6 Payment
The PMS is a centralized grants payment and cash management system, operated by HHS PSC, PMS. HHS grant payments may be made by one of several advance payment methods, including SMARTLINK II/ACH, cash request, or by cash request on a reimbursement basis, as specified in the NoA and as described in this chapter. Payments under NIH grants generally are made as advance payments. NIH grant payments are made by PMS, operated by PSC, in accordance with Department of the Treasury and OMB requirements, as implemented by 2 CFR Part 200.305. These requirements are intended to minimize the time elapsing between the transfer of funds from the Federal government and disbursement by a recipient. Therefore, although the grant may be financed by advance payments, the intent is that recipients draw funds on an as-needed basis-specifically, no more than 3 business days before the funds are needed.
All Federal funds deposited by PMS in a recipient's bank account as an unrestricted advance payment should be fully disbursed (checks written, signed, and issued to the payees) by the close of business the next workday after receipt of the funds. The potential for excessive Federal cash on hand exists each time a recipient does not disburse Federal funds in this manner. The recipient is responsible for determining when the Federal funds have been deposited into its bank account for each drawdown, ensuring that the funds are fully disbursed by the close of business the next workday after they are received, and immediately returning all undisbursed Federal funds to PMS.
The Treasury and OMB policies also establish accountability for interest earned on advances of grant funds and provide for use of the reimbursement method if cash management requirements are not met. Advances made by recipients to consortium participants and contractors under grants must conform to substantially the same standards of timing and amount that govern advances to the recipient.
Operational guidance for recipients is provided through a training CD from PSC. Inquiries regarding drawdown requests, cash management rules, and the disbursement of funds through the Federal Financial Report (SF 425) should be directed to PSC/PMS (see Part III).