March 1, 2021
NOT-OD-21-013 - Final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing
NOT-OD-14-124 - NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy
NOT-OD-03-032 - Final NIH Statement on Sharing Research Data
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
The National Human Genome Research Institute’s (NHGRI) extramural grantees and contract-recipients sometimes seek or receive offers of support from companies or other third parties (e.g., nonprofits, other government agencies) for their studies, sub-studies, and ancillary studies after the grant or contract has been awarded. This type of third-party support, or “third-party involvement”, may be valuable in advancing NHGRI-supported research. In general, NHGRI is open to third-party involvement in NHGRI-supported studies and contracts, so long as the primary purpose of the studies and contracts is not compromised and National Institutes of Health (NIH) and NHGRI policies are followed. To that end, NHGRI has developed Guidance for Third-Party Involvement in NHGRI-Supported Extramural Projects which outlines the type of third-party involvement NHGRI generally finds appropriate.
The guidance applies to NHGRI-funded extramural investigators that are subject to NIH Data Sharing Policies, such as the NIH Data Sharing Policy or the NIH Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) Policy as well as their sub-recipients. Grantees and contractors who are considering whether to enter into such an agreement should consult this guidance prior to doing so. If the grantee, contractor, or project governance body is unsure whether the third-party’s involvement in their research adheres to this guidance, they should contact their respective Program Director(s) to submit information about the proposed third-party involvement to NHGRI. NHGRI will review the proposed agreement and provide a recommendation on how to proceed.
For more details, please refer to the Guidance.
NHGRI Third-Party Involvement Contacts
National Human Genome Research Institute
Telephone: (301) 402-0911