foreign grants, foreign organizations, international organizations, foreign components, foreign sites
16.6 Allowable and Unallowable Costs
The cost principles that apply to foreign organizations depend on the type of organization, i.e., for a university 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart E-Cost Principles would apply, with the following exceptions:
- Major A&R. Unallowable under foreign grants and domestic grants with foreign components.
- Minor A&R. Generally allowable on grants made to foreign organizations or to the foreign component of a domestic grant, unless prohibited by the governing statute or implementing program regulations. Minor A&R costs may be included and justified in any detailed budget of a competing application. Further, rebudgeting of active grants to accommodate minor A&R is also allowable; however, this does require NIH prior approval of the GMO. Additional information may be required (see Administrative Requirements-Alteration and Renovation Projects under Non-construction Grants in IIB).
- F&A Costs. With the exception of the American University of Beirut and the World Health Organization, which are eligible for full F&A cost reimbursement, F&A costs under grants to foreign and international organizations will be funded at a fixed rate of 8 percent of modified total direct costs, exclusive of tuition and related fees, direct expenditures for equipment, and subawards in excess of $25,000. These funds are paid to support the costs of compliance with federal requirements. Some examples of NIH compliance requirements are the protection of human subjects (including the required education in the protection of human research participants), animal welfare, invention reporting, other post-award reporting requirements, financial conflict of interest and research misconduct. Note, these are just a few representative examples of compliance requirement; this list is not all inclusive. Awards to domestic organizations with a foreign or international consortium participant may include 8 percent of modified total direct costs, exclusive of tuition and related fees, direct expenditures for equipment, and subawards in excess of $25,000. These funds are paid to support the costs of compliance with federal requirements. NIH will not support the acquisition of or provide for depreciation on any capital expenses (facilities) or the normal general operations of foreign and international organizations. Therefore, these expenses may not be requested as a direct cost; however, equipment is an allowable direct cost. Other items normally treated as F&A costs (e.g., rent) may be requested as direct costs and will be evaluated by NIH for allowability.
- Patient Care Costs. Patient care costs are provided only in exceptional circumstances.
Travel Visas (including short-term). Generally, allowable direct cost as part of recruiting costs on an NIH grant, as long as the institution has an employee/employer relationship with the individual. Visa costs may also be allowable when identified in specific NOFOs or when within the scope of an approved research project. See 7.9.1 Recruiting Costs and Travel Visas.