Notice of Correction Relevant to Application Information in Funding Opportunity Description for RFA-HL-22-012 "Short-Term Research Education Program to Enhance Diversity in Health-Related Research (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)"
Notice Number:

Key Dates

Release Date:

July 6, 2021

Related Announcements

RFA-HL-22-012 - Short-Term Research Education Program to Enhance Diversity in Health-Related Research (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Issued by

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)


On June 17, 2021, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) issued Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), RFA-HL-22-012 "Short-Term Research Education Program to Enhance Diversity in Health-Related Research (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)". The purpose of this Notice is to clarify the language in Part 2, Section I - Funding Opportunity Description, and correct the placement of information under descriptive headers in Part 2, Section II - Award Information, Other Award Budget Information that are critical for application submission.

The following sections of RFA-HL-22-012 have been modified:

Currently Reads:

Part 2. Full Text of Announcement

Section I. Funding Opportunity Description

Overview and Long Term Program Goals

Areas of Research Education Supported

Institutions choosing to submit applications for the September receipt dates are advised that the program should ideally be prepared to start in June for the following year.

Modified to Read (changes shown in bold italics):

Part 2. Full Text of Announcement

Section I. Funding Opportunity Description

Overview and Long Term Program Goals

Areas of Research Education Supported

Institutions choosing to submit applications for the August receipt dates are advised that the program should ideally be prepared to start in June for the following year.

The following section has been modified as noted:

NOTE - In the originally published version, some participant cost information is incorrectly placed under the main heading of "Personnel Costs". The purpose of this correction to this section is to move all participant cost information under the Participant Costs main heading. The correct language and headings for Personnel Costs and Participant Costs are as follows:

Section II. Award Information

Other Award Budget Information

Personnel Costs

Individuals designing, directing, and implementing the research education program may request salary and fringe benefits appropriate for the person months devoted to the program. Salaries requested may not exceed the levels commensurate with the institution's policy for similar positions and may not exceed the congressionally mandated cap. (If mentoring interactions and other activities with participants are considered a regular part of an individual's academic duties, then any costs associated with the mentoring and other interactions with participants are not allowable costs from grant funds).

Programs are highly encouraged to implement long-term tracking metrics for student participants. Support may be requested up to $5,000 per month total to administer the participants' research program experience and track trainee outcomes. The maximum allowable expense of $15,000 cannot be exceeded for a 3-month research education experience per year. The amount requested may be divided among the PD(s)/PI(s), or multiple PD(s)/PI(s), if applicable, and other personnel (clerical, administrative staff). Funds may not be requested for the mentors.

Participant Costs

Participants may be paid if specifically required for the proposed research education program and sufficiently justified. Participant costs must be itemized in the proposed budget.

Allowable participant costs depend on the educational level/career status of the individuals to be selected to participate in the program

Undergraduate Students: The salary and fringe benefits for an undergraduate participant should be consistent with the institutional salary policies for employees in similar positions. Institutional rates for undergraduate salaries should be no more than $15 per hour plus fringe benefits, only when such benefits are provided to other employees in similar positions. An additional amount up to $3,000 per participant may also be requested for supplies, per diem (including housing) and travel (e.g., to and from grantee institution). Travel for scientific meetings during the research education experience should be under Other Program Related Expenses. Funds may not be used to purchase any equipment, except to accommodate individuals with disabilities, as described below.

Health Professional Student Participants:The NIH will provide compensation that: (1) conforms to the established, consistently applied salary and wage policies of the institution; and (2) reflects the percentage of time devoted to the PHS-funded project. For health professional student participants this compensation may include salary, fringe benefits, and tuition (if applicable) not to exceed current stipend level 0 at time of submission (see:NOT-OD-21-049). Additional funds up to $4,000 per participant may also be requested for supplies, per diem (including housing) and travel (e.g., to and from grantee institution). Travel for scientific meetings during the research education experience should be under Other Program Related Expenses. Funds may not be used to purchase any equipment.

Reasonable Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities: As part of this award, funds may be requested to make changes or adjustments in the research setting that will make it possible for an otherwise qualified participant with a disability to perform the essential functions associated with his/her role on the project. The accommodations requested under this program must be directly related to the performance of the proposed role on the research project and must be appropriate to the disabilities of the individual. Some types of accommodations that might be provided include specialized equipment, assistive devices and personnel such as readers, interpreters, or assistants. In all cases, the total funds for accommodations must be reasonable and documentation of the disability should be included when a request for additional funds is made post-award. These additional funds are in excess of the expenses allowed under "Participation Costs" above.

While generally not an allowable cost, with strong justification, participants in the research education program may receive per diem unless such costs are furnished as part of the registration fee. Participants may also receive funds to defray partial tuition and other education-related expenses.

Expenses for foreign travel must be exceptionally well justified.

Individuals supported by NIH training and career development mechanisms (K, T, or F awards) may receive, and indeed are encouraged to receive, educational experiences supported by an R25 program, as participants, but may not receive salary or stipend supplementation from a research education program.

Because the R25 program is not intended as a substitute for an NRSA institutional training program (e.g.,T32), costs to support full-time participants (supported for 40 hours/week for a continuous, 12-month period) are not allowable.

Currently Reads:

Section II. Award Information

Other Award Budget Information

Other Program-Related Expenses

Consultant costs, equipment, supplies, travel for key persons, and other program-related expenses may be included in the proposed budget. These expenses must be justified as specifically required by the proposed program and must not duplicate items generally available at the applicant institution.

If scientific meetings are planned for trainees after the training period, travel funds for trainees should be requested under this category, to allow reimbursement post summer training period. These travel funds should not be requested under Participant Cost category.

Modified to Read (changes shown in bold italics):

Section II. Award Information

Other Award Budget Information

Other Program-Related Expenses

Consultant costs, equipment, supplies, travel for key persons, and other program-related expenses may be included in the proposed budget. These expenses must be justified as specifically required by the proposed program and must not duplicate items generally available at the applicant institution.

If scientific meetings are planned for trainees after the training period, travel funds for trainees should be requested under this category, to allow reimbursement post summer training period. These travel funds should not be requested under Participant Costs category.

All other aspects of the FOA remain unchanged.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Scientific/Research Contact(s)

Paul Cotton, Ph.D., RDN
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
Telephone: 301-435-0202
Email: [email protected]

Li-Shin Huang, Ph.D.
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
Telephone: 301-435-0535
Email: [email protected]

Peer Review Contact(s)

Director, Office of Scientific Review
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
Telephone: 301-435-0270
Email: [email protected]

Financial/Grants Management Contact(s)

Tracee Foster
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
Telephone: 301-827-8030
Email: [email protected]

Weekly TOC for this Announcement
NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices