Discontinuation of the NIMH Behavioral Science Track Award for Rapid Transition (B/START) (PAR-04-010)

Notice Number: NOT-MH-05-015

Key Dates
Release Date: July 28, 2005

Issued by
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), (http://www.nimh.nih.gov)

The National Institute of Mental Health began the B/START Program in October 1993 with the aim of facilitating the entry of new investigators into the field of behavioral science research. Since then, the program has successfully given rapid funding to new investigators in many areas of behavioral science research. The B/START R03 mechanism, however, has gradually evolved to resemble the regular small research grant program R03 (PA-03-108). Therefore, when the B/START program announcement (PAR-04-010) expires in October 2006, the NIMH will not renew this announcement. Please note that the last receipt date for the B/START program will be 10/1/2006 for both new and revised applications.

Initial projects from new investigators will continue to be accepted, but they should be submitted for the regular small grant R03 program (PA-03-108) or the Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant program (R21, PA-03-107). The regular R03 and R21 grant applications will be reviewed in content appropriate study sections at CSR and the NIMH, rather than through the mail-review method that did not afford discussion among the reviewers.

New investigators are also encouraged to check the NIMH webpage for other opportunities available to them at: http://www.nimh.nih.gov/grants/pamenu.cfm, where NIMH program announcements are listed in order of publication date, and at: http://www.nimh.nih.gov/researchfunding/training.cfm, the NIMH Training page. Investigators may also sign up to be members of the NIMH Funding Opportunities (NIMHFUNDINGOPPS) listserv, which sends out emails announcing the publication of NIMH initiatives and notices. See http://www.nimh.nih.gov/tools/researchlistserv.cfm.


Inquiries regarding this notice may be directed to:

Jean Noronha, Ph.D.
Division of Extramural Activities
National Institute of Mental Health
6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 6147, MSC 9609
Bethesda, MD 20892-9609
Telephone: (301) 443-3367
FAX: (301) 443-4720
Email: jnoronha@mail.nih.gov

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