application types, new application, type 1, renewal, type 2, revision, type 3, resubmission, non-competing continuation progress report, type 5, pre-application
2.3.4 Types of Applications
In the NIH grants process, five types of applications are used most frequently. The first four application types described below are considered "competing" because, through the peer review process, the application must compete for available funding with other applications.
- New Application (Type 1). A request for financial assistance for a project or activity that is not currently receiving NIH support and must compete for support. A new application is being submitted for the first time.
- Renewal (Type 2). A request for additional funding for a period subsequent to that provided by a current award. A renewal application competes with all other applications and must be fully developed as though the applicant is applying for the first time.
- Revision (Type 3). A request for an increase in support in a current budget period for expansion of the project's approved scope or research protocol. The request may specify budgetary changes required for the remainder of the project period as well as for the current budget period. Applications for revisions are not appropriate when the sole purpose is to restore awards to the full SRG-recommended level if they were administratively reduced by the funding agency. A revision application should not be submitted until after the original application has been awarded and may not extend beyond the term of the current award period. A revision application must have the same title as the currently funded grant. (A Type 3 prefix also refers to a request/award for a non-competing administrative supplement [see Administrative Requirements-Changes in Project and Budget-Prior Approval Requirements-Need for Additional NIH Funding without Extension of Budget and Project Period.]).
- Resubmission (suffix -A1). An unfunded application that the applicant has modified following initial review and resubmitted for new consideration. Before a resubmission application can be submitted, the PD/PI must have received the summary statement from the previous review. A resubmission application may be submitted for any of the three preceding types of applications provided an appropriate NOFO is available. See Application Information and Processes-Policies Affecting Applications for other policies affecting Resubmissions. NIH allows only one resubmission application.
- Non-Competing Continuation Progress Report (Type 5). A non-competing progress report is required to continue support of a PHS grant for the second or subsequent budget period within an approved competitive segment (see Administrative Requirements-Monitoring-Reporting-Non-Competing Continuation Progress Reports).
In addition to the list above, NIH periodically uses a pre-application (also known as a "white paper" or "précis") to facilitate certain approaches or economies, such as reducing burden on the applicant community, for a funding opportunity. Pre-applications are generally used in combination with a competing application in a 2-phase process. Pre-applications do not result in an award; the end result is the opportunity to submit to the subsequent phase of a particular program. Successful applicants to the pre-application phase are notified of the opportunity to submit to the subsequent phase. In addition to the pre-application, NIH may use an application process for prospective applicants to request access to an NIH research resource. This process also does not result in an award; the end result is permission to access a resource. NIH uses the numbers shown in parentheses as prefixes to distinguish the application types and any resulting awards (e.g., 5R0198765-02 is a non-competing continuation progress report).