Notice Number: NOT-OD-08-073
Update: The following update relating to this announcement has been issued:
Key Dates
Release Date: May 23, 2008
Issued by
National Institutes of Health (NIH), (
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), (
This Notice announces NIH’s and AHRQ’s plans to: 1) move from PureEdge to Adobe versions of the SF424 (R&R) grant application forms; and 2) transition Research Career Development (K), Individual National Research Service Awards (F), and Institutional National Research Service Awards and Other Training Grants (T, D) programs from paper to electronic submission through using the SF424 (R&R).
The new 2007 system supports the use of application forms that can be downloaded and completed using free Adobe Reader software rather than the PureEdge software that is currently required for the SF424 (R&R). To minimize impact of form changes on the applicant community, NIH is carefully timing our move to the new forms to also incorporate the following form changes:
NIH will pilot the use of Adobe forms, without the aforementioned forms changes, with a couple single submission date Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) that will be issued in late summer. Assuming the pilot goes smoothly, and the forms approval and development process go as planned, NIH will begin posting the bulk of our FOAs with Adobe forms in December 2008. Applicants can plan for all receipt dates through December to use PureEdge forms. A detailed plan will be published in the fall.
Once NIH completes the move from PureEdge to Adobe application forms, it will transition the K, F, T and D programs to electronic submission through using the SF424 (R&R). As has been our practice, the transition by mechanism will include all active FOAs for that program/mechanism. Applications in response to these announcements will require electronic submission through Plans/milestones for submission dates and mechanisms are as follows:
February 12, 2009 - Research Career Development (all Ks except K12)
April 8, 2009 - Individual National Research Service Awards (F)
September 25, 2009 - Institutional National Research Service Awards and Other Training Grants (T, D), D43, D71/U2R and K12
Timing of the transition of NIH’s complex, multi-project grant programs have not been set.
Questions about transition plans may be directed to
General Information:
Inquiries regarding this Notice should be directed to:
Grants Info
Office of Extramural Research
National Institutes of Health
Phone: 301-945-7573
TTY: 301-451-5936