3 Overview of Terms and Conditions

Part II includes the terms and conditions of NIH grants and cooperative agreements and is incorporated by reference in all NIH grant and cooperative agreement awards. Subpart A (IIA) includes those terms and conditions that apply, in general, to NIH awards. Subpart B (IIB) either expands on IIA coverage or specifies additional or alternate terms and conditions for particular types of awards, recipients, or activities.

These terms and conditions are not intended to be all-inclusive. All awards or a specified subset of awards also may be subject to additional requirements, such as those included in executive orders and appropriations acts.

NIH recipients are responsible for complying with all requirements of the Federal award. NIH grants awards are based on the application submitted to, and approved by, the NIH and are subject to the terms and conditions incorporated either directly or by reference in the following:

Notice of requirements not specified in the NIHGPS generally will be provided in the NoA, but such notice is not required for the award to be subject to the requirements of pertinent statutes and regulations. An individual award also may contain award-specific terms and conditions. For example, the GMO may include terms or conditions necessary to address concerns about an applicant's management systems.

Program and administrative policies and the terms and conditions of individual awards are intended to supplement, rather than substitute for, governing statutory and regulatory requirements. Thus, the requirements of the NIHGPS apply in addition to governing statutory and regulatory requirements not cited herein, and award-specific terms apply in addition to the requirements of the NIHGPS.

This NIHGPS is an aid to the interpretation of statutory and regulatory requirements. These terms and conditions are intended to be compliant with governing statutes and the requirements of 2 CFR Part 200, as modified by previously approved waivers and deviations. However, in the case of a conflict, the statutes and regulations govern.

If there is a perceived conflict between or among these three categories of requirements-statutory and regulatory requirements, the terms and conditions in the NIHGPS, and award-specific terms and conditions-or if the recipient has other questions concerning award terms and conditions, the recipient should request written clarification from the GMO. This may be done at any time; however, if the inclusion of the term or condition would cause the recipient not to accept the award or to be unable to comply, the question should be raised before funds are requested from the HHS payment system. By drawing funds from the HHS payment system, the recipient agrees to the terms and conditions of the award.