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SF424 (R&R) - Forms Version E
Released: September 25, 2017
Revised: December 7, 2018

G.230 - Project/Performance Site Location(s) Form

Using the Project/Performance Site Location(s) Form:

This form allows for the collection of multiple performance sites. If you need to add more project/performance site locations than the form allows, enter the information in a separate file and add it to the "Additional Locations" section.

Project/Performance Site Primary Location

Generally, the primary location should be that of the applicant organization or identified as off-site in accordance with the conditions of the applicant organization's negotiated Facilities and Administrative (F&A) agreement. This information must agree with the F&A information on the budget form of the application.

Provide an explanation of resources available from each project/performance site on the "Facilities and Resources" attachment of the G.220 - R&R Other Project Information Form.

If the proposed project involves human subjects or live vertebrate animals, it is up to the applicant organization to ensure that all sites meet certain criteria:

Human Subjects: If a project/performance site is engaged in research involving human subjects, the applicant organization is responsible for ensuring that the project/performance site operates under an appropriate Federal Wide Assurance for the protection of human subjects and complies with 45 CFR 46 and other NIH human subject related policies described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement, Section 4.1.15: Human Subjects Protections.

Vertebrate Animals: For research involving live vertebrate animals, the applicant organization must ensure that all project/performance sites hold an Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW)-approved Animal Welfare Assurance. If the animal work will be conducted at an institution with an Animal Welfare Assurance and the applicant organization does not have the following:

then applicant must obtain an Inter-institutional Assurance from OLAW prior to an award.

Additional Instructions for Research:

Describe any consortium/contractual arrangements in the "Consortium/Contractual Arrangements" attachment in G.400 - PHS 398 Research Plan Form.

Additional Instructions for Career Development:

Indicate where the work described in the Research and Career Development Plans will be conducted. Include any foreign sites (if applicable). If there is more than one site, including any Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities or foreign sites, list them all in the fields provided for Location 1, and additional locations, as necessary.

Describe any consortium/contractual arrangements in the "Consortium/Contractual Arrangements" attachment in G.410 - PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental Form.

Additional Instructions for Training:

List all of the locations where training, program management, and the research training experiences described in the Research Training Program Plan will be performed, including any foreign sites (when applicable).

Describe any consortium/contractual arrangements in the "Consortium/Contractual Arrangements" attachment in G.420 - PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan Form.

Human Subjects: If investigators and trainees at a project/performance site will be engaged in research involving human subjects, the applicant organization is responsible for ensuring that all investigators and trainees at the project/performance sites comply with the human subject protection regulations in 45 CFR 46 and with other NIH policies for the protection of human subjects.

Vertebrate Animals: For research involving live vertebrate animals, the applicant organization must supply information for all training sites where animals will be used by trainees. The applicant organization is responsible for assuring that all project/performance sites have a current Animal Welfare Assurance and comply with the PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.

Additional Instructions for Fellowship:

One of the sites indicated must be the sponsoring organization, and generally, the sponsoring organization is the primary location. Indicate where the training described in the Research Training Plan will be conducted. If there is more than one training site, including any Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities or foreign sites, list them all in the fields provided for Location 1, and additional locations, as necessary.

If there are unusual circumstances involved in the research training proposed, such as fieldwork or a degree sought from an institution other than the one in which the research training will take place, describe these circumstances in G.220 - R&R Other Project Information Form, Facilities and Resources.

Additional Instructions for Multi-project:

Overall Component: Include only the primary site for the entire application, which is typically the applicant organization.

Other Components: List the primary site for the component, which is typically the lead organization of the component. Describe any consortium/contractual arrangements in the "Consortium/Contractual Arrangements" attachment in G.400 - PHS 398 Research Plan Form.

Additional Instructions for SBIR/STTR:

Describe any consortium/contractual arrangements in the "Consortium/Contractual Arrangements" attachment in G.400 - PHS 398 Research Plan Form.

One of the performance sites indicated must be that of the applicant small business concern (SBC).

Phase I, Phase II, and CRP Applications: The research or R&D project activity must be performed in the United States. However, based on a rare and unique circumstance (for example, if a supply or material or the study design [e.g., patient population] is not available in the United States), NIH may allow that particular portion of the research or R&D work to be performed or obtained in a foreign sponsorship country. Investigators must thoroughly justify the use of these sites in the application. These rare and unique situations will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and they should be discussed with NIH staff prior to submission of the application. Approval by the funding officer for such specific condition(s) must be in writing prior to issuance of an award. Whenever possible, non-SBIR/STTR funds should be used for other work outside of the United States that is necessary to the overall completion of the project.

The research and analytical work performed by the grantee organization is to be conducted in research space occupied by, available to, and under the control of the SBIR/STTR grantee for the conduct of its portion of the proposed project. However, when required by the project activity, access to special facilities or equipment in another organization is permitted, as in cases where the SBIR/STTR awardee has entered into a subcontractual agreement with another institution for a specific, limited portion of the research project.

Whenever a proposed SBIR/STTR project is to be conducted in facilities other than those of the applicant organization, the awarding component will request that the SBC provide a letter from the organization stating that leasing/rental arrangements have been negotiated for appropriate research space. This letter must be signed by an authorized official of the organization whose facilities are to be used for the SBIR/STTR project and must certify that the SBC (grantee organization) will have access to and control over the research space. In addition, the letter must include a description of the facilities and, if appropriate, equipment that will be leased/rented to the grantee organization. If the letter is included with the application, it is excluded from the page limitations. Attach this letter to the G.400 - PHS 398 Research Plan Form, Consortium/Contractual Arrangements.

"I am submitting an application as an individual, and not on behalf of a company, state, local or tribal government, academia, or other type of organization":

Do not check the box for "I am submitting an application as an individual, and not on behalf of a company, state, local or tribal government, academia, or other type of organization" unless otherwise specified by the FOA.

Organization Name:

This field is required. Enter the organization name of the primary site where the work will be performed.

DUNS Number:

This field is required for the primary performance site.

Enter the DUNS or DUNS+4 number associated with the organization where the project will be performed.


This field is required. Enter the first line of the street address of the primary performance site location.


Enter the second line of the street address of the primary performance site location.


This field is required. Enter the city for the address of the primary performance site location.


Enter the county of the primary performance site location.


This field is required if the site is located in the United States or its Territories. Enter the state or territory where the primary performance site is located.


If "Country" is Canada, enter the province for the primary performance site; otherwise, skip the "Province" field.


This field is required. Select the country of the address for the primary performance site location.

ZIP/Postal Code:

The ZIP+4 is required if the primary performance site location is in the United States. Otherwise, the postal code is optional. Enter the ZIP+4 (nine-digit postal code) or postal code of the primary performance site.

Project/Performance Site Congressional District:

Enter the Congressional District as follows: a 2-character state abbreviation, a hyphen, and a 3-character district number. Examples: CA-005 for California's 5th district, VA-008 for Virginia's 8th district.

It is likely this field will be identical to the "Congressional District of Applicant" field provided elsewhere in the application.

If the program/project is outside the United States, enter 00-000.

For States and U.S. territories with only a single congressional district, enter "001" for the district number.

For jurisdictions with no representative, enter "099."

For jurisdictions with a nonvoting delegate, enter "098" for the district number. Example: DC-098 or PR-098.

If all districts in a state are affected, enter "all" for the district number. Example: "MD-all" for all congressional districts in Maryland.

If nationwide (all districts in all states), enter "US-all."

If you do not know the Congressional District: Go to the United States House of Representatives website and search for the Congressional District by entering the ZIP+4. If you do not know the ZIP+4, look it up on the USPS Look Up Zip Code website.

Project/Performance Site Location 1

Use this "Project/Performance Site Location 1" block to provide information on performance sites in addition to the Primary Performance Site listed above, if applicable. Include any VA facilities and foreign sites.

Additional Instructions for Multi-project:

Other Components: List all performance sites that apply to the specific component.

Organization Name:

Enter the organization name of the performance site location.

DUNS Number:

Enter the DUNS or DUNS+4 number associated with the performance site.


This field is required. Enter first line of the street address of the performance site location.


Enter the second line of the street address of the performance site location.


This field is required. Enter the city for the address of the performance site location.


Enter the county of the performance site location.


This field is required if the project performance site is located in the United States or its Territories. Enter the state or territory where the performance site is located.


If "Country" is Canada, enter the province for the performance site; otherwise, skip the "Province" field.


This field is required. Select the country of the performance site location.

ZIP/Postal Code:

The ZIP+4 is required if the performance site location is in the United States. Otherwise, the postal code is optional. Enter the ZIP+4 (nine-digit postal code) of the performance site location.

Project/Performance Site Congressional District:

Enter the Congressional District as follows: a 2-character state abbreviation, a hyphen, and a 3-character district number. Examples: CA-005 for California's 5th district, VA-008 for Virginia's 8th district.

If the program/project is outside the United States, enter 00-000.

For States and U.S. territories with only a single congressional district enter "001" for the district number.

For jurisdictions with no representative, enter "099."

For jurisdictions with a nonvoting delegate, enter "098" for the district number. Example: DC-098 or PR-098.

If all districts in a state are affected, enter "all" for the district number. Example: "MD-all" (for all congressional districts in Maryland).

If nationwide (all districts in all states), enter "US-all."

If you do not know the Congressional District: Go to the United States House of Representatives website and search for your Congressional District by entering your ZIP+4. If you do not know the ZIP+4 look it up on the USPS Look Up Zip Code website.

Additional Location(s)

If you need to add more project/performance site locations than the form allows, enter the information in a separate file and add it to the "Additional Locations" section.

A format page for Additional Performance Sites can be found on NIH's Additional Performance Site Format Page.