan)
Describe in general terms the complementary expertise and experiences of the proposed mentors. Provide an overview of their active research and other scholarly activities, as well as track records of mentoring and training.
Do not complete Tables 1 and 3.
Table 2. Participating Faculty Members -Include information relevant to the proposed training program for faculty and professionals who will be involved as faculty or mentors from all participating performance sites.
Referring to the faculty and professionals listed in Table 2, provide a short description of their research or expertise for each that is relevant to their role in the proposed training plan in the narrative. Include relevant information for each on their past training record and the subsequent success of former trainees, especially those from LMICs, in pursuing further career development and in establishing productive research careers.
Proposed Training (Component of Program Plan)
Provide an overview of the proposed program: Describe the immediate and long-term objectives of the program, including activities that will be used to ensure that the objectives of the program are met. Include information about planned courses, curricula, seminars, workshops, or tutorials that will be incorporated into the training program and mentored research experiences and activities. Provide a five-year training implementation plan that provides the rationale for the balance of training options (degree-related and non-degree, long-, medium- and short-term training), the areas/disciplines selected for training and the training sites selected for the training. Describe courses and research opportunities that will be available to trainees at each of the participating institutions or other identified training sites. Describe a plan for mentorship that will support trainees while in formal coursework and while conducting training-related research relevant to the specified scientific topic. Describe the plans for the integration of the proposed training with other relevant capacity building activities at the LMIC institution. Institutions with existing training or career development programs must explain what distinguishes this program from the others, how the programs will synergize, if applicable, and justify that the faculty, pool of potential trainees, and resources are robust enough to support additional programs. The description should include planned strategies to be used to ensure that the objectives are met. The PD/PI should also describe past research career development activities/experiences including those of mentors, documenting the success of former trainees in establishing independent productive scientific careers.
Program Evaluation (Component of Program Plan)
Describe an evaluation plan to review and determine the effectiveness of the program. This should include plans to obtain feedback from current and former scholars to help identify weaknesses and to provide suggestions for program improvements. . Describe the mechanism to be used to annually review the capacity measures, the progress of your trainees and other indications of the effectiveness of your training program. Describe the roles of the faculty and professional staff at the applicant and LMIC institution, if U.S. applicant, and all other participating institutions, of current and former trainees, and of the TAC in the review process. Specified evaluation metrics should be tied to the goals of the program. Define measures that will be used to demonstrate increased research capacity at the end of the five-year funding period in the specific scientific topic for which the training program is proposed. Describe how the data for those measures will be collected and how they will be monitored over the five-year period. Describe strategies that will be used to support the LMIC institution to achieve a level of research capacity for which it can become a research training center for the specified scientific topic. Include a plan for data entry of trainee information into CareerTrac, the web-based Fogarty Trainee Tracking System (see Section VI 3 Other Reporting Requirements below). Evaluation results should be included in future competing continuation (renewal) applications and in the Final Progress Report.
Trainee Candidates (Component of Program Plan)
Describe in general terms the pool of potential candidates including information about the types of prior clinical and research training and the expected career level required for the program. Do not name prospective trainees. Describe plans to recruit candidates and explain how these plans will be implemented Describe the role of the LMIC institution faculty and the TAC in the recruitment and selection process. Describe the evaluation criteria to be used in the selection of trainees. Criteria should include a list of standards that will be used to ensure that trainees have appropriate prior training and experience, are likely to complete the training, and are likely to contribute to the increased capacity of the LMIC institution in the specified scientific area. Describe recruitment efforts to attract women and other populations who are under-represented in sciences in that LMIC to apply for training opportunities. Provide brief summaries of training plans that the program will employ. The application should contain a description of how training plans will be tailored to the needs of the prospective candidates, taking into account their past experiences and competences. Describe a plan for retaining students in the program until completion. Describe strategies that will be used to encourage and prepare trainees to pursue further research opportunities in their LMIC. .
Institutional Environment and Commitment to the Program (Component of Program Plan)
Describe the institutional support and commitment to the goals of the training program by the LMIC institution, and for U.S. applicants, also by the U.S institution. The application should include a description of support (financial and otherwise) to be provided to the proposed program. This could include, for example, space, shared laboratory facilities and equipment, funds for curriculum development, release time for the PD(s)/PI(s) and/or participating faculty, support for additional trainees in the program, or any other innovative approaches to improve the climate for the establishment and growth of the training program. Include support provided by the LMIC to trainees upon completion of their training experiences. Letters of support describing this support should be included under item 14: Letters of Support.
Do not complete Tables 7A, 7B, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B and 10.
Recruitment and Retention Plan to Enhance Diversity
This section not required for this FOA.
Plan for Instruction in the Responsible Conduct of Research
Individuals are required to comply with the instructions for Plan for Instruction in the Responsible Conduct of Research as provided in Chapter 8 of the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide.
Do not use the Appendix to circumvent page limits. Follow all instructions for the Appendix as described in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide.
Part I. Overview Information contains information about Key Dates. Applicants are encouraged to submit in
advance of the deadline to ensure they have time to make any application
corrections that might be necessary for successful submission.
Organizations must submit applications via Grants.gov, the online portal to find and apply for grants
across all Federal agencies. Applicants must then complete the submission
process by tracking the status of the application in the eRA Commons, NIH’s electronic system for grants
Applicants are
responsible for viewing their application in the eRA Commons to ensure accurate
and successful submission.
Information on the submission process and a definition of on-time
submission are provided in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide.
This initiative is not subject to intergovernmental review.
All NIH awards are subject to the terms and conditions, cost
principles, and other considerations described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement.
Pre-award costs are allowable only as described in the NIH
Grants Policy Statement.
Applications must be submitted electronically following the instructions described in the SF 424 (R&R) Application Guide. Paper applications will not be accepted.
Applicants must complete all required registrations before the application due date. Section III. Eligibility Information contains information about registration.
For assistance with your electronic application or for more information on the electronic submission process, visit Applying Electronically.
Important reminders:
All PD(s)/PI(s) must include their eRA Commons ID in
the Credential field of the Senior/Key Person Profile Component of the
SF 424(R&R) Application Package. Failure to register in the Commons
and to include a valid PD(s)/PI(s) Commons ID in the credential field will
prevent the successful submission of an electronic application to NIH.
The applicant organization must ensure that the DUNS number it provides on the
application is the same number used in the organization’s profile in the eRA
Commons and for the Central Contractor Registration (CCR). Additional
information may be found in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide.
See more
tips for avoiding common errors.
Upon receipt, applications will be evaluated for completeness by the Center for Scientific Review, NIH. Applications that are incomplete will not be reviewed.
Applicants are required to follow the instructions for post-submission materials, as described in NOT-OD-10-115,
Only the review criteria described below will be considered in the review process. As part of the NIH mission, all applications submitted to the NIH in support of biomedical and behavioral research are evaluated for scientific and technical merit through the NIH peer review system.
For this particular announcement, note the following: The
research training proposed should be evaluated for its expected impact on
bringing the identified LMIC institution to the next level of capacity in the
scientific topic proposed in the application. The applicant should provide a
clear rationale for the selection of the particular scientific topic as
critical to the research capacity of the LMIC institution. The applicant
should describe how the proposed training will build or strengthen the LMIC
institutional capacity in that scientific topic. While the applicant can and
should collaborate and leverage other efforts at the designated LMIC
institution, regardless of funding source, the application will need to
demonstrate that the proposed training is distinct and not duplicative of
other efforts at the LMIC institution in that specific scientific topic.
Reviewers will provide an overall impact/priority score to reflect their assessment of the likelihood for the program to exert a sustained, powerful influence on the HIV- research capacity in LMIC institutions, in consideration of the following review criteria and additional review criteria (as applicable for the project proposed).
Reviewers will consider each of the review criteria below in the determination of scientific merit, and give a separate score for each. An application does not need to be strong in all categories to be judged likely to have major scientific impact.
Training Program and Environment
Will the proposed training fill a gap that is critical to the HIV-related research capacity of the LMIC institution? Will the proposed training contribute to bringing the LMIC to the next level of research capacity in the specified scientific topic? Do the objectives, design, direction and mix of short-, medium- and long- term training in the defined research areas proposed for the training program ensure effective research training in the specified scientific topic?
To what extent does the proposed training program take advantage of the LMIC institution’s research infrastructure and of previous and current investments and support from FIC, NIH, and other organizations? Is it duplicative of research training in the specified scientific topic that has been or is currently being provided by others at the LMIC institution? Has the applicant proposed a training plan that includes components to enhance sustainability of the research capacity and will support high quality research?
Is there evidence of a significant level of institutional commitment to support the program from both applicant and LMIC institutions? Have the LMIC and/or the participating institutions committed additional resources that will strengthen the ability of the proposed research training to increase the research capacity at the LMIC institution? Are the strategies for trainees to be engaged in the HIV-related research relevant to the specified scientific topic at the LMIC institution sufficient? How strong is the history of collaborations among the faculty/mentors at the participating institutions? How well will these collaborations serve as a platform for the proposed training?
Is the Training Advisory Committee constructed to achieve the functions defined in this FOA? Are the plans adequate for review of training-related research for scientific review and compliance with federal requirements for protection of human subjects in research and animal care and use in research?
Training Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) (PD(s)/PI(s))
Does the Training PD(s)/PI(s) have the scientific background, expertise, and experience to provide strong leadership, direction, management, and administration of the proposed research training program? Does the Training PD(s)/PI(s) plan to commit sufficient time to the program to ensure its success? Is sufficient administrative and research training support provided for the program?
For applications designating multiple PD(s)/PI(s): Is a strong justification provided that the multiple PD(s)/PI(s) leadership approach will benefit the training program and the trainees? Is a strong and compelling leadership approach evident, including the designated roles and responsibilities, governance, and organizational structure consistent with and justified by the aims of the training program and with the complementary expertise of each of the PD(s)/PI(s)?
Do the PD/PI and Research Administrator (if applicable), have the experience to develop, direct and administer the proposed program? Does the leadership team bring complementary and integrated expertise to the program? Is there evidence that an appropriate level of effort will be devoted by the program leadership to ensure program objectives? Are the research qualifications, scientific stature, previous leadership and mentoring experience, and track record(s) appropriate for the proposed career development program? Are the PD(s)/PI(s) currently engaged in research relevant to the scientific area of the proposed program?
Are sufficient numbers of experienced preceptors/mentors with appropriate expertise and funding available to support the number and level of trainees proposed in the application? Do they have experience with training for LMIC trainees? Do the preceptors/mentors have strong records as researchers, including successful competition for research support in areas directly related to the proposed research training program? How successful have the proposed faculty and mentors been in providing training in the specified scientific topic? Have their previous trainees been successful in completing their training and applying the new knowledge and skills?
Is a recruitment plan proposed with strategies to
attract high quality trainees? Are there well-defined and justified selection
criteria and retention strategies? Is a competitive applicant pool in
sufficient numbers to warrant the proposed size and levels of the training
program in evidence?
Training Record
How well has the applicant defined measures that can be used to demonstrate increased capacity in the specified scientific area at the end of the five-year funding period? Does the program have a rigorous evaluation plan to assess the quality and effectiveness of the training over the five-year period? How adequate is the proposed method to monitor the long-term impact of the training experience on the subsequent research capacity at the LMIC institution and the careers of trainees?
As applicable for the project proposed, reviewers will evaluate the following additional items while determining scientific and technical merit, and in providing an overall impact/priority score, but will not give separate scores for these items.
Protections for Human Subjects
Generally not applicable. Reviewers should bring any concerns to the attention of the Scientific Review Officer.
Inclusion of Women, Minorities, and Children
Generally not applicable. Reviewers should bring any concerns to the attention of the Scientific Review Officer.
Vertebrate Animals
Generally not applicable. Reviewers should bring any concerns to the attention of the Scientific Review Officer.
Generally not applicable. Reviewers should bring any concerns to the attention of the Scientific Review Officer.
For Resubmissions, the committee will evaluate the application as now presented, taking into consideration the responses to comments from the previous scientific review group and changes made to the project.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
As applicable for the project proposed, reviewers will consider each of the following items, but will not give scores for these items, and should not consider them in providing an overall impact/priority score.
Recruitment & Retention Plan to Enhance Diversity
Not Applicable.
Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research
Taking into account the specific characteristics of the training program, level of trainee experience, and the particular circumstances of the trainees, the reviewers will address the following questions. Does the plan satisfactorily address the format of instruction, e.g., lectures, coursework and/or real-time discussion groups? Do plans include a sufficiently broad selection of subject matter, such as conflict of interest, authorship, data management, human subjects and animal use, and laboratory safety? Do the plans adequately describe how faculty will participate in the instruction? Does the plan meet the minimum requirements for RCR, i.e., eight contact hours of instruction every four years? Plans and past record will be rated as acceptable or unacceptable, and the summary statement will provide the consensus of the review committee.
Select Agent Research
Not Applicable.
Budget and Period of Support
Reviewers will consider whether the budget and the requested period of support are fully justified and reasonable in relation to the proposed research.
Applications will be evaluated for scientific and technical merit by (an) appropriate Scientific Review Group(s) of the Center for Scientific Review, in accordance with NIH peer review policy and procedures, using the stated review criteria. Review assignments will be shown in the eRA Commons.
As part of the scientific peer review, all applications:
Applications will be assigned to the appropriate NIH Institute or Center. Applications will compete for available funds with all other recommended applications . Following initial peer review, recommended applications will receive a second level of review by the FIC Advisory Board. The following will be considered in making funding decisions:
After the peer review of the application is completed, the
PD(s)/PI(s) will be able to access his or her Summary Statement (written
critique) via the eRA Commons.
Information regarding the disposition of applications is available in the NIH
Grants Policy Statement.
If the application is under consideration for funding, NIH
will request "just-in-time" information from the applicant as
described in the NIH
Grants Policy Statement.
A formal notification in the form of a Notice of Award (NoA) will be provided
to the applicant organization for successful applications. The NoA signed by
the grants management officer is the authorizing document and will be sent via
email to the grantee’s business official.
Awardees must comply with any funding restrictions described in Section IV.5. Funding Restrictions. Selection
of an application for award is not an authorization to begin performance. Any
costs incurred before receipt of the NoA are at the recipient's risk. These
costs may be reimbursed only to the extent considered allowable pre-award costs.
Any application awarded in response to this FOA will be subject to the DUNS,
CCR Registration, and Transparency Act requirements as noted on the Award
Conditions and Information for NIH Grants website.
All NIH grant and cooperative agreement awards include the NIH Grants Policy Statement as part of the NoA. For these terms of award, see the NIH Grants Policy Statement Part II: Terms and Conditions of NIH Grant Awards, Subpart A: General and Part II: Terms and Conditions of NIH Grant Awards, Subpart B: Terms and Conditions for Specific Types of Grants, Grantees, and Activities. More information is provided at Award Conditions and Information for NIH Grants.
Awards made primarily for educational purposes are exempted from the PHS invention requirements and thus invention reporting is not required, as described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement.
Not Applicable.
The Non-Competing
Continuation Grant Progress Report (PHS 2590) and financial statements as described
in the NIH
Grants Policy Statement are required annually. Continuation support
will not be provided until the required forms are submitted and accepted. Chapter
8 of the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide, Additional Instructions for
Preparing a Progress Report for an Institutional Research Training Grant,
Including Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards, must be
followed. In addition, awards providing funds for mentored research projects
by long-term trainees must report on the trainees and mentors selected for
funding, the status of the research projects, and any resulting publications.
Failure by the grantee institution to submit required forms
in a timely, complete, and accurate manner may result in an expenditure
disallowance or a delay in any continuation funding for the award.
The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (Transparency Act), includes a requirement for awardees of Federal grants to report information about first-tier subawards and executive compensation under Federal assistance awards issued in FY2011 or later. All awardees of applicable NIH grants and cooperative agreements are required to report to the Federal Subaward Reporting System (FSRS) available at www.fsrs.gov on all subawards over $25,000. See the NIH Grants Policy Statement for additional information on this reporting requirement.
Grantees will be requested to enter information annually concerning long- term trainees into FIC s CareerTrac, a database to track the training history and accomplishments of trainees over time. The database will be made available to grantees after the award is made.
A final Progress Report and the expenditure data portion of the Federal Financial Report are required for closeout of an award as described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement. Evaluation results should be included as part of the final Progress Report.
In carrying out its stewardship of human resource-related programs, the NIH may request information essential to an assessment of the effectiveness of this program from databases and from participants themselves. Participants may be contacted after the completion of this award for periodic updates on various aspects of their employment history, publications, support from research grants or contracts, honors and awards, professional activities, and other information helpful in evaluating the impact of the program.
We encourage inquiries
concerning this funding opportunity and welcome the opportunity to answer questions
from potential applicants.
Customer Support (Questions regarding Grants.gov registration and
submission, downloading or navigating forms)
Contact Center Phone: 800-518-4726
Email: [email protected]
GrantsInfo (Questions regarding application instructions and
process, finding NIH grant resources)
Telephone 301-710-0267
TTY 301-451-5936
Email: [email protected]
eRA Commons Help Desk(Questions regarding eRA Commons
registration, tracking application status, post submission issues)
Phone: 301-402-7469 or 866-504-9552 (Toll Free)
TTY: 301-451-5939
Email: [email protected]
Jeanne McDermott
Fogarty International Center (FIC)
Telephone: 301-496-1492
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Geraldina Dominguez
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Telephone: 301-496-3204
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Richard Jenkins
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Telephone: 301-443-1923
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Willo Pequegnat
National Institute of Mental Health
Telephone: 301-443-1187
Email: [email protected]
Hilary D. Sigmon, Ph.D., R.N.
Center for Scientific Review (CSR)
Telephone: 301-357-9236
Email: [email protected]
Bruce Butrum
Fogarty International Center (FIC)
Telephone: 301-496-1670
Email: [email protected]
Shane Woodward
National Cancer Institute
Telephone: 301 496-8791
Email: [email protected]
Maryellen Connell
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Telephone: 301-774-3803
Email: [email protected]
Rita Sisco
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Telephone: (301) 443-2805
Email: [email protected]
Recently issued trans-NIH policy notices may affect your application submission. A full list of policy notices published by NIH is provided in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. All awards are subject to the terms and conditions, cost principles, and other considerations described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement.
Awards are made under the authorization of Section 487 of the Public Health Service Act as amended (42 USC 288) and under Federal Regulations 42 CFR 66.
Awards are made under the authorization of Sections 301 and 405 of the Public Health Service Act as amended (42 USC 287b) and under Federal Regulations 42 CFR Part 63a.
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