Release Date:  July 19, 1999

National Institutes of Health

The revised (12/98) PHS 416-1 (Application for an Individual National Research
Service Award) and PHS 416-9 (Application for Continuation of an Individual
National Research Service Award) forms and instructions are now available, and
may now be used by applicants.  For the August 5, 1999 application receipt
date, both the 12/98 and 8/95 versions of the forms will be accepted.  The new
forms must be used for receipt dates of December 5, 1999 and thereafter.

The new PHS 416-1 and PHS 416-9 application instructions and forms are
available on the NIH grants Web site at 
Applicants are encouraged to access the application instructions and forms via
the Internet; however, single hard copies will be available from Offices of 
Sponsored Programs at most research organizations.  The Offices of Sponsored
Programs may order bulk quantities by e-mail, anticipating their needs for six
to twelve months, from Grants Information, Division of Extramural Outreach and
Information Resources. Applicants who do not have an Office of Sponsored 
Programs, or access to the Internet, may also order copies from Grants
Information.  Requests for hard copies of the PHS 416-1 and PHS 416-9 forms
and instructions should be made to:

Grants Information
Division of Extramural Outreach and Information Resources
National Institutes of Health
6701 Rockledge Drive, Suite 6095
Bethesda, MD  20892-7910
Telephone:  (301) 710-0267
Email:  [email protected]

Provide a complete mailing address, the number of copies (not boxes) needed,
an e-mail address and telephone number.

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