September 20, 2023
The purpose of this Notice is to rescind NOT-OD-21-027 "Notice of Clarification of SB1 Resubmission/Submission Policy".
Due to changes in allowable application types, the previous limitations on resubmission applications to the SBIR/STTR Commercialization Readiness Pilot (CRP) Program no longer apply. Eligible applicants that have had an active NIH SBIR or STTR Phase II or IIB award within the last 36 months may submit a “New” A0 application via PAR-23-219 or PAR-23-220 (and subsequent reissued NOFOs) following an unsuccessful A0 or resubmission A1 application.
All other aspects of CRP NOFOs remain the same. Only one CRP award is allowed per Phase II or Phase IIB project. A project that is awarded a CRP during or after the Phase II cannot be awarded an additional CRP during or after the Phase IIB.
SEED (Small business Education and Entrepreneurial Development)
Office of Extramural Research