Registration Now Open for the Spring & Fall 2016 NIH Regional Seminars on Program Funding & Grants Administration

Notice Number: NOT-OD-16-065

Key Dates
Release Date: February 9, 2016

Related Announcements

Issued by
National Institutes of Health (NIH)


The NIH is pleased to announce that registration is now open for two NIH Regional Seminars on Program Funding and Grants Administration in 2016. Make plans today to join over 50 NIH and HHS program, review, grants, and policy experts, senior NIH leadership, as well as approximately 600 of your peers from around the globe for this unique opportunity.

Baltimore, Maryland: (Additional Registration, Agenda, and Hotel information available)

  • Wednesday, May 11, Optional Pre-Seminar Workshops
  • Thursday-Friday, May 12-13: 2-Day Seminar
  • Venue: Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel

Chicago, Illinois: (Additional Registration, Agenda, and Hotel information available)

  • Wednesday, October 26: Optional Pre-Seminar Workshops
  • Thursday-Friday, October 27-28: 2-Day Seminar
  • Venue: Palmer House Hilton Hotel

What does the 2-day seminar offer?
The NIH Regional Seminar offers a comprehensive program for the NIH extramural community about the NIH grants process and related policies, including such topics as Fundamentals of the NIH, compliance, peer review, grant writing for success, pre-award and post-award issues for administrators and investigators, animal and human subject research, and how to interact electronically with NIH. Three tracks of sessions for administrators, new investigators, and all interests provide an array of topic choices. Special interest sessions are also provided on topics such as research integrity, intellectual property and data sharing, foreign collaborations, R& D Contracts, and Meet and hear from the NIH Deputy Director of Extramural Research, Dr. Michael Lauer, on the latest funding trends, NIH program initiatives, and so much more.

Optional Pre-Seminar Workshops offered
Expanded options for pre-seminar workshops are offered year! Check out these 1/2 day and full day opportunities:

  • OHRP & NIH Workshop on Human Research Protections: Getting Through Human Research Review with Skill
  • Administrator’s Boot Camp: Getting Started with NIH
  • eRA Workshop: Grant Application Preparation & Submission
  • eRA Workshop: eRA Commons Account Administration & Post-Submission Processing
  • Intellectual Property: Understanding Requirements & Recipient Responsibilities
  • Intellectual Property: A Hands-On Demonstration of iEdison

Who will be there from NIH and HHS?
Attendees will have the opportunity to meet and attend sessions provided by over 50 NIH and HHS experts. These program, review, grants, and policy experts are not only presenting during the 2-Day Seminar, but attendees will have the opportunity to meet them in 15 minute 1:1 chat sessions to get more specific questions answered. For those attending the Baltimore seminar, there is an opportunity to schedule 1:1s with an additional 50 NIH institute and center. (The proximity of Baltimore to the NIH offices allow for this special opportunity.) Attendees are encouraged to meet with as many NIH & HHS experts as their schedule allows.

Who should attend?
The NIH Regional Seminar is intended for those new to the grants process, including sponsored project officers and departmental administrators, investigators, faculty, graduate students, and others involved in the NIH grants process. Over the course of two days, it also provides an opportunity to those with more experience to obtain updates on grants policies and procedures. Several new policy sessions added this year will also offer additional opportunities for more advanced content and discussions.

What's the goal of the Seminar?
The goal of the NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration is to offer participants an unparalleled opportunity to gain a better perspective of NIH policies and programs and gather helpful NIH contacts, so that they may return to their offices and/or labs with useful information, resources, and tools to assist in obtaining and managing NIH awards.

Why Register Now?
All of the optional pre-seminar workshops have limited seating to promote more interactivity between participants and the presenters. With all of the optional pre-seminar workshop space filling quickly and the 2-Day Seminar often reaching capacity before the event dates, you don't want to wait too long. Don t forget to make your hotel reservations as well while conference room rates are still available.


Please direct all inquiries to:

For Listserv information and future seminar details, please visit the NIH Office of Extramural Research Regional Seminar Web site at:

NIH Regional Seminar-Baltimore:

NIH Regional Seminar-Chicago:

Please direct all additional questions to: