Notice of Clarification of Application Submission Instructions for PAR-12-156 "NIAID Career Transition Award (K22)"
Notice Number: NOT-AI-14-056
Key Dates
Release Date: May 7, 2014
Related Announcements
Issued by
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
The purpose of this Notice is to clarify submission instructions for applicants who are planning to submit a K22 application in response to PAR-12-156 "NIAID Career Transition Award (K22)". Specifically, this Notice addresses the instructions for the 'Budget Justification' and the 'Statements by Consultants, Contributors'.
Part 2. Section IV.2. Content and Form of Application Submission
Currently states:
For the NIAID K22 application complete ALL sections the SF 424 Research and Related (R&R) Forms with the following modifications:
- For period of support, indicate the total period of support being requested: 2 years.
- For the project summary, briefly describe the research you propose during the two year K22 award period.
- Follow the budget format instructions as described in Section III of the PHS 398 application.
- The maximum direct cost budget is $150,000 in year 1 and $100,000 in year 2. No detailed budget information is required at the time of application for Phase 1.
- A Budget Justification does not need to be provided at the time of submission of the K22 application.
Modified to state:
For the NIAID K22 application complete ALL sections the SF 424 Research and Related (R&R) Forms with the following modifications:
- For period of support, indicate the total period of support being requested: 2 years.
- For the project summary, briefly describe the research you propose during the two year K22 award period.
- Follow the budget format instructions as described in Section III of the PHS 398 application.
- The maximum direct cost budget is $150,000 in year 1 and $100,000 in year 2. No detailed budget information is required at the time of application for Phase 1.
- A Budget Justification must be provided at the time of submission of the K22 application.
Due to the nature of the K22 transition award, many applicants may not have detailed information about the budget justification available at the time of submission of the K22 application. Therefore for the purpose of this FOA, it is sufficient to submit a Budget Justification attachment stating the following information:
"The NIAID K22 grant mechanism provides $250,000 in funds to support the candidate's development of a research program at an institution. The funding is distributed as up to $150,000 the first year and up to $100,000 the second year. The funds can be used at the PD/PI's discretion for completing the research described in the application and no more than $50,000/year can be used to support the PD/PI's salary."
Part 2. Section IV.2. Content and Form of Application Submission
Currently states:
Statements by Consultants, Contributors (Component of Statements of Support)
- Signed statements must be provided by each collaborator/consultant confirming their participation in the project and describing their specific roles. Information should be provided that clearly documents expertise in the proposed area(s) of collaboration/consultation. Any other opportunities for the candidate's professional growth should also be documented in these statements.
- Since this is not a mentored award, a statement by the current postdoctoral advisor should not be included unless s/he will serve as a consultant or contributor during the K22 award.
Modified to state:
Plans and Statements of Mentor and Co-mentor(s) (Component of Statements and Letters of Support)
- Signed statements must be provided by each collaborator/consultant confirming their participation in the project and describing their specific roles. Information should be provided that clearly documents expertise in the proposed area(s) of collaboration/consultation. Any other opportunities for the candidate's professional growth should also be documented in these statements.
- The NIAID K22 Career Transition Award is not a mentored award. Once the candidate transitions to an independent faculty position, the (current) postdoctoral advisor may continue to support the candidate as a scientific advisor, consultant and/or collaborator for the research project proposed in the K22 application. This required attachment allows the current postdoctoral advisor and/or other consultants/contributors to provide information about their respective future role and support to the candidate during the early phase as an independent investigator.
Please direct all inquiries to:
Katrin Eichelberg, Ph.D.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Telephone: 301-496-0818
Email: [email protected]