Notice to Clarify and Update Research Objectives of PAS-13-031 "Stimulating Hematology Investigation: New Endeavors (SHINE) (R01)"

Notice Number: NOT-DK-13-011

Key Dates

Release Date: April 11, 2013

Related Announcements


Issued by

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)


The Notice clarifies and updates the research objectives of PAS-13-031 "Stimulating Hematology Investigation: New Endeavors (SHINE) (R01)". Investigator-initiated research project grant applications (R01) are invited that propose research in specific areas of basic and translational hematology research where needs and opportunities for progress are particularly timely. These specific areas will change over time. The topics that are currently open through PAS-13-031 are:

  • Regulatory Determinants of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Fate. This topic was added on July 16, 2012 and examples of research topics are described in NOT-DK-12-007. For more information, please also view the 2/20/2012 agenda from a recently held workshop.
  • Stress Erythropoiesis. This topic was added to the SHINE program on November 14, 2011. For more information and some suggested research topics, please view NOT-DK-12-004. These suggestions were developed at a workshop held on 10/17/2011 (see 10/17/2011 agenda).
  • Biology and Pathophysiology of Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) was added on January 14, 2011 (see NOT-DK-11-004).

This Notice also serves the purpose of announcing that the next four SHINE topics will have only one application due date: June 5, 2013 for new R01 applications and July 5, 2013 for renewal, resubmission or revision of R01 applications (Cycle II). Applications will be accepted from those with continuous submission permission for Cycle II of FY2013.

  • Anemia of Inflammation and of Chronic Disease
  • Heme Regulation during Erythropoiesis
  • Iron Overload
  • Ribosomes and Their Role in Disease

These topics were described in PAS-10-046: Stimulating Hematology Investigation: New Endeavors (SHINE) (R01) .

Importantly, the preceding four topics remain important and relevant topics of research to the NIDDK Hematology program. However, the topics supported by the SHINE program will change over time, as the aim of the program is to be dynamic and stimulate research in emerging areas of hematology.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Terry Rogers Bishop, Ph.D.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK)
6707 Democracy Boulevard, Room 619
Bethesda, MD 20892-5658
Phone: 301-594-7726 or 240-481-1347
Email: [email protected]