June 28, 2023
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)
This Notice announces the availability of administrative supplements for active awards (e.g., award not in an extension period) funded through the NCATS ASPIRE Program notice of funding opportunity RFA-TR-21-001: New Chemistries for Un-drugged Targets through A Specialized Platform for Innovative Research Exploration (ASPIRE) Collaborative Research Program (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trials Not Allowed).
This supplemental funding is intended to bolster the integrated nature of the ASPIRE Program by providing support for implementation of the virtual approaches utilized by the award recipients of RFA-TR-21-002 Virtual Approaches Towards New Chemistries for Un-drugged Targets through A Specialized Platform for Innovative Research Exploration (ASPIRE) Collaborative Research Program (U18 Clinical Trials Not Allowed) . The supplemental support will focus on implementing synergistic solutions that are within the currently approved scope of the aims described by the award recipients of RFA-TR-21-001 to enhance the capabilities of the ASPIRE Laboratory. Only active award recipients of RFA-TR-21-001 may apply for this administrative supplement opportunity.
The NCATS ASPIRE Program develops innovative and catalytic approaches to the drug development paradigm through development of: (1) expanded access to chemical space relevant to the development of therapeutics through applied automation technologies; (2) data-mining and analysis tools (3) experimental design and execution technologies; (4) high throughput reaction screening and biological assaying technology. The ultimate goal of the NCATS ASPIRE Program is the development of an integrated platform that scientists can use for advancing translational science relevant to development and pre-clinical testing of new and safer treatments for a wide spectrum of diseases and conditions. The approaches being developed through ASPIRE are intended to be applicable to any translational problem. The ASPIRE program is collaborative by design and encourages open discussion among award recipients to facilitate development of proposed solutions and their integration in the ASPIRE platform.
The extramural ASPIRE Program published the above notices of funding opportunity to the greater scientific community for the development of tools and technologies to improve the capabilities of the NCATS ASPIRE Laboratory.
The work between the NCATS ASPIRE Laboratory and the award recipients is ongoing. In January 2023, the recipients were invited to the ASPIRE Laboratory to meet, familiarize themselves with the ASPIRE Laboratory at NCATS, discuss the technologies they are incorporating into the laboratory and present their progress thus far. During the meeting, aspects of the virtual solutions from the RFA-TR-21-002 award recipients were identified as being within the scope and meaningful to incorporate within the RFA-TR-21-001 projects for implementation through collaboration between the two groups. We seek to provide supplemental funding to support the synergy between the virtual and physical components being developed for the ASPIRE Laboratory.
Specific Areas of Research Interest
Applications submitted in response to this NOSI should address one or more of the following research objectives:
Administrative Review
NIH will conduct administrative reviews of submitted applications and will support the most meritorious applications based upon the programmatic priorities and availability of funds.
The following administrative criteria will be used to assess the supplement requests and should be addressed in the application.
The extent to which the collaborations proposed in the supplement request provide additional benefit(s) to the physical platforms funded through RFA-TR-21-001 will be considered in assessing the merit of the proposed activities. Examples of additional benefit(s) include, but are not limited to:
Application and Submission Information
Applications for this initiative must be submitted using the following opportunity or its subsequent reissued equivalent:
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed, with the following additions:
Reporting Requirements
Recipients of administrative supplements are required to report progress associated with the supplement activities in the annual Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) and/or the Final RPPR, as applicable. For these supplements, the reporting expectation is that major accomplishments during the relevant budget period are listed explicitly and with enough detail to allow evaluation of progress. Additionally, if funding will continue into the next budget period, planned activities should be discussed at the same level of granularity. Failure to comply with these reporting requirements may result in delayed processing of the non-competing continuation and/or delays of the award closeout.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to notify the program contact at NCATS and the Institute supporting the parent award (if applicable) that a request has been submitted in response to this NOSI to facilitate efficient processing of the request.
Applications that do not meet these requirements will not be considered for this NOSI initiative.
Please direct all inquiries to:
Dobrila Rudnicki
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences
Phone: 301-594-2080
Email: [email protected]