For-profit, for profit, administrative requirements, audit, business
18.4.5 Audit
The requirements for non-Federal audits of for-profit organizations are specified in 2 CFR Part 200.501. For-profit organizations are subject to requirements for non-Federal audits. A for-profit organization is required to have a non-Federal audit if, during its fiscal year, it expended a total of $750,000 or more under one or more HHS award (as a direct recipient or consortium participant). Audits must be completed and submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services, Audit Resolution Division within 30 days after receipt of the auditor's report(s), or 9 months after the end of the audit period, i.e., the end of the organization's fiscal year, whichever is earlier. The address is found in Part III.
For-profit organizations expending less than $750,000 a year are not required to have an annual audit for that year but must make their grant-related records available to NIH or other designated officials for review or audit.