Change in Application Types for PAR-15-361 NIOSH Centers of Excellence for Total Worker Health (U19)

Notice Number: NOT-OH-17-012

Key Dates
Release Date: September 12, 2017

Related Announcements

Issued by
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)


NIOSH will not accept New or Resubmission applications for new Centers for the November 30, 2017 Receipt Date
Funds are not expected to be available in FY2018 for New or Resubmission Center applications.
As a result, NIOSH will not accept New or Resubmission applications for Centers of Excellence for Total Worker Health for the November 30, 2017 receipt date. Any such applications that are submitted will be returned and not peer reviewed.

NIOSH will accept Revision applications from current Centers for the November 30, 2017 Receipt Date
NIOSH will accept Revision applications (formerly known as Competing Supplements) for Research Core projects in accordance with the guidance and funding limits stated in PAR-15-361. Funding will be contingent on the number of meritorious applications received and available FY2018 funds.

Project periods up to 3 years may be requested. The review criteria stated in PAR-15-361 apply. Applications are due by November 30, 2017.

Letters of Intent for Revision applications requested by September 15, 2017
Current Centers are requested to inform NIOSH of their plans for submitting applications by September 15, 2017. If additional time is needed, please contact Dr. Nina Turner (304.285.5976;

Please include the following information:

  • Title for each proposed research project (including pilot/feasibility program);
  • Names, addresses, and telephone numbers for the Center Director and the principal investigators for each project;
  • Names of other key personnel;
  • Participating institution(s); and
  • NIOSH Centers of Excellence for Total Worker Health PAR-15-361.

Centers are strongly encouraged to direct their inquiries to the contacts listed below prior to submitting a Revision application.


Please direct all inquiries to:

For scientific/research inquiries, contact:
Maria Lioce, MD
Telephone: 404-498-2575

For peer review inquiries, contact:
Nina Turner, PhD
Telephone: 304-285-5976

For financial or grants management inquiries, contact:
Mary Pat Shanahan
Telephone: 412-386-4453