This notice has expired. Check the NIH Guide for active opportunities and notices.



RELEASE DATE:  January 9, 2003 (Reissued as RFA-OD-06-005)

RFA:  OB-03-004

Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR)
Fogarty International Center (FIC)
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)
National Eye Institute (NEI)
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS)
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)




o Purpose of this RFA
o Research Objectives
o Mechanism(s) of Support
o Funds Available
o Eligible Institutions
o Individuals Eligible to Become Principal Investigators
o Special Requirements
o Where to Send Inquiries
o Letter of Intent
o Submitting an Application
o Peer Review Process
o Review Criteria
o Receipt and Review Schedule
o Award Criteria
o Required Federal Citations


The National Institutes of Health (NIH), through the participating 
Institutes, Centers, and Offices listed above, invite applications for 
infrastructure grants in support of research on mind-body interactions 
and health.  "Mind-body interactions and health" refers to the 
relationships among cognitions, emotions, personality, social 
relationships, and health.  Applicant institutions may request funds to 
support infrastructure and research designed to (1) enhance the quality 
and quantity of mind-body and health research and (2) develop new 
research capabilities to advance mind-body and health research through 
innovative approaches.  A central goal of this program is to facilitate 
interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation in mind-body and health 
research while providing essential and cost-effective core services in 
support of the development, conduct, and translation into practice of 
mind-body and health research based in centers or comparable 
administrative units.

This announcement invites applications for RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE 
PROGRAM R24 grant awards.  The companion announcement (RFA-OB-03-005, 
Mind-Body Interactions and Health:  Exploratory/Developmental Research 
Program) solicits applications for R21 awards, which are intended to 
support the development and demonstrate the feasibility of programs at 
institutions that have high potential for advancing mind-body and health 
research, but have not yet fully achieved the necessary resources and 
mechanisms to qualify for a Research Infrastructure Award.



The Public Health Service has documented that many of the leading 
causes of morbidity and mortality in the U.S. are attributable to 
social, behavioral, and lifestyle factors (e.g., tobacco use, lack of 
exercise, poor diet, and drug and alcohol abuse).  Numerous studies 
have also documented that psychological stress is linked to a variety 
of health outcomes, and researchers and public health officials are 
becoming increasingly interested in understanding the nature of this 
relationship.  Research has shown, for example, that psychological 
stress can contribute to increased heart disease and decreased immune 
system functioning.  Other research has demonstrated that cognitions 
(attitudes, beliefs, values), social support, prayer, and meditation 
can reduce psychological stress and contribute to positive health 
outcomes.  Consequently, over the past decade the National Institutes 
of Health have increased efforts to encourage and support health and 
behavior research (e.g., RFA on Innovative Approaches to Disease 
Prevention Through Behavior Change, NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts, 
Volume 26, Number 36, October 24, 1997).  Mind-body research is viewed 
as one component of health and behavior research.  In 1999, using funds 
especially appropriated by Congress to the OBSSR, the NIH issued a 
Request for Applications (RFA) for Centers for Mind-Body Interactions 
and Health (OD-99-005) and subsequently awarded five P50 Center Grants 

More recently, the NIH has commissioned a series of reports from the 
National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine, such as "New 
Horizons in Health:  An Integrative Approach" (National Academy Press, 
2001) and "Health and Behavior:  The Interplay of Biological, 
Behavioral, and Societal Influences (National Academy Press, 2001).  
These reports include calls for expansion of interdisciplinary health 
research on mind-body topics.  (See summary of recommendations at

Objectives and Scope

The primary purposes of the Mind-body and Health Research Infrastructure 
Program are to provide resources to support and advance research that 
will improve the understanding of mind-body interactions and health, 
facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration among investigators 
conducting health-related mind-body research, and promote innovative 
approaches to mind-body and health research questions.  An additional 
goal is to facilitate interaction among scientists in locations 
throughout the United States in order to contribute to the integration 
and coordination of mind-body and health research.

The INFRASTRUCTURE AWARD (R24) retains some of the characteristics of 
traditional P30 and P50 grants.  It will provide infrastructure to 
support a portfolio of mind-body and health research housed in or 
coordinated by a center or other research unit (hereafter, "research 
unit" or "unit") at an institution.  However, it is designed to move 
beyond the traditional center grant mechanism to allow institutions to 
pursue aggressively scientific opportunities in mind-body and health 
research and to facilitate partnerships among diverse scientists and 
institutions.  The Infrastructure Award permits a streamlined format 
that allows more flexible use of funds to address not only the core 
support needs of existing projects, but also the development of new 
directions and approaches to mind-body and health research and the 
translation of research findings into practice.  It asks applicant 
institutions to design and propose infrastructure programs that will 
serve to advance the interdisciplinary reach, innovation, and impact of 
their research programs, in addition to serving the existing needs of 
researchers.  It also allows and encourages the development of 
infrastructure that broadly serves the field of mind-body and health 

Applicant institutions responding to this RFA must articulate a clear 
vision for their research unit and its current and future contributions 
to mind-body and health research.  Applicant institutions must identify 
the central scientific objectives and themes of the unit, and these must 
be relevant to the NIH mission.  Illustrative examples of mind-body and 
health research topics that fall within the mission are listed below.  
Applicant institutions are encouraged to consult with program staff 
listed under INQUIRIES to determine the relevance of other topics to the 
NIH mission.

Research Topics

Three areas of research are emphasized.  In addition, special 
importance is given to mind-body research in diverse racial/ethnic and 
socioeconomic status populations (e.g., cultural beliefs regarding 
health; perceived racism and health; distrust of health care systems 
and health care utilization).  The formation of multidisciplinary teams 
to perform the research of this initiative is viewed as essential.

1.  The first area of emphasis is the effect of cognitions or 
personality (e.g., beliefs, attitudes, and values; modes of thinking) 
and of emotions on physical health.  Included is research on social, 
psychological, behavioral, affective, and biological factors mediating 
these effects.  What are the physiological, behavioral, and social 
pathways by which beliefs, attitudes, and values or particular stress-
management interventions affect health?  How do emotions, personality, 
and cognitions interact to affect health?

2.  The second emphasis is on determinants or antecedents of health-
related cognitions (beliefs, attitudes, or values; modes of thinking; 
decision-making styles).  That is, given that some beliefs and 
attitudes have been shown to affect health, how are these beliefs, 
attitudes, and values developed, maintained, or changed?

Specifically, this RFA will support research that addresses issues such 
as:  What contributes to individual differences in the beliefs, 
attitudes, and values that affect health and biological processes?  How 
are health-related beliefs, attitudes, and values formed, maintained, 
and changed?  How do social class, family, culture, disability, age, 
gender, or ethnicity influence health-related beliefs, attitudes, 
values, or cognitive styles?

3.  The third is on how stress influences physical health, including:  
(a) basic research investigating how affect, attitudes, beliefs, and 
values influence perceived stress, individual differences in the 
biology of stress, and interactions between stress and behavioral risk 
factors for disease; (b) behavioral, affective, and biological 
mediators of the relationship between stress and health or disease, (c) 
the evaluation of mind-body interventions (e.g., relaxation-based, 
cognitive therapy, or support group) for physical illness and/or 
biological functioning, and (d) the translation of successful 
interventions into programs deliverable in clinical settings.  These 
interventions may be examined alone or in conjunction with other stress 
management techniques.

Issues such as the following would be appropriate here:  Through which 
psychological or physiological pathways do stress management approaches 
affect health?  What are the effective components in successful stress-
management practices?  Does the combination of various stress 
management techniques improve outcome?  Are particular stress-
management interventions more effective for certain individuals, 
populations, or health outcomes?  Can successful stress-management 
practices be effectively implemented in natural settings?  What are the 
possible economic implications of utilizing stress management 
interventions?  What are the factors that lead to individual 
differences in how stress is experienced and managed as well as in the 
health consequences of stress?

Examples of topics of interest specific to the Institutes that have 
joined with OBSSR in supporting this initiative are:

FIC is particularly interested in Mind-Body programs that draw upon, 
enhance, or expand existing FIC-funded biomedical and behavioral 
research collaborations between U.S. scientists and scientists in low- 
to middle-income countries that address global health issues.  For 
example, research exploring the impact of attitudes and values on 
Tobacco use initiation and cessation in developing countries, the 
effects of beliefs and stress associated with Stigma on health 
outcomes, and the potential influence of attitudes and behaviors on 
susceptibility and response to treatment for HIV/AIDS and other 
infectious diseases might complement and synergize with existing FIC 
programs.  In addition, many developing countries have populations with 
considerable experience in the use of mind-body interaction techniques 
in their traditional medicines and this may be one avenue to explore 
within larger collaborative research programs.  Any area of research 
within existing FIC programs that can meaningfully incorporate mind-
body issues would be of interest (see FIC website).  FIC will not make 
independent awards, but will work in partnership with other NIH 
components on this program.

NCI is especially interested in stimulating research that examines 
interactions among environmental factors, psychosocial variables, 
immune, neuroendocrine, genetic, and other potential biological 
mediators and disease related outcomes. Such research may scan the 
cancer control continuum, from prevention to survivorship, and may 
include a focus on such relevant topics as host individual differences, 
"sickness behaviors" (e.g., nausea, fatigue), and biological factors 
impacting tumor growth or metastasis beyond immune surveillance (e.g, 
DNA damage and repair, apoptosis, angiogenesis). Special emphasis is 
place on interdisciplinary research and integrative conceptual models.

Mind-body interventions represent one of the major domains of 
complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).  This domain includes CAM 
practices that intend to facilitate the mind's capacity to affect 
bodily functions and lessen symptoms of disease.  These diverse 
practices are of interest to NCCAM and include, but are not limited to, 
various types of meditation; unconventional uses of hypnosis; prayer 
and other forms of mental healing; and art therapy. In addition, many 
traditional medical systems, such as Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic 
Medicine utilize mind-body CAM techniques. NCCAM is also interested in 
research on the placebo effect and studies on practitioner-patient 
interactions. Specifically related to this RFA, NCCAM is interested in 
research involving the types of mind-body interventions described above 
that can help elucidate how personality, cognitions, emotions, as well 
as beliefs and attitudes, can effect physical health; and how and 
whether CAM mind-body interventions can enhance healing and reduce the 
physical manifestations of illness. In addition, certain mind-body 
interventions, including cognitive-behavioral therapies and various 
means of stress reduction, which are being adopted in some settings by 
mainstream medicine, continue to be of interest to NCCAM.  NCCAM 
encourages CAM-related mind-body research that draws upon contemporary 
tools of neurobiology, neuroimmunology, and neuroendocrinology using 
state-of-the-art imaging, cellular, biochemical and molecular 

The NEI is interested in supporting research that aims to investigate 
the relationship between psychosocial factors and their relationship to 
visual disorders.  Most of the significant causes of blindness and 
visual impairment are associated with aging, and age-related macular 
degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy are major causes of severe 
vision loss in the elderly.  Decreased vision in the elderly and others 
affects their quality of life and their ability to perform normal 
activities of daily living, such as driving, reading, and interacting 
socially. The dissemination and use of visual health information and 
visual impairment rehabilitation are crosscutting areas of emphasis in 
visual health that are impacted by social, psychological and behavioral 
domains.  Beliefs and values critically influence the use of vision 
care services in at-risk populations.  Research has shown that in some 
at-risk populations, knowledge and access to dilated eye examinations 
as an effective means of detecting treatable retinopathy nonetheless do 
not get regular dilated eye examinations.  Underlying social, 
behavioral and psychological factors also influence compliance in the 
use of assistive devices, environmental modifications and 
rehabilitation strategies by visually impaired persons.  Areas of 
research that address these and other topics which meaningfully 
incorporate mind-body issues relevant to visual health would be 
considered responsive to this announcement.

The NHLBI supports behavioral research designed to investigate the 
relationship between psychosocial factors (e.g., depression, social 
support, stress, emotions) and diseases and disorders of the 
circulation, respiratory system, and blood, or sleep disorders.  Other 
areas include the cognitive, emotional, motivational and other 
processes involved in risk assessment, decision-making and formation, 
change, or maintenance of health habits. Of particular interest are 
interactions between any of the above and the social environment, and 
translation of basic behavioral research to clinical applications.  
Finally, study of the interaction between psychosocial factors and 
genetic endowment is encouraged.  The Institute supports a wide range 
of research on the etiology, pathophysiology, treatment, and prevention 
of these disorders, and welcomes integrative, multidisciplinary 
behavioral research in any of these areas.

The NIAAA is particularly interested in the mind-body interaction as it 
enhances our understanding of alcohol abuse and alcoholism and the way 
this interaction impacts the prevalence and incidence of alcohol abuse 
and alcoholism.  Studies of mind-body interactions may include, but not 
be limited to, research on the influence of spirituality, stress, and 
cognitive-behavioral factors on the development and maintenance of 
drinking behavior, treatment of alcohol disorders, and relapse.  While 
the role of spirituality in achieving and maintaining sobriety is 
widely acknowledged, research is needed to determine the underlying 
mechanisms involved and thereby suggest new therapeutic strategies to 
optimize treatment and enhance relapse prevention.  We need to 
understand how mind-body interactions may influence risk and resilience 
factors, e.g., stress and self-reliance.  The mind-body interaction may 
influence the intervention process, particularly cognitive-behavioral 
techniques.  It is anticipated that such knowledge could be 
incorporated into more effective means of preventing and treating 
alcohol disorders among adolescents as well as adult populations.  
Additionally, the NIAAA is committed to reducing alcohol-related health 
disparities in vulnerable populations.  The mind-body interaction may 
enhance understanding of how reactions to stress, stigma, racism, and 
discrimination may influence the incidence to alcohol abuse and 

NIAID is interested in research that will further our understanding of 
the mind-body interrelationships as they relate to the susceptibility 
of an individual to infectious diseases such as HIV-AIDS and malaria, 
or the development of chronic diseases such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, 
pneumonia, and sinusitis. Examples of topics of interest include:  the 
role of stress on reactivation of latent intracellular pathogens and 
susceptibility or resistance to infectious diseases, characterization 
of the effects of stress on microbial pathogenesis within the context 
of co-infections or nutritional status, identification of molecules 
regulating immune-nervous system interactions, the effects of stress on 
innate and adaptive immunity including the effects on the secretion of 
inflammatory mediators and the redistribution of immunocompetent 
lymphocytes, and the impact of immune deficiency on function of the 
nervous system. It is anticipated that these studies will be designed 
on the basis of sound scientific arguments with clearly defined outcome 
measures such as cytokine profiles, functional assays for humoral or 
cell mediated immune responses, and assessment of intracellular 
signaling molecules. The use of novel approaches, recent technologies 
in genomics, proteomics, immunology and molecular biology as well as 
the creation of collaborative scientific teams are particularly 

NIAMS is interested in mind-body research relevant to arthritis and 
other rheumatic diseases, muscle diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, 
bone diseases including osteoporosis, and skin diseases.  Research on 
stress-related alterations in physiological function with potential 
health consequences in autoimmune diseases (e.g., stress and flares in 
systemic lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid arthritis) and evaluation of 
mind-body interventions in diseases within the NIAMS mission are 
especially of interest.

NICHD is particularly interested in interdisciplinary research projects 
examining mind/body interactions that influence child health and 
development.  Studies are encouraged that:  examine the 
interrelationship of socio-economic status and/or poverty with child 
health and development; examine the interrelation of mind/body 
interactions as explanations of health disparities in children and 
young adults; examine psychological stress and pain in children and 
adolescents and their effects on the immune system and illness; examine 
the influence of religiosity and spiritualism on risk behaviors and 
health in children and adolescents; examine the use of complementary 
medicines in the treatment of childhood illnesses and disorders (otitis 
media, colds, chronic fatigue syndrome, ADHD, etc.); examine 
infrequently used techniques in the treatment of childhood conditions 
of pain or stress ( suggestive relaxation techniques for migraine 
headaches and other painful conditions, massage therapy for infants 
born at risk, acupuncture, hypnosis, etc.);  examine children's 
understanding of health and illness and how that understanding relates 
(translates) to health behavior;  study the behavioral treatment of 
sleep disorders in children and adolescents;  examine the impact of 
mind/body interactions on the physiology of pregnancy and the infant in 
relation to health outcome; study the effects of mind/body interactions 
on fertility, maternal health during pregnancy, labor, delivery and 
postpartum periods, breast feeding patterns, and nurturing and rearing 
of infants and children by both parents- especially, fathers; examine 
the role of health-related beliefs or attitudes on achieving and 
maintaining health and well-being of children and youth with physical, 
learning or developmental disabilities; examine mind/body interactions 
in children with physical disabilities caused by injury and their 
adaptation to the impairments.

NIDCR encourages studies that investigate mind-body interactions with 
regard to oral and craniofacial diseases and disorders or dental 
treatments.  Examples include, but are not limited to studies of the 
effects of beliefs, affective states, or stress on the immune system as 
related to the onset, progression, or treatment of oral 
diseases/conditions such as the periodontal diseases, caries, head and 
neck cancers, temporomandibular joint and/or muscle disorders, herpetic 
and apthous lesions, oral manifestations of HIV infection, or oral 
mucosal wound healing following oral surgery.  Stress as a result of 
living with craniofacial anomalies such as cleft lip and cleft palate 
and disfigurement following treatment of head and neck cancers may also 
have an adverse effect on the immune system and treatment outcomes; 
studies examining these linkages and interventions to improve outcomes 
are encouraged.  The NIDCR also encourages studies that integrate oral 
biomarkers into the evaluation of effects of stress-management or other 
therapeutic interventions.  Changes in salivary composition and flow 
are examples of oral biomarkers shown to be relevant to stress and its 
physiological impact.  The relative accessibility of the oral cavity 
provides unique opportunities for non-invasive studies of 
psychophysiological responses associated with positive or negative life 
events, acute or chronic stress-inducing conditions, and psychological 
characteristics or psychiatric conditions.

NIDDK is interested particularly in mind-body and health research 
related to (a) obesity and (b) functional bowel disorders. Examples 
relevant to OBESITY are:  The influence of social stress, depression, 
anxiety, fear, and insecurity leading to or resulting from significant 
life events such as divorce, job loss, economic deprivation, social 
discrimination, and related factors that predispose individuals to 
inappropriate eating behaviors, inappropriate sedentary behaviors, and 
inadequate physical activity behaviors associated with the development 
of overweight and obesity.  The role of self-confidence, self-esteem, 
self-efficacy, self-motivation, self-image, self-perception, 
religiosity/faith, social and family support networks, anger, conflict 
resolution, cultural beliefs, and related factors in the primary 
prevention of inappropriate weight gain, weight maintenance in those 
already overweight, and prevention of weight regain in those who have 
lost weight.  Psycho-social factors that stimulate motivation and lead 
to behavioral changes whereby individuals accept a greater 
responsibility for their personal dietary and physical activity health 
behaviors in the context of a challenging environment that promotes 
overeating and sedentary behaviors.  Psycho-social factors associated 
with unfavorable behaviors such as night eating, binge eating, food 
cravings, or sedentary behaviors such as television watching that lead 
to energy imbalance attributable to excess caloric consumption and/or 
insufficient energy expenditure.  Examples relevant to FUNCTIONAL BOWEL 
DISORDERS are:  The influence of gestational hormonal changes and its 
influences on visceral hypersensitivity in the setting of functional 
bowel disorders.  Studies on the role of peptide hormones released in 
the circulation in response to either stress, chemical, or mechanical 
stimulation of the gut mucosa may provide insights into treatment 
options for patients with functional bowel disorders.  Comparisons of 
the efficacy of non-pharmacological (i.e. Cognitive behavioral therapy, 
hypnosis) to pharmacological approaches in the management of functional 
bowel disorders.  Research on psychosocial factors such as depression, 
low self-esteem, isolation, and how they impact on disease expression 
and severity and quality of life of patients who have irritable bowel 
syndrome and other functional gastrointestinal disorders.

The mission of NIMH is to reduce the burden of mental illness and 
behavioral disorders through research on mind, brain, and behavior.  
With regard to this RFA, the following are illustrative topics:  
Mechanisms accounting for the co-occurrence and co-morbidity of mental 
disorders with physical disorders; identification of principles 
motivating and sustaining behavior changes to reduce the risk for co-
occurring mental and physical disorders; relationships of pain to 
mental disorder; interventions to prevent the occurrence of mental 
health problems in individuals with physical disorders; tests of 
innovative treatments for individuals with co-occurring mental and 
physical disorders; social, psychological, and neurobiological factors 
underlying stress responsivity; "social neuroscience" investigations to 
uncover mechanisms underlying effects of interpersonal, social and 
other environmental factors on mental and physical health and disease; 
influences of cognitive, personality, interpersonal and cultural 
factors on perceptions of risk, help-seeking, symptom reporting and 
health-related behavior; identification of neural substrates underlying 
cognitive functions that influence emotional and stress reactivity; and 
identification of hormonal, biochemical, and cellular pathways 
mediating effects of stress and illness on cognition and mood.  
Experimental approaches should encompass the range of cutting-edge 
methods in social and behavioral science as well as neuroscience.

The NIA's mission is to improve the health and well-being of older 
Americans through research.   The NIA is interested in a developmental 
life-course perspective of aging and mind-body effects on acute and 
chronic health, quality of life, functional capacity, and life 
expectancy/mortality. How diseases common in late-life (e.g. 
hypertension, Type II diabetes, osteoarthritis, Alzheimer's disease) 
are modulated by physiological, neurological, cognitive, affective, 
perceptual, and psychosocial factors experienced by the older 
individual is of high interest.  Research on how mind-body processes 
affect health disparities is especially encouraged, as is 
multilevel/multi-system and interdisciplinary research.  Illustrative 
examples include:  mind-body effects on longevity; early life 
experiences mediated via mind-body interactions and their effects on 
late life health; mind-body effects that are predictive of adherence to 
and benefit from an intervention; the cumulative effects of stress on 
the health of the elderly; the impact of optimism, happiness, or a 
positive attitude on well-being and health; the cognitive impact of 
social exclusion and disruptions to social functioning on health; the 
percepts and affective responses to one's socioeconomic and 
occupational environment and their effects on health; and the 
cumulative impact of extreme stress on health in low resource/low 
income and in-transition countries.

NIDA is interested in supporting research that investigates the role of 
cognitive and/or emotional variables mediating or moderating the 
development of drug abuse and addiction.  NIDA is interested in the 
initiation of drug abuse ("chipping" or occasional drug use), the 
maintenance or continuation of drug taking behaviors (chronic abuse, 
including escalation to compulsive abuse and its associated negative 
consequences), relapse, and characteristics of sustained abstinence.  
The study of cognitive and/or emotional factors (e.g., self-regulation, 
beliefs, self-attributes, perceived risks or benefit), that influence 
vulnerability or resilience to drug abuse, is also of interest.  To 
address these questions, investigators may study responsivity to acute 
drug challenge, including the examination of how physiological, 
motivational or subjective responses to drugs of abuse are influenced 
by cognitive and emotional variables (e.g., expectancy, affective 
state, emotional context, etc.).  Also appropriate would be studies 
examining cognitive and emotional variables (e.g., coping, emotional 
regulation, self-efficacy) in the context of treatment or preventive 
interventions (e.g., role in adherence or compliance), including 
studies on the influence of media and other forms of informational 
messages.  The study of decisions and other cognitive processes, and 
their associated neural substrates, which give rise to sexual risk 
behavior, is also an area of research interest.  Studies on the 
influence of physiological indicators of stress, stress perception or 
stress reactivity (e.g., allosteric load) on drug abuse vulnerability 
or clinical outcome, may be included in proposed investigations.  
Studies in response to this RFA may be laboratory-based experiments 
(i.e., with human substance abusing populations, or preclinical 
models), or field based investigations in real world or clinical 


This RFA will use the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Resource-
related Research Project Grant (R24) mechanism for Research 
Infrastructure Awards.  The R24 mechanism is used to support projects 
that enhance the capabilities of resources to contribute to NIH 
extramural research.  As an applicant you will be solely responsible 
for planning, directing, and executing the proposed project.  This RFA 
is a one-time solicitation.  Currently, NIH does not have a plan for 
re-issuing this within the next five years.

The total project period for an application submitted in response to 
this RFA is up to five (5) years for R24 awards.  The anticipated award 
date is April 2004.

This RFA uses just-in-time concepts.  Modifications to the standard 
application instructions, which are provided under SUPPLEMENTAL 
INSTRUCTIONS below, must be used.

Institutions applying for Research Infrastructure Awards (R24) may 
request support in the following categories:  (A) Research Support 
Cores, (B) Developmental Infrastructure, (C) Research Projects, and (D) 
Translation of Research Findings into Practice.  Applicant institutions 
are not expected to request support in all or even most of the 
categories; rather, they should request types and levels of support that 
best suit their needs and objectives.  NIH expects that the requested 
amount and allocation of infrastructure support will vary substantially.  
The first three categories of infrastructure support are intended to 
advance the scientific program of the applicant institution's research 
unit.  For these categories, applicant institutions must justify the 
types and amounts of support requested in terms of:  (1) the scope, 
objectives, and current and potential impact of the institution's 
research program; (2) the potential contribution of requested 
infrastructure to advancing the research program; and (3) the cost-
effectiveness of the requested support.  Applicant institutions are 
expected to define guidelines for determining the eligibility of 
researchers and research projects to access resources provided under 
this program, and guidelines and procedures for allocating such 
resources.  No restrictions on access (e.g., by students, investigators 
lacking research support, investigators in fields other than mind-body 
and health research) are imposed under this announcement.  However, 
applicant institutions must demonstrate that their proposed guidelines 
and procedures for controlling access to core resources are consistent 
with the scientific objectives of their research program and the goals 
of this RFA.

1.  RESEARCH SUPPORT CORES provide shared resources that support the 
institution's research program.  Research Support Cores should be 
designed to advance the central scientific objectives and themes of the 
applicant institution's research program while providing essential, 
cost-effective services to support on-going research activities.  Cores 
should be designed to facilitate and promote innovation in the science 
conducted by program researchers in addition to responding to researcher 
needs.  Equipment and support services that are specific to (i.e., 
solely for) individual research projects or researchers are not 
allowable, except in the context of research projects as described in 
Section 3 below.  Examples include:

o  ADMINISTRATIVE CORE providing for coordination of research, editorial 
services, and/or assistance with grant application development and 
fiscal management of grants.

o  COMPUTING CORE providing equipment and/or services supporting shared 
computing needs.

o  INFORMATION CORE providing support for retrieving information, 
materials, and data commonly used in mind-body and health research.

o  DESIGN, ANALYSIS, AND DATA SHARING CORES providing support for 
methodological and statistical issues as well as the preparation and 
implementation of data sharing among investigators within and outside of 
the applicant institution.

2.  DEVELOPMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE refers to activities that promote the 
development of new research capabilities.  Examples include:

o  PILOT RESEARCH SUPPORT, providing funds for the development of new 
research projects.  Institutions proposing pilot grant programs must 
develop guidelines and eligibility requirements appropriate to the goals 
of this RFA, and procedures and policies for administration of the 
program.  Issues that may be addressed include (but need not be limited 
to):  (1) priorities for allocating funds (e.g., junior researchers, 
specified areas of research, interdisciplinary work, etc.); (2) 
procedures for reviewing applications; (3) requirements for leveraging 
funds or preparing research proposals to continue or expand the research 
project; (4) size of awards; (5) length of award periods; (6) number of 
awards permitted to an individual researcher; (7) mentoring 
arrangements; and (8) cost-sharing arrangements with the parent 

o  FACULTY DEVELOPMENT, providing for partial salary support or other 
support for the recruitment of new faculty in scientific areas critical 
to the development of innovative and/or interdisciplinary research 
directions.  Support for any one individual may not exceed three years 
in duration.

o  NEW SERVICES, fostering the development of new core services.  For 
example, applicant institutions may propose to hire consultants to 
assist with the design of research data acquisition services, or conduct 
pilot studies to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of alternative modes of 
core service delivery.

o  RESEARCH AGENDA DEVELOPMENT, laying the groundwork for new 
substantive work or foster new research collaborations through 
workshops, conferences, seminar series, and visiting scholar programs.

3.  RESEARCH PROJECTS proposed must be of R01 quality, must directly 
address and advance the program's central scientific objectives and 
themes, and should emphasize innovative, interdisciplinary, and/or 
cross-cutting elements.  Institutions are encouraged to consider R01 and 
other research grant mechanisms for the support of research projects 
that do not explicitly meet these criteria.

from the first three categories of infrastructure support in that they 
are not solely intended to advance the basic research program at the 
applicant institution, but are directed instead at external audiences.  
These audiences may include (but are not limited to) the broad community 
of mind-body and health researchers or communities concerned with public 
policy or health or social programs.  The activities should facilitate 
the use of scientific resources outside of the applicant institution as 
well as the practical (e.g., policy or clinical) implementation of 
research findings.  Applicant institutions should address the time frame 
during which the resource(s) or service(s) will be provided as well as 
the short- and long-term plan for supporting them.  This plan should 
address, as applicable, expectations for NIH support, cost-sharing by 
the institution and other sources of support, and plans for charging 
users and for managing program income.

Illustrative examples of activities include:  supporting and 
disseminating databases of high relevance to mind-body and health 
research; developing and disseminating multidisciplinary bibliographic 
databases; providing general resources for sharing of methods, 
instruments, technique, analytic tools, or data.

Illustrative examples of activities benefiting policy, program, or 
clinical audiences include the development of tools for effectively 
communicating mind-body and health research findings to relevant 
audiences and innovative strategies for translating basic research 
findings into programs designed to improve health and well-being.  
Applicant institutions should present their plans for ensuring effective 
dissemination of the resources, tools or services developed by the 

Applicant institutions should justify public infrastructure activities 
aimed at the scientific community by demonstrating:  (1) that these 
activities will significantly advance the field of mind-body and health 
research; (2) that the proposed activity does not duplicate existing 
resources or services; and (3) that the proposed activity is cost-


Applicant institutions may propose to cooperate with other institutions 
in undertaking any of the above-mentioned infrastructure activities.  
Cooperative activities may include the development of research 
partnerships involving scientists in the applicant institution's program 
and colleagues in other institutions, and/or joint ventures with other 
institutions to provide research, developmental, or translational 
research services.  Proposed research partnerships must be justified in 
terms of the scientific advances to be gained through collaborations 
across institutions relative to those likely to emerge from within-
institution partnerships.  Examples of allowable activities include 
travel for project development and coordination and use of research 
support core, pilot project, and research project funds.  Applicant 
institutions also may propose cooperative research support, 
developmental, or translation-to-practice activities in which the 
applicant and a similar unit in another institution participate in joint 
funding and administration of a common service or resource.  Examples 
might include a shared library, data archive, technology (e.g., MRI), or 
outreach effort.  Partners in a cooperative venture need not be another 
institution funded through this RFA.  Applicant institutions must 
clearly describe the rights and responsibilities of each proposed 
partner in the funding, administration, and use of shared resources.


The NIH intends to commit approximately six million dollars in total 
costs [Direct plus Facilities and Administrative (F & A) costs] in FY 
2004.  The NIH anticipates making up to six awards.  Although the 
financial plans of the NIH provide support for this program, awards 
pursuant to this RFA are contingent upon the availability of funds and 
the receipt of a sufficient number of meritorious applications.  

Because the nature and scope of the research proposed may vary, it is 
anticipated that the size of each award will also vary.  Applicant 
institutions may request a project period of up to five years and a 
budget for TOTAL costs (i.e., combined direct and indirect costs) of up 
to $1,000,000 per year.

Applicant institutions are strongly encouraged to discuss budget 
requests with program staff listed under INQUIRIES prior to submission.


You may submit (an) application(s) if your institution has any of the 
following characteristics:

o For-profit or non-profit organizations
o Public or private institutions, such as universities, colleges, 
hospitals, and laboratories
o Units of State and local governments
o Eligible agencies of the Federal government
o Domestic (foreign institutions are ineligible)
o Faith-based or community-based organizations.

To be eligible to apply, the institution must have at least five (5) 
researchers with a history of research activity related to mind-body and 
health research in both of the following categories:  (1) externally 
funded research grants or contracts in the past three years and (2) one 
or more publications in peer-reviewed journals during the past three 
years. The "past three years" refers to the 36-month period preceding 
the application submission date for this RFA. "Externally funded" means 
funding is received from sources outside the institution; it may include 
peer-reviewed funding from NIH, NSF, other federal agencies, state and 
local governments, and private foundations. Include only projects on 
which the individual has served as Principal Investigator or had 
substantial involvement, comparable to that indicated by identification 
of an investigator as "key personnel" on an NIH-funded grant.

Institutions may not simultaneously submit applications in response to 
this RFA and its companion RFA-OB-03-005.

Potential applicant institutions are strongly encouraged to contact 
staff listed under INQUIRIES to discuss eligibility prior to submission 
of an application.


Individuals with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to 
carry out the proposed research are invited to work with their 
institution to develop an application for support.  Individuals from 
underrepresented racial and ethnic groups as well as individuals with 
disabilities are always encouraged to apply for NIH programs.


Applicant institutions must already have in place or establish at the 
time of an award a research center or other administrative unit 
(referred to as the "research unit" or "unit") that serves as a focal 
point for or coordinates mind-body and health research across the 
institution.  This unit must have a defined governance structure.  The 
Principal Investigator should be a scientist or science administrator 
who can provide effective administrative and scientific leadership.  
Because the "Mind-Body Interactions and Health:  Research Infrastructure 
Program" is expected to enhance the unit's competitiveness for NIH 
funding, the institution and pertinent departments are expected to show 
a strong commitment to the unit and to match the requested 
infrastructure support at a level appropriate to the resources of the 
institution and the scope of the proposed program activities.  Such 
commitment may be demonstrated by the provision of dedicated space, 
faculty appointments in subject areas relevant to the goals of the 
unit's research program, salary support for investigators or core staff, 
dedicated equipment, or other financial support for the proposed 
program.  Applicant institutions are encouraged to consult with program 
staff listed under INQUIRIES to discuss this requirement.

The research conducted at the unit should reflect scientific benefits 
and cost-efficiencies resulting from cooperation and interaction among a 
pool of scientists with shared interests in mind-body and health 
research.  Applicant institutions should have in place (or propose in 
their applications) effective mechanisms for fostering the development 
of an intellectual community that bridges investigators from different 
disciplines and different projects and promotes innovation in mind-body 
and health research.

Also see ELIGIBLE INSTITUTIONS (above) for minimum application 
requirements.  Note that these requirements take precedence over 
requirements announced elsewhere (e.g., in the instructions for the 
application kit PHS 398).


We encourage inquiries concerning this RFA and welcome the opportunity 
to answer questions from potential applicants.  Inquiries may fall into 
three areas:  scientific/research, peer review, and financial or grants 
management issues:

o  Direct inquiries regarding GENERAL ISSUES to:

Ronald P. Abeles, Ph.D.
Office of Behavioral and Social Research
Office of the Director
National Institutes of Health
Gateway Building, Room 2C234, MSC 9205
7201 Wisconsin Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20892-9205
Phone:  301-496-7859

o  Direct inquiries regarding research interests and topics of SPECIFIC 

Flora N. Katz, Ph.D.
Fogarty International Center
National Institutes of Health
31 Center Drive
Bethesda, MD 20892-2220
Phone:  301-402-9591
Fax:  301-402-0779

Michael Stefanek, Ph.D.
Chief, Basic Biobehavioral Research Branch
Behavioral Research Program
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
National Cancer Institute
6130 Executive Boulevard/EPN 4066
Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Phone:  301-496-8776
Fax:  301-435-7547

Nancy J. Pearson, Ph.D.
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
National Institutes of Health
6707 Democracy Blvd., Room 401
Bethesda, MD  20892
Phone:  301-594 0519

Chyren Hunter, Ph.D.
National Eye Institute, NIH
6120 Executive Blvd., MSC 7164 
Executive Plaza South, Suite 350
Bethesda, MD 20892-7164
Phone:  301-451-2020
Fax:  301-402-0528

Sarah Knox, Ph.D.
Behavioral Medicine Research Group
Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
6701 Rockledge Drive - MSC 7936
Bethesda, MD 20892-7936
Phone:  301-435-0409

Thomas Gentry, Ph.D.
Office of Collaborative Research
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
6000 Executive Boulevard MSC 7003, Suite 302
Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
Phone:  301-443-6009
Fax:  301-480-2358

Christopher E. Taylor, ScD
Bacterial Diseases Program Officer
Respiratory Diseases Branch
Division of Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
6700-B Rockledge Drive
Bethesda, MD, 20852-7630
Phone:  301-496-5305
Fax:  301-496-8030

Deborah N. Ader, Ph.D.
Behavior and Prevention Research Program Director
One Democracy Plaza, Suite 800
Bethesda, MD 20892-4872
Telephone:  (301) 594-5032
Fax:  (301) 480-4543

V. Jeffery Evans Ph.D., J.D.
Director of Intergenerational Research
Demographic and Behavioral Sciences Branch
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
6100 Executive Boulevard, Room 8B07, MSC 7510
Bethesda, MD  20892-7510
Phone:  301-496-1176
Fax:  301-496-0962

Patricia S. Bryant, Ph.D
Director, Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Program
Clinical, Epidemiology, and Behavioral Research Branch
Division of Population and Health Promotion Sciences
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
45 Center Drive, Rm 4AS.43A
Bethesda, MD 20892-6402
Phone:  301-594-2095
Fax:  301-480-8322

Frank A. Hamilton,M.D., MPH
Director, GI Motility Program
Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition
6707 Democracy Boulevard, Democracy 2
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-5450
Phone:  301-594-8877
Fax:  301-480-8300

Mary Ellen Oliveri, Ph.D.
Chief, Behavioral Science Research Branch
Division of Neuroscience and Basic Behavioral Science
National Institute of Mental Health
6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 7220, MSC 9651
Bethesda, MD 20892
Phone:  301-443-3942
Fax:  301-443-9876

Richard Suzman, Ph.D.
Associate Director
Behavioral and Social Research (BSR)
Gateway Building, Suite 533
7201 Wisconsin Avenue, MSC 9205
Bethesda, MD  20892-9205
Phone:  301-496-3131
Fax:  301-402-0051

Ro Nemeth-Coslett, PhD
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Division of Treatment Research and Development
Clinical Neurobiology Branch
NSC Rm 4234 MSC 9551
6001 Executive Blvd,
Bethesda, MD 20897
Phone:  301-402-1746
Fax:  301-443-6814

o Direct your questions about PEER REVIEW ISSUES to:

Michael Micklin, Ph.D.
Center for Scientific Review
National Institutes of Health
6701 Rockledge Drive, Rm. 3178 MSC 7848
Bethesda, MD 20814-9692
Phone:  301-435-1258
Fax:  301-480-3962


Bruce Butrum
Fogarty International Center
National Institutes of Health
31 Center Drive
Bethesda, MD 20892-2220
Phone:  301-496-1670
Fax:  301-594-1211

Crystal Wolfrey
Grants Administration Branch
National Cancer Institute
Executive Plaza South, Room 243
Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Phone:  301-496-8634

Victoria Carper
Grants Management Officer
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
National Institutes of Health
6707 Democracy Blvd., Room 401
Bethesda, MD 20892
Phone:  301-594-9102

William W. Darby
Grants Management Officer
National Eye Institute
Executive Plaza South, Suite 350
6120 Executive Blvd, MSC 7164
Bethesda, MD 20892
Phone:  301-451-2020
Fax:  301-496-9997

Tanya McCoy
Grants Operations Branch
Division of Extramural Affairs
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
6701 Rockledge Drive - MSC 7926
Bethesda, MD 20892-7926
Phone:  301-435-0171

Judy Fox
Grants Management Branch
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Willco Building, Suite 505
6000 executive Blvd. (MSC-7003)
Bethesda, MD  20892-7003
Phone:  301-443-2434

Lesia A. Norwood
Grants Management Officer
Grants Management Branch
Division of Extramural Activities
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease
6700-B Rockledge Drive, Room 2117, MSC 7614
Phone:  301-402-7146
Fax:  301-480-3780

Michael Morse
Deputy Grants Management Officer
One Democracy Plaza, Suite 800
6701 Democracy Blvd.
Bethesda, MD 20892-4872
Phone (301) 594-3506
Fax:  (301) 480-5450

Kathy Hancock
Grants Management Branch
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
6100 Executive Boulevard, Room 8A17K, MSC 7510
Bethesda, MD  20892-7510
Phone:  301-496-5482
Fax:  301-480-4782

Mary E. Daley
Chief Grants Management Officer
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
45 Center Dr MSC 6402
Bethesda, MD 20892-6402
Phone:  301-594-4808
Fax:  301-480-8303

Mr. Donald Ellis
Grants Management Branch. NIDDK
6707 Democracy Boulevard, Room 743
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-5450
Phone:  301-594-8849
Fax:  301-480-3504

Diana S. Trunnell
Assistant Chief, Grants Management Branch
Division of Extramural Activities
National Institute of Mental Health
6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 6120, MSC 9605
Bethesda, MD 20892-9605
Phone:  301-443-2805
Fax:  301-443-6885

Linda Whipp
Grants and Contracts Management Officer
National Institute on Aging
Gateway Building, Suite 2N212
7201 Wisconsin Avenue, MSC 9205
Bethesda, MD  20892-9205
Phone:  301-496-1472
Fax:  301-402-3672

Gary Fleming, J.D., M.A.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Office of Planning and Resource Management
Grants Management Branch
6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 3131 MSC 9541
Bethesda, MD  20892
Phone:  (301) 443-6710
Fax:  (301) 594-6849


Prospective applicants are asked to submit a letter of intent that 
includes the following information:

o Descriptive title of the proposed research
o Name, address, and telephone number of the Principal Investigator
o Names of other key personnel
o Participating institutions
o Number and title of this RFA

Although a letter of intent is not required, is not binding, and does 
not enter into the review of a subsequent application, the information 
that it contains allows NIH staff to estimate the potential review 
workload and plan the review.

The letter of intent is to be sent by June 16, 2003.  The letter of 
intent should be sent to:

Ronald P. Abeles, Ph.D.
Office of Behavioral and Social Research
Office of the Director
National Institutes of Health
Gateway Building, Room 2C234, MSC 9205
7201 Wisconsin Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20892-9205
Phone:  301-496-7859


Applications must be prepared using the PHS 398 research grant 
application instructions and forms (rev. 5/2001).  The PHS 398 is 
available at in 
an interactive format.  For further assistance contact GrantsInfo, 
Telephone (301) 710-0267, Email:


In lieu of the preprinted Table of Contents outline on Form Page 3 of 
PHS 398, a table of contents should be prepared listing all of the 
major sections described below and paginated to enable reviewers to 
find specific information readily. The Table of Contents should contain 
the types of information suggested below in three sections:  Section I 
- General Information, Section II - Research Plan, and Section III - 
Appendix. The following guidelines will provide directions and 
descriptions for preparing each section. Major areas to be listed and 
paginated in the Table of Contents appear in capital letters.



Complete all items on the application face page. This is page 1; number 
succeeding pages consecutively.

The RFA title (Mind-Body Interactions and Health:  Research 
Infrastructure Program) and number (OB-03-004) must be typed on line 2 
of the face page and the YES box must be marked.


Abstract of Research Plan. On page 2, describe briefly the objectives 
of the proposed infrastructure grant and the proposed infrastructure 
components. The abstract must fit in the space provided.

List key scientific and technical personnel participating in the grant. 
Use continuation pages as necessary, numbering consecutively.


Prepare the Table of Contents as noted above. The major areas to be 
listed are enumerated in these instructions.


Prepare composite budget tables for the Infrastructure Grant as 
requested below. Requested funds should not exceed $1,000,000 per year 
in total costs (i.e., combined direct and indirect costs) and not more 
than five years of requested support. Separate detailed budget tables 
also are required for each component.

1. Composite Budget

PHS 398 to present the total budget for all requested support for the 
first year. For each category, such as "PERSONNEL," "EQUIPMENT," etc., 
list the amount requested for each component. 

If consortium arrangements have been made involving other institutions 
or organizations, include total costs [direct plus Facilities and 
Administrative (F & A) costs] associated with such third party 
participation in the "CONSORTIUM/CONTRACTUAL COSTS" category. Costs for 
purchased services should be itemized under "OTHER EXPENSES."

prepare a budget, by category, that provides totals for each year of 
requested support.  Budget estimates must include travel costs for 
attending an ANNUAL MEETING of project directors and key staff at the 
NIH in Bethesda, Maryland. Budget at least for two persons to attend a 
two-day meeting once per year.

2. Infrastructure Component Budgets

present the total budget for each component for which support is 
requested for the first year. For each category, such as "PERSONNEL," 
"EQUIPMENT," etc., list the amount requested for each component.

prepare a budget, by category, that provides totals for each year of 
requested support for each component.

Consortium Budgets (if applicable) should be presented as described in 
Item 1 (Composite Budget). Total Direct and F & A Costs of sub-awardee 
are to be shown under "CONSORTIUM/CONTRACTUAL COSTS" on individual 
component budgets and a detailed consortium budget is to be inserted 
following the appropriate core budget, using Form Pages 4 and 5.

3. Budget Justifications

Describe the specific functions of key scientific and technical 
personnel, consultants, collaborators, and support staff. For all 
years, explain and justify any unusual items such as major equipment or 
alterations and renovations. For additional years of support requested, 
justify any significant increases in any category over the first 12-
month budget period. Identify such significant increases with asterisks 
against the appropriate amounts. If a recurring annual increase in 
"PERSONNEL" or "OTHER EXPENSES" is anticipated, give the percentage. 
However, current NIH practice limits this annual increase to three 


Biographical sketches are required for all key scientific and technical 
personnel participating in the program.

1. Active Research Staff

List all key scientific personnel in the program. Beginning with the 
Principal Investigator, and following in alphabetical order, submit 
biographical sketches as described in the instructions for Form PHS 
398. Do not exceed four pages for each person. Note that this 
information is essential in demonstrating that the applicant 
institution meets eligibility requirements for a R24 award. (See 

2. Technical Staff

List all technical personnel involved in infrastructure components of 
the application. In alphabetical order, submit biographical sketches as 
described in the instructions for Form PHS 398. Do not exceed four 
pages for each person.


Applicants should present a summary table of the levels of 
infrastructure and research support received by the unit, by source. 
This table should show, for the applicant unit as a whole, the total 
funds supporting research and infrastructure in the unit for the most 
recent budget year available. Show sources of funds in major categories 
(e.g., NIH P30, R03, or R01 grants, NSF, Foundations, parent 
institution, etc.). This table should be presented in a format of the 
example available at


Complete the "RESOURCES" section on Form Page 8 for the overall unit. 
Briefly describe the features of the institutional environment that are 
or would be relevant to the effective implementation of the proposed 
program. As appropriate, describe available resources, such as clinical 
and laboratory facilities, participating and affiliated units, patient 
populations, geographical distribution of space and personnel, and 
consultative resources. Use continuation pages as needed.


Include a detailed Table of Contents with pagination (numeric only) at 
the beginning of Section II. Identify each section by title, and assign 
each a capital letter (A, B, C, etc.) that reflects the order in which 
they are presented in the application research plan.

Page limitations:  The length of the sections devoted to the overall 
description of the program, progress report, research activity, and 
proposed infrastructure components must not exceed those specified 
below. Applicants should be concise.

Assurances and Collaborative Agreements. Any arrangements for 
collaborative and cooperative endeavors or subcontracting should be 
highlighted in the appropriate section below. Letters of Intent to 
Collaborate and Letters of Agreement from consultants should be 
referenced here and included at the end of the appropriate component.


Summarize the central scientific objectives and themes of the unit. 
Highlight significant, unique, and/or cross-cutting areas of research. 
Describe the impact the unit has had on the field with reference to 
major recent contributions by active researchers in the program, large-
scale projects that exhibit positive externalities in the field, 
creation of interdisciplinary collaborations, training and mentoring of 
new scientists, scientific leadership of program personnel, or 
translational activities to improve clinical practice, public 
intervention programs, and public policy formulation. Summarize the 
vision of program researchers for the unit's future scientific advances 
and contributions.

Describe the configuration and governance of the unit and provide an 
organizational chart. Include information on administrative position of 
the unit within the larger institution, the authority of the Director, 
and the use of advisory or user committees. Outline the principles and 
procedures the unit uses to determine membership in or affiliation with 
the unit and to allocate resources and grant access to core services. 
If the unit employs more than one category of membership or 
affiliation, explain the privileges and responsibilities associated 
with each. Describe how the NIH support would leverage and interact 
with all other forms of support contributing to the research activities 
of the program.

Describe strategies the unit employs for advancing the quality and 
innovation of its mind-body and health research program over the short 
and long run. Describe how the unit fosters the development of an 
intellectual community that bridges investigators from different 
disciplines and different projects and promotes innovation in mind-body 
and health research. Describe how the unit develops and implements its 
goals. Describe how the unit assures the development and success of 
junior scientists.

Summarize the key features of the proposed infrastructure program and 
explain how each element will advance the quality, productivity, and 
innovation of the unit's research activities. For Public Infrastructure 
activities, explain the value and significance of the activities.

Do not exceed 10 pages for this section.


Applicants currently funded under the P50 Centers for Mind/Body 
Interactions and Health program (RFA-OD-99-005) should prepare a 
progress report as required in PHS 398.

Do not exceed five pages.


Describe the themes of the unit's research program and its central 
scientific objectives for advancing research on these themes. For each 
highlighted theme:

o  Discuss the scientific and practical significance of the research 
theme:  how can advances in this area contribute to substantive 
knowledge, scientific methods, or public well-being?

o  Describe how current and recent research activity in the unit has 
contributed to the theme:  what scientific accomplishments have program 
scientists achieved and how have they affected mind-body and health 
research? Highlight activities that have produced significant 
innovation and/or interdisciplinary collaboration.

o  Explain the vision of program scientists for advancing research on 
this theme. What are the important questions to be answered? What 
challenges must scientists overcome to answer them? What specific 
objectives will guide the work of program scientists in this area?

o  Indicate the strategies that program scientists will adopt to meet 
the challenges and objectives relating to this theme. How will the 
proposed infrastructure components advance research in this area?

Do not exceed 15 pages for this section.


Briefly summarize the recent and current research activity of each 
active program scientist with respect to each of the five points listed 
below. Use one page per active researcher. Describe the Principal 
Investigator's research activity first and that of all other 
researchers subsequently in alphabetical order.

1. Summarize the most important scientific accomplishments of the 
researcher during the 36 months prior to the receipt date for this RFA 
(i.e., July 2000 to July 2003). Discuss these accomplishments with 
respect to their significance, innovation, and actual or potential 
impact on mind-body and health research.

2. Identify externally funded research projects in which the researcher 
participated as key personnel during the 36 months prior to the receipt 
date for this RFA, the amount, source, and period of funding, and the 
role and time commitment of the individual on the project. Information 
provided under F. SUMMARY TABLE OF RESEARCH SUPPORT may be referenced 
as appropriate to avoid repetition.

3. Briefly summarize relevant working papers and future research plans 
(e.g., pending and planned research grant applications).

4. Describe how the researcher contributes to the unit's research 
program:  how his or her expertise, disciplinary training, substantive 
interests, technical skills help to advance the central scientific 
objectives and themes of the unit. Identify recent, active, or planned 
collaborations involving this researcher.

5. Describe how the researcher uses (or would use) the proposed 
infrastructure cores or activities.


Describe proposed components in the order listed below. If more than 
one component is proposed under a given category, assign letters to 
distinguish the components (e.g., 1.a; 2.c). For each component, 
provide the name of the Director and describe procedures used to assure 
cost-efficiency and high quality administrative and research 

Do not exceed five pages in describing each component (core or 
activity). If any component is described as a collaborative activity 
(i.e., involving partnership with another institution), applicants may 
use one additional page to describe how each partner will contribute 
(e.g., in terms of administration, staffing, and other resources); how 
each partner will benefit (e.g., in terms of access to services or 
research productivity); and how decision-making will be shared.

1. Research Support Cores - Describe the objectives, administrative 
organization (use organizational chart), staffing (including a Core 
Director and any professional or technical personnel and their duties), 
space and physical resources, current and projected services, 
eligibility for and allocation of services, and cost-sharing 
arrangements. Briefly describe current or planned research activities 
that will utilize the core services.

Explain how the proposed research support cores will contribute to 
advancing the central scientific objectives and themes of the research 
program and how the activities will foster innovation in the program's 
research. Describe strategies for assuring that research support 
services effectively respond to and anticipate the evolving needs of 
science conducted in the unit. Justify the core in terms of scientific 
impact and cost-effectiveness. Explain what the proposed core services 
will provide over and above research support that the applicant's 
institution already provides and why they are essential to meet the 
needs and goals of the research program.

2. Developmental Infrastructure - Describe the objectives and 
administrative organization of each type of developmental 
infrastructure. Describe the impact of the infrastructure on mind-body 
and health research within the unit. In describing seed grant programs, 
provide details on program procedures and policies, including review 
procedures; priorities for allocating funds; requirements for 
leveraging funds or preparing research proposals to extend or continue 
the project; size of awards; length of award periods; number of awards 
permitted to an individual researcher; mentorship arrangements; and 
cost-sharing arrangements with the parent institution.

Faculty development may include salary and/or research support for new 
faculty. Describe the probable use of faculty development funds and the 
ways in which the plan will advance the unit's research objectives.

3. Research Projects - For each component research project, provide a 
full description of the project following the format presented in Form 
PHS 398. Begin the presentation of each component research project on a 
separate page.

Indicate:  Project Title, Principal Investigator, title, location, 
other investigators, consultants, and collaborators, titles (associate 
professor, postdoctoral fellow, student), and location.

Present an Abstract of Research Plan (use Form Page 2 of PHS 398).

Present the Research Project Plan (do not exceed 25 pages for Sections 
A-D). Discuss the purpose and nature of the project and its relevance 
to the program's signature theme(s). Address the following:  Specific 
Aims, Significance, Preliminary Studies and/or progress to date (for 
competing continuations), if applicable. Discuss the Research Design 
and Methods. For research involving human subjects, this section must 
address the inclusion of women, minorities and their subgroups, and 
children as research subjects, following relevant policy announcements. 
(See REQUIRED FEDERAL CITATIONS, below.) Discuss Human Subjects, 
Vertebrate Animals, Consultants, Collaborative arrangements, including 
pertinent letters of assurance and intent. Present a section on 
Literature Cited.

4. Public Infrastructure - Describe the objective of each activity and 
the target audience (e.g., mind-body and health researchers, program 
managers, policy makers). Explain the significance of the activity. 
Discuss the potential of the activity for advancing mind-body and 
health research, stimulating innovative or interdisciplinary research, 
and/or enhancing the effective dissemination and translation of 
research findings. Describe the unique contribution of the activity 
compared with other similar activities that may already exist. Describe 
the administrative organization (use organizational chart), staffing, 
space and physical resources and current or projected services and 
activities. Describe the plan for disseminating the resources, 
services, or products to the target audience. Justify the core in terms 
of cost-effectiveness and describe short- and long-range plans for 
supporting the activity.

USING THE RFA LABEL:  The RFA label available in the PHS 398 (rev.  
5/2001) application form must be affixed to the bottom of the face page 
of the application.  Type the RFA number on the label.  Failure to use 
this label could result in delayed processing of the application such 
that it may not reach the review committee in time for review.  In 
addition, the RFA title (Mind-Body Interactions and Health:  Research 
Infrastructure Program) and number (OB-03-004) must be typed on line 2 
of the face page of the application form and the YES box must be 
marked.  The RFA label is also available at:

SENDING AN APPLICATION TO THE NIH:  Submit a signed, typewritten 
original of the application, including the Checklist, and five signed, 
photocopies, in one package to:

Center For Scientific Review
National Institutes Of Health
6701 Rockledge Drive, Room 1040, MSC 7710
Bethesda, MD  20892-7710
Bethesda, MD  20817 (for express/courier service)

APPLICATION PROCESSING:  Applications must be received by July 16, 
2003.  If an application is received after that date, it will be 
returned to the applicant without review.

The Center for Scientific Review (CSR) will not accept any application 
in response to this RFA that is essentially the same as one currently 
pending initial review, unless the applicant withdraws the pending 
application.  The CSR will not accept any application that is 
essentially the same as one already reviewed.  This does not preclude 
the submission of substantial revisions of applications already 
reviewed, but such applications must include an Introduction addressing 
the previous critique.


Upon receipt, applications will be reviewed for completeness by the CSR 
and responsiveness by the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences 
Research (OBSSR).  Incomplete and/or non-responsive applications will 
be returned to the applicant without further consideration.

Applications that are complete and responsive to the RFA will be 
evaluated for scientific and technical merit by an appropriate peer 
review group convened by the CSR in accordance with the review criteria 
stated below.  As part of the initial merit review, all applications 

o Receive a written critique
o Undergo a process in which only those applications deemed to have the 
highest scientific merit, generally the top half of the applications 
under review, will be discussed and assigned a priority score
o Receive a second level review by the National Advisory Council or 
Board of the NIH Institute or Center to which it is assigned.


The goals of NIH-supported research are to advance our understanding of 
health-related biological, behavioral, and social systems, improve the 
control of disease, and enhance health. In the written comments, 
reviewers will be asked to discuss the following aspects of each project 
in order to judge the likelihood that the proposed research will have a 
substantial impact on the pursuit of these goals. Each of the criteria 
listed below will be addressed and considered in assigning the score for 
a research project, weighting them as appropriate for each project. Note 
that the project does not need to be strong in all categories to be 
judged likely to have major scientific impact and thus deserve a high 
priority score. For example, an investigator may propose to carry out 
important work that by its nature is not innovative but is essential to 
move a field forward.

(1) SIGNIFICANCE:  Does your project address an important problem?  If 
the aims of your application are achieved, how do they advance 
scientific knowledge?  What will be the effect of these studies on the 
concepts or methods that drive this field?

(2) APPROACH:  Are the conceptual framework, design, methods, and 
analyses adequately developed, well integrated, and appropriate to the 
aims of the project?  Do you acknowledge potential problem areas and 
consider alternative tactics?

(3) INNOVATION:  Does your project employ novel concepts, approaches or 
methods?  Are the aims original and innovative?  Does your project 
challenge existing paradigms or develop new methodologies or 

(4) INVESTIGATOR:  Are you appropriately trained and well suited to 
carry out this work?  Is the work proposed appropriate to your 
experience level as the principal investigator and to that of other 
researchers (if any)?

(5) ENVIRONMENT:  Does the scientific environment in which your work 
will be done contribute to the probability of success?  Do the proposed 
experiments take advantage of unique features of the scientific 
environment or employ useful collaborative arrangements?  Is there 
evidence of institutional support?

ADDITIONAL REVIEW CRITERIA:  In addition to the above criteria, your 
application will also be reviewed with respect to the following:

o PROTECTIONS:  The adequacy of the proposed protection for humans, 
animals, or the environment, to the extent they may be adversely 
affected by the project proposed in the application.

o INCLUSION:  The adequacy of plans to include subjects from both 
genders, all racial and ethnic groups (and subgroups), and children as 
appropriate for the scientific goals of the research.  Plans for the 
recruitment and retention of subjects will also be evaluated.  (See 
Inclusion Criteria included in the section on Federal Citations, below)

o BUDGET:  The reasonableness of the proposed budget and the requested 
period of support in relation to the proposed research.



Two PRIMARY CRITERIA will be used to evaluate the overall scientific 
merit of an application for a Research Infrastructure Award:

1)  Quality of the research program and its impact on the field:  
Reviewers will consider the significance, innovation, and quality of 
current and recent contributions of program scientists. Have these 
contributions produced new knowledge and/or new approaches to research 
that have significantly expanded, improved or altered the content, 
methods, and direction of mind-body and health research? In order to 
create a level playing field for smaller and larger programs on this 
criterion, reviewers will be asked to take size of the program into 
account in assessing impact. In other words, while both larger and 
smaller programs will be expected to demonstrate research activity of 
high quality, programs with fewer researchers would not be expected to 
demonstrate the same quantity of research productivity and program 
impact as programs with a greater number of researchers.

2)  The potential future contributions of the applicant program to mind-
body and health research:  Reviewers will base their assessment of 
potential on such factors as the current trajectory of research 
productivity, innovation, and accomplishments; the significance of the 
applicant institution's central scientific objectives and themes and the 
plan for advancing them; the program's plan for encouraging synergy and 
interaction among mind-body and health researchers; and the applicant 
institution's success in contributing to the development of junior 

Applicant institutions proposing only Public Infrastructure activities 
will be judged on the basis of the secondary criteria below and the 
detailed review criteria listed below under "Public Infrastructure."

Three SECONDARY CRITERIA will also be used to assess the overall 
scientific merit of applications:

1)  Quality and potential impact of proposed infrastructure program:  
Reviewers will examine the overall quality, scientific merit, and 
innovation of the activities to be supported. Reviewers will consider 
the likelihood, based on existing capabilities and proposed activities, 
that the proposed program will enhance mind-body and health research, 
promote new research directions, facilitate interactions across 
disciplines and substantive areas of study, or advance theoretical or 
technical approaches. For infrastructure components benefiting audiences 
outside the mind-body and health research community, reviewers will 
assess potential impact in terms of improving the accessibility of mind-
body and health research to significant audiences and enhancing the 
appropriate application of research findings to activities that improve 
health and well-being.

2)  Research competence of key personnel:  Reviewers will consider the 
capability and scientific credentials of the Principal Investigator to 
direct the program and maintain high standards of research 
collaboration; the specific technical qualifications of core directors; 
and the scientific accomplishments of all participating investigators.

3)  Institutional commitment and environment:  Reviewers will assess the 
nature and level of resource commitment from the institution in which 
the center is housed and any cooperating institutions, taking into 
account the institutional context. Reviewers also will consider the 
academic and physical environment as it bears on research opportunities, 
space, equipment, and the potential for interaction with scientists from 
various departments, institutions or disciplines.


Individual elements of the proposed infrastructure program will be 
evaluated separately based on the criteria below.

1.  Research Support Cores

o  Potential or actual contribution of the proposed core to advancing 
research within the applicant unit, by:  enhancing the productivity of 
the existing scientific program; fostering new scientific advances; 
facilitating interactions across disciplines and substantive areas of 
study; and/or advancing theoretical or technical approaches.

o  Appropriateness to the size and characteristics of the applicant 
institution's existing research program and the central scientific 
objectives and themes of the program.

o  Qualifications, experience, and commitment to the program of the 
investigators responsible for the cores or activities and their ability 
to devote the required time and effort to the program.

o  Cost-effectiveness of services or activities and appropriateness of 
cost-sharing arrangements with the institution, relevant departments, 
and other external infrastructure support programs.

2.  Developmental Infrastructure

o  Potential of the proposed activity to advance research within the 
applicant unit by stimulating innovation in mind-body and health 
research and/or fostering the development of junior scientists.

o  Appropriateness to the size and characteristics of the applicant 
institution's existing research program and the central scientific 
objectives and themes of the program.

o  Qualifications, experience, and commitment to the program of the 
investigators responsible for the activities and their ability to devote 
the required time and effort to the program.

o  Cost-effectiveness of services or activities and appropriateness of 
cost-sharing arrangements with the institution, relevant departments, 
and other external infrastructure support programs.

o  For pilot research programs proposed under "Developmental 
Infrastructure," the appropriateness and quality of procedures and 
policies for administering the program, such as guidelines for reviewing 
applications, priorities for allocating funds, requirements for 
leveraging funds, and size and length of awards, and other program 

3.  Research Projects:

In addition to the standard criteria for R01-like research grant 
applications, each proposed research project will be evaluated with 
respect to:

The contribution of the project to advancing the unit's central 
scientific objectives and themes and the extent to which it embodies 
innovative, collaborative, and/or cross-cutting elements of the unit.

4.  Public Infrastructure:

Public infrastructure components will be evaluated according to the 
following criteria:

o  For activities intended to benefit the research community, the value 
and significance of the proposed activity for mind-body and health 
researchers and its potential for promoting interdisciplinary and/or 
innovative mind-body and health research.

o  For activities directed to policy, program, or other audiences, the 
significance of the proposed activity and its potential for improving 
the accessibility of mind-body and health research to significant 
audiences and enhancing the appropriate application of research findings 
to activities that improve health and well-being.

o  Appropriateness of the targeted audiences and the adequacy of the 
plans for disseminating the proposed activities, resources, or services 
to these audiences.
Cost-effectiveness of services or activities and appropriateness of the 
short- and long-term plans for supporting them (including cost-sharing 

o  Qualifications, experience, and commitment to the program of the 
investigators responsible for the cores or activities and their ability 
to devote the required time and effort to the program.

Applications proposing to undertake any infrastructure activity in 
cooperation with another institution will be evaluated for the value 
added by the involvement of other institutions and the appropriateness 
and adequacy of plans for the sharing of rights and responsibilities 
among proposed partners with respect to the funding, administration, and 
use of shared resources.


Letter of Intent Receipt Date:  June 16, 2003
Application Receipt Date:  July 16, 2003
Peer Review Date:  October/November 2003
Council Review:  January/February 2004
Earliest Anticipated Start Date:  April 2004


Award criteria that will be used to make award decisions include:

o Scientific merit (as determined by peer review)
o Availability of funds
o Programmatic priorities.


policy of the NIH that women and members of minority groups and their 
sub-populations must be included in all NIH-supported clinical research 
projects unless a clear and compelling justification is provided 
indicating that inclusion is inappropriate with respect to the health 
of the subjects or the purpose of the research.  This policy results 
from the NIH Revitalization Act of 1993 (Section 492B of Public Law 

All investigators proposing clinical research should read the AMENDMENT 
"NIH Guidelines for Inclusion of Women and Minorities as Subjects in 
Clinical Research - Amended, October, 2001," published in the NIH Guide 
for Grants and Contracts on October 9, 2001 
(; a 
complete copy of the updated Guidelines are available at
_2001.htm.  The amended policy incorporates:  the use of an NIH definition 
of clinical research; updated racial and ethnic categories in 
compliance with the new OMB standards; clarification of language 
governing NIH-defined Phase III clinical trials consistent with the new 
PHS Form 398; and updated roles and responsibilities of NIH staff and 
the extramural community.  The policy continues to require for all NIH-
defined Phase III clinical trials that:  a) all applications or 
proposals and/or protocols must provide a description of plans to 
conduct analyses, as appropriate, to address differences by sex/gender 
and/or racial/ethnic groups, including subgroups if applicable; and b) 
investigators must report annual accrual and progress in conducting 
analyses, as appropriate, by sex/gender and/or racial/ethnic group 


The NIH maintains a policy that children (i.e., individuals under the 
age of 21) must be included in all human subjects research, conducted 
or supported by the NIH, unless there are scientific and ethical 
reasons not to include them.  This policy applies to all initial (Type 
1) applications submitted for receipt dates after October 1, 1998.

All investigators proposing research involving human subjects should 
read the "NIH Policy and Guidelines" on the inclusion of children as 
participants in research involving human subjects that is available at


NIH policy requires education on the protection of human subject 
participants for all investigators submitting NIH proposals for 
research involving human subjects.  You will find this policy 
announcement in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts Announcement, 
dated June 5, 2000, at


The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-110 has been 
revised to provide public access to research data through the Freedom 
of Information Act (FOIA) under some circumstances.  Data that are (1) 
first produced in a project that is supported in whole or in part with 
Federal funds and (2) cited publicly and officially by a Federal agency 
in support of an action that has the force and effect of law (i.e., a 
regulation) may be accessed through FOIA.  It is important for 
applicants to understand the basic scope of this amendment.  NIH has 
provided guidance at

Applicants may wish to place data collected under this RFA in a public 
archive, which can provide protections for the data and manage the 
distribution for an indefinite period of time.  If so, the application 
should include a description of the archiving plan in the study design 
and include information about this in the budget justification section 
of the application.  In addition, applicants should think about how to 
structure informed consent statements and other human subjects 
procedures given the potential for wider use of data collected under 
this award.


All applications and proposals for NIH funding must be self-contained 
within specified page limitations.  Unless otherwise specified in an 
NIH solicitation, Internet addresses (URLs) should not be used to 
provide information necessary to the review because reviewers are under 
no obligation to view the Internet sites.  Furthermore, we caution 
reviewers that their anonymity may be compromised when they directly 
access an Internet site.


The Public Health Service (PHS) is committed to achieving the health 
promotion and disease prevention objectives of "Healthy People 2010," a 
PHS-led national activity for setting priority areas.  This RFA is 
related to one or more of the priority areas.  Potential applicants may 
obtain a copy of "Healthy People 2010" at

AUTHORITY AND REGULATIONS:  This program is described in the Catalog of 
Federal Domestic Assistance No. 93.989 (FIC), 93.213 (NCCAM), 93.395 
and 93.393 (NCI), 93.866, 93.867 (NEI), 93.837 (NHLBI), (NIA), 93.273 
(NIAAA), 93.856 (NIAID), 93.846 (NIAMS), 93.279 (NIDA), 93.121 (NIDCR), 
93.848 (NIDDK), and 93.242 (NIMH). This program is not subject to the 
intergovernmental review requirements of Executive Order 12372 or 
Health Systems Agency review.  Awards are made under authorization of 
Sections 301 and 405 of the Public Health Service Act as amended (42 
USC 241 and 284) and administered under NIH grants policies described 
at and under Federal 
Regulations 42 CFR 52 and 45 CFR Parts 74 and 92.

The PHS strongly encourages all grant recipients to provide a smoke-
free workplace and discourage the use of all tobacco products.  In 
addition, Public Law 103-227, the Pro-Children Act of 1994, prohibits 
smoking in certain facilities (or in some cases, any portion of a 
facility) in which regular or routine education, library, day care, 
health care, or early childhood development services are provided to 
children.  This is consistent with the PHS mission to protect and 
advance the physical and mental health of the American people.

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