Notice Number: NOT-HL-17-536
Key Dates
Release Date: September 19, 2017
Issued by
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
The purpose of this Notice is to inform the scientific community that the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) plans to fund a limited Year 35 clinic exam cycle in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study from approximately June 1, 2020, through July 31, 2021. The limited exam is intended to serve as a platform for additional, independently funded exam components via investigator-initiated grants or other independently funded projects to enrich the exam data collection with additional hypothesis-driven content. The research aims of such exam-related ancillary projects need not be limited to those within the mission of the NHLBI but must be consistent with and/or complement CARDIA study objectives.
This Notice allows interested researchers approximately 33 months before the expected start of the Year 35 exam to develop their research hypotheses and designs; comply with any applicable cohort study-specific and NIH $500K requirements; submit and, if necessary, re-submit their grant applications; receive funding awards; and participate in exam planning and coordination prior to the exam start.
The NHLBI is implementing this plan in response to the report, “Strategic Transformation of Population Studies: Recommendations of the Working Group on Epidemiology and Population Sciences From the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Advisory Council and Board of External Experts” (Roger VL et al, Am J. Epidemiol 2015;181(6):363-367). In its report, the Working Group offered seven recommendations to the NHLBI to take advantage of new scientific opportunities and delineate future directions for the Institute’s epidemiology research portfolio on heart, lung, blood, and sleep diseases. The seventh recommendation was to “implement a competitive peer review based model for its portfolio of large epidemiologic and population studies.” Within this recommendation, the NHLBI was advised to adopt a model for its existing cohort studies in which decision-making about renewal of funding for study infrastructure is separated from peer review of innovative research content. As this Notice describes, peer-reviewed investigator-initiated research projects will provide this innovative content and serve as the “predominant driver of the research agenda” in CARDIA's Year 35 exam, as called for by the Working Group.
Additional Information
NHLBI’s contract funding for the next project period of the CARDIA study is expected to begin on or about July 1, 2018, for a five-year duration. The Year 35 exam is scheduled to commence 25 months later, on June 1, 2020. This Notice is being released now to allow ample time for interested researchers to develop NIH grant applications to fund exam components addressing innovative research questions in CARDIA.
Interested investigators are not required to be CARDIA investigators, but they must submit and receive approval of a proposal to conduct a CARDIA ancillary study, per the CARDIA Ancillary Study Policies accessed at They will be expected to work collaboratively with the CARDIA investigators and to follow CARDIA policies and procedures. They will also be expected to comply with CARDIA and NHLBI requirements for sharing of collected ancillary study data with the CARDIA study. The NHLBI Policy for Data Sharing from Clinical Trials and Epidemiological Studies is available at
Researchers desiring data for their analyses beyond what will be obtained via the core Year 35 exam components must plan and budget for the additional data collection in their grant applications. The core components of CARDIA's limited exam include: reception and consent; update of demographic information, smoking history, and medical history including medications; anthropometry; blood pressure; and urine collection and phlebotomy for analytes measured in real time and for future research purposes. Laboratory assays that are likely to be funded as part of the core limited exam include fasting glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, serum albumin, and urinary creatinine/albumin ratio. Collection of any additional data required to address an application's specific aims must be planned and budgeted for in the grant application.
Timing for Submission of Grant Applications
Grant applications submitted by the standard October 2019 Council Cycle receipt dates (as described at ) should allow grantees adequate time to cooperate with CARDIA in the planning process for conduct of the Year 35 exam. Further information about application submission timing considerations is available on the NHLBI Epidemiology Digital Forum at .
Please direct all inquiries to:
Jared Reis, PhD
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
Telephone: 301-435-1291
Email: [email protected]