2.1 Roles and Responsibilities

NIH, as a Federal grantor agency, is responsible to Congress and the U.S. taxpayer for carrying out its mission in a manner that not only facilitates research but does so cost-effectively and in compliance with applicable rules and regulations. NIH seeks to ensure integrity and accountability in its grant award and administration processes by relying on a system of checks and balances and separation of responsibilities within its own staff and by establishing a similar set of expectations for recipient organizations.

The following subsections highlight the major functions and areas of responsibility of Federal and recipient staffs. NIH recognizes that additional staff members in a number of different organizations may be involved in grant-related activities; however, this section details only the major participants representing the Federal government and the recipient. The responsibilities of CSR and IC staff members, who are involved only in the initial review phase of the peer review process, are described in The Peer Review Process-Initial Review-Responsibilities. The responsibilities of other offices, such as OHRP, are described in Part II as applicable.