June 11, 2021
NOT-MH-19-033 - Notice of Data Sharing Policy for the National Institute of Mental Health
NOT-OD-14-124 - NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy
NOT-OD-21-013 - Final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing
NOT-MH-08-007 - NIMH Encourages Collection of Bio-specimens from NIMH-Supported Clinical Research Studies (RESCINDED)
NOT-MH-13-002 - Policy on Centralized Banking and Sharing of Human Subject-Derived Living Cells and Reprogrammed Derivatives for Mental Illness Research (RESCINDED)
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) issues this notice to replace both NOT-MH-08-007 and NOT-MH-13-002, and to alert the research community to the current NIMH prioritization and best practice guidelines for:
NIMH strongly encourages grantees with human subjects research studies to collect and bank biospecimens and associated phenotypic information from all consenting subjects. The primary biospecimen banking resource utilized by NIMH is the NIMH Repository and Genomics Resource (NRGR), previously known as the Center for Collaborative Genomic Studies on Mental Disorders. The collection and banking of biospecimens provide a cost-effective approach to building the infrastructure for analyses of mental illnesses and will provide a significant opportunity for scientific discovery, paving the way to more effective treatments for mental disorders.
Unless NIMH stipulates otherwise during the negotiation of the terms and conditions of a grant award, this Notice applies to all grant applications and awards that involve human subject research submitted after July 11, 2021, and applies to all Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) in which NIMH participates. The Notice does not apply to the following types of applications:
Biospecimen Sharing Expectations for Grant Applications
NIMH expects grantees who collect/generate human-derived biospecimens to share the biospecimens in accordance with NIH’s policy on Sharing Research Resources. NIMH strongly encourages thatsharing of biospecimens be done through the NRGR or other NIH-supported biorepositories. When determining funding priorities, consideration will be given to adherence to the field standards for biospecimen processing and quality control, as well as, the impact of duplicative costs when plans include use of biorepositories outside of the NRGR. NIMH also strongly encourages investigators planning projects with extensive deep phenotyping to collect blood samples consented for future genomic analysis and to share these biospecimens via the NRGR, even if the planned project has no current plans for genomic analysis. For biospecimen collection/generation the Resource Sharing Plan in submitted applications must include:
Application sharing plans should describe how all collected biospecimens will be shared with the public beyond the life of the grant. An appropriate budget for the long-term biospecimen sharing described must be included in the application. NIMH expects this budget to include all costs for submission of the biospecimens to an appropriate NIH-supported biorepository during the life of the grant. Applications that propose to use biorepositories that are not NIH-supported should demonstrate funding independent of the grant, capacity for quality control, an established approval process for controlled access, an ability to appropriately link samples to data stored in NIH-supported data repositories, and the capacity and commitment (physical and financial) to support the long term storage for the duration of the expected consent of the samples. Preference will be for repositories whose samples will be readily findable by those searching NIMH databases. Plans that describe storing within individual labs and distribution by individual PIs lab following the grant period are not encouraged. Investigators who will be generating biospecimens are expected to contact the NIMH Program and the NIMH Genomic Resources Team (contact listed below) early in the planning stage and prior to budgeting for and submitting an application. Further information on costs of biospecimen submission and sharing through NRGR can be found for planning purposes at http://nimhgenetics.org. The Resource Sharing Plan will be finalized prior to the release of, and specified in, the Notice of Award. Projects that do not appropriately budget for the biospecimen collection and processing needed to complete the project aims and meet the biospecimen sharing expectations will not be prioritized for funding by NIMH.
Requirements for Biospecimens to be Banked with NRGR
For biospecimens to be deposited with NRGR, investigators will need to meet the following requirements:
A description of all other databases/biorepositories where biospecimens and/or data will be submitted and shared outside of NRGR so that NRGR may prepare appropriately for linking NRGR biospecimens to these other resources in support of FAIR principles.
Requirement for Prior Communication and Negotiation of Grant Applications
While NIMH encourages sharing of all biospecimens, there are priorities for NIMH funding of biospecimen generation and sharing based on scientific priority areas and gaps in the biospeciment types currently available at the NRGR. PIs are strongly encouraged to contact an NIMH Scientific/Program official to discuss how their plans fit NIMH priorities prior to submitting an application.
The NRGR and support for biospecimen sharing: The operating costs of the NRGR are supported by the NIMH. In some cases, these resources may be utilized to support some or all of the biospecimen submission and processing for an individual NIMH-funded grant to lower the overall cost to NIMH for biospecimen sharing or support more biospecimen collection in high priority areas. These resources are limited and will be prioritized by NIMH program for projects that will support the development of the NRGR as a resource for our scientific community. Importantly, these resources will no longer be guaranteed available for all NIMH grantees as was the practice under the Human Genetics Initiative. Meritorious applications recommended by NIMH Program in high-priority areas may be selected after review to receive full or partial-support of sample submission activities, based on the funds available and the priorities described above, with a concurrent reduction in the individual grant budget prior to award where applicable. If your application has been selected you will be notified by an NIMH Scientific/Program official during the pre-award process.
The resources available for biospecimen sharing activities (i.e., specimen collection, DNA extraction, generation of cryo-preserved lymphocytes (CPL)), will be prioritized based on several key factors:
High priority Biospecimens from:
Lower priority Biospecimens from:
The above factors are intended as broad guidelines. Other factors related to study design or available institutional resources may contribute to priority determinations.
Special Considerations for applications proposing generation of iPSCs: NIMH may support applications proposing the derivation of additional iPSC lines from control and/or patient populations to the extent that the polygenic architecture and heterogeneity of disease necessitates larger donor sample sizes for iPSC studies. Some studies may require new subject recruitment while others may leverage the large collection of cryopreserved source cells currently banked at NRGR. Investigators are strongly encouraged to discuss plans with Program staff early in the planning stage and prior to budgeting for and submitting an application, as follows:
General inquiries regarding this Notice may be directed to:
Jonathan Pevsner, Ph.D.
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Telephone: 301-728-5618
Email: jonathan.pevsner@nih.gov
The NIMH Genomics Resources Team
Email: NIMH.genomics.resources@mail.nih.gov
Inquiries specific to projects involving iPSCs may be directed to:
David M. Panchision, Ph.D.
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Telephone: 301-402-3969
Email: panchisiond@nih.gov