For-profit, for profit, sbir, sttr, allowable costs and fee, program levels, total costs, profit or fee, facilities and administrative costs, indirect costs, phase I, phase II, small business
18.5.4 Allowable Costs and Fee Program Levels (Total Costs)
The SBA SBIR and STTR Policy Directive provides program levels for SBIR and STTR programs based on statutory guidelines. Agencies have the discretion to issue awards up to the SBA guideline when the proposed budget and requested period of support are fully justified and scientifically appropriate in relation to the proposed research. The Small Business Administration may adjust award guidelines annually. The current SBA budget levels can be found on NIH's SBIR web page.
As written in the statute and under appropriate circumstances, NIH has received waivers from SBA to issue an award exceeding the SBA budget levels for Phase I or for Phase II if this cap will interfere with NIH's ability to meet its mission. See NIH's SBIR web page for a current list of waiver topics.
Applicants must request an appropriate level in the competing application; applications will not be adjusted after submission. Profit or Fee
A reasonable profit or fee may be paid to an SBC receiving an award under Phase I or Phase II of the SBIR and STTR programs. However, this profit or fee must be included in the budget request at the time of application. The profit or fee is not considered a "cost" for purposes of determining allowable use, program income accountability, or audit thresholds. The profit or fee may be used by the SBC for any purpose, including additional effort under the SBIR/STTR award. It is intended to provide a reasonable profit consistent with normal profit margins for for-profit organizations for R&D work; however, the amount of the profit or fee normally will not exceed seven (7) percent of total costs (direct and F&A) for each phase of the project. The profit or fee should be drawn from PMS in increments proportional to the drawdown of funds for direct and F&A costs. The profit or fee applies solely to the SBC receiving the SBIR/STTR award and not to any other participant; however, in accordance with normal commercial practice, the SBC may pay a profit or fee to a contractor providing routine goods or services to the SBC under the grant. Facilities and Administrative Costs (Indirect Costs) Phase I
If the applicant SBC has a currently effective F&A cost rate(s) with a Federal agency, such rate(s) should be used when calculating proposed F&A costs for an NIH application. NIH ICs use the term F&A costs for all types of applicants and recipients; however, for-profit organizations will find that DFAS and organizations external to NIH refer to these costs as indirect costs. (However, the rates(s) must be adjusted for IR&D expenses, which are not allowable under HHS awards.) If the applicant SBC does not have a currently effective negotiated indirect cost rate with a Federal agency, the applicant should propose estimated F&A costs at a rate not to exceed 40 percent of the total direct costs. However, SBCs are reminded that only actual F&A costs are to be charged to projects. (If awarded at a rate of 40 percent or less, the rate used to charge actual F&A costs to projects cannot exceed the awarded rate unless the SBC negotiates an indirect cost rate(s) with a Federal agency.) NIH will not negotiate indirect cost rates for Phase I awards. Phase II
If the applicant SBC has a currently effective negotiated indirect cost rate(s) with a Federal agency, such rate(s) should be used when calculating proposed F&A costs for an NIH application. (However, the rates(s) must be adjusted for IR&D expenses, which are not allowable under HHS awards.) If the applicant SBC does not have a currently effective negotiated indirect cost rate with a Federal agency, the applicant should propose an estimated F&A rate in the application. If the requested F&A cost rate is 40 percent of total direct costs or less, no further justification is required at the time of award, and F&A costs will be awarded at the requested rate. However, SBCs are reminded that only actual F&A costs may be charged to projects. If awarded at a rate of 40 percent or less of total direct costs, the rate used to charge actual F&A costs to projects cannot exceed the awarded rate unless the SBC negotiates an indirect cost rate(s) with DFAS. DFAS-the office authorized to negotiate indirect cost rates with SBC's receiving NIH SBIR/STTR awards-will negotiate indirect cost rates for SBCs receiving Phase II awards that requested a rate greater than 40 percent of total direct costs.
Upon request, the applicant SBC should provide DFAS with an indirect cost proposal and supporting financial data for its most recently completed fiscal year. If financial data is not available for the most recently completed fiscal year, the applicant should submit a proposal showing estimated rates with supporting documentation. Further information about DFAS is available at its web site or by telephone (see Part III).