Drug-free workplace act of 1988, drug free
4.1.7 Drug-Free Workplace
The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (41 U.S.C. § 701 et seq.) requires that all organizations receiving grants from any Federal agency agree to maintain a drug-free workplace. By signing the application, the AOR agrees that the recipient will provide a drug-free workplace and will comply with the requirement to notify NIH if an employee is convicted of violating a criminal drug statute. Failure to comply with these requirements may be cause for debarment. Government wide requirements for Drug-Free Workplace for Financial Assistance are found in 2 CFR Part 182; HHS implementing regulations are set forth in 2 CFR Part 382.400. All recipients of NIH grant funds must comply with the requirements in Subpart B (or Subpart C if the recipient is an individual) of Part 382. Foreign applicants and recipients may be exempted from the drug-free workplace requirements of 2 CFR Part 182 based on a documented finding by the NIH awarding IC that application of those requirements is inconsistent with U.S. international obligations or the laws and regulations of a foreign government.