New Subscription-based Electronic Mailing Lists for eRA Commons Information; Migrating eSubmission Mailing Lists

Notice Number: NOT-OD-08-024

Update: The following updates relating to this announcement have been issued:

  • July 29, 2015 - Subscribe to Receive NIH eRA Service Information. See Notice NOT-OD-15-132.
  • February 4, 2009 - See Notice (NOT-OD-09-047) NIH Encourages Applicants to Take Advantage of Subscription-based Electronic Mailing Lists for Updates on Electronic Applications and the eRA Commons.

Key Dates
Release Date: December 21, 2007

Issued by
National Institutes of Health (NIH), (

The NIH has established two new electronic mailing lists (listservs) to provide periodic updates on eRA Commons, the online interface where research organizations and grantees can receive and transmit information about the administration of biomedical and behavioral research grant applications and awarded grants.
To subscribe/unsubscribe to the listservs go to:

The current electronic submission email lists for principal investigators and administrators will be migrated to these new listservs. All individuals currently subscribed to the electronic submission listserv for Principal Investigators (NIH_eSUB_PI-L) will be migrated to the new listserv eRA_Commons_PI-L. All individuals currently subscribed to the electronic submission listserv for Administrators (NIH_eSUB_AOR_SO-L) will be migrated to the new listserv eRA_Commons_Admin-L. This action will provide a single, comprehensive list for all information on interacting electronically with NIH including the following eRA Commons functional areas:

The listserv will alert the research community to:

  • New features and functionality
  • Scheduled service interruptions
  • Known issues and workarounds
  • Changes to electronic submission deadlines due to system failures (e.g., extension of application correction or viewing windows)
  • Other items of interest

eRA Commons institutional profiles currently include a field titled Policy Announcement and Notification Email Address . This field will be removed from the profile over the next few months. The new listservs will be used instead.


Inquiries regarding this Notice should be directed to:

Sheri Cummins
Phone: 301-496-3405
Email: [email protected]

Scarlett Gibb
Phone: 301-435-3435
Email: [email protected]