DIABETES BASED SCIENCE EDUCATION IN TRIBAL SCHOOLS Release Date: March 28, 2002 RFA-DK-02-030 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) (www.niddk.nih.gov) National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NCMHD) (www.ncmhd.nih.gov) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (http://www.cdc.gov) The Indian Health Service (HIS) (http://www.ihs.gov) Letter of Intent Receipt Date: May 11, 2002 Application Receipt Date: June 11, 2002 THIS RFA CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION o Purpose of this RFA o Research Objectives o Mechanism(s) of Support o Funds Available o Eligible Institutions o Individuals Eligible to Become Principal Investigators o Special Requirements o Where to Send Inquiries o Letter of Intent o Submitting an Application o Peer Review Process o Review Criteria o Receipt and Review Schedule o Award Criteria o Required Federal Citations: PURPOSE OF THIS RFA The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) joins the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NCMHD), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Indian Health Service (IHS), to invite the Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs)of the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) to apply for a grant to develop an educational program to enhance understanding and appreciation of diabetes and related science in tribal elementary, middle and high schools. Diabetes is increasingly a devastating disease in the American Indian communities. Through better understanding of diabetes, Tribal children can be instrumental in preventing the development and better managing diabetes, and reducing its human costs. This goal can be better achieved through greater numbers of tribal children entering into the health science professions. This Request for Application (RFA) builds on the ongoing program development through the planning grants awarded to successful TCUs in the last solicitation, and is intended to ultimately lead to the development and pilot testing of diabetes-based science education programs for tribal elementary, middle and high schools. The educational grant will support the successful TCUs in putting together a practical supplemental curriculum for K-8, and High Schools in Tribal Lands. The program will incorporate a diabetes based science curriculum that will enhance understanding and appreciation of the problems of diabetes in American Indian communities, and will stimulate general student interest in diabetes-based science in the early years (pre- college) of education. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES A. Background: As part of the Federal effort to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in health, a need has been identified to increase the number of American Indian and Alaskan Native children entering into the biomedical professions. These children who will become the future leaders in the biomedical sciences will be instrumental in helping to improve the general health in these communities. The TCUs conduct high quality programs for educating American Indians and Alaskan Natives, and promote achievement among their students. They represent a rich resource of talent with the appropriate cultural sensitivity and perspectives needed in science education in Tribal communities. The TCUs will be instrumental in interacting with Tribal elementary, middle and high schools, by creating appropriate linkages in communities that support American Indian/Alaskan Native educational needs and develop culturally sensitive programs that can be implemented in these schools. B. Program: The award provides support to successful TCUs for up to 5 years for (1) the principal investigator (2) the faculty and appropriate consultants to design, develop, implement and continually refine the program curriculum, and (3) for other Program-related costs. Each awardee should develop a school-based science education program centered on diabetes that will inform and motivate tribal children in order to develop their interest in pursuing careers in the biomedical sciences. The complexity of developing such a program involving elementary, middle and high school sites collaborating with individual TCUs will require significant discussion and consultation. Examples of specific program issues may include, but are not limited to: o Development of a curriculum for K-6, or 7-12. o Collaboration and consortium with multiple TCUs. o Tribal Culture and science education within the context of diabetes o Involvement of family and community o Building on the daily experience of American Indian and Alaska Native children with diabetes in their communities o Possible link with the National Science Foundation"s funded Tribal College Rural Systemic Initiative program o The role of the Tribal Elders and other significant community groups in program development within the schools o Teacher training as part of the science development project o Implementation of the developed model programs in schools throughout Indian Country o Barriers to development and implementation. C. Environment: The participating institution(s) must have established research programs and faculty qualified in curriculum development, implementation, and program evaluation to organize and develop the curriculum. Qualified faculty members and/or consultants must be available to participate in the program. The environment and funded institutions should be team-oriented and highly collaborative with a strong potential for a dynamic interaction and exchange of information and ideas within and across diverse and disparate tribal cultures. The institution must demonstrate a commitment to provide sustained leadership and dedicated faculty time to the development and implementation of the Program. MECHANISM OF SUPPORT This Request for application will use the NIH Education Project Grant (R25) award mechanism. Responsibility for the planning, direction, and execution of the proposed project will be by the applicant. The program award provides up to five years of support. This RFA uses just-in-time concepts. FUNDS AVAILABLE The participating IC(s) intends to commit approximately $1,000,000 in FY 2002 to fund 6 to 8 new and/or competing continuation grants in response to this RFA. An applicant may request a project period of up to 5 years and a budget for direct costs of up to $150,000 per year. Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs are payable at the rate of 8 percent of total modified direct costs. The 8 percent F&A cost rate will also apply to all subcontracts on R25 grants. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. Although the financial plans of the IC(s) provide support for this program, awards pursuant to this RFA are contingent upon the availability of funds and the receipt of a sufficient number of meritorious applications. At this time, it is not known if this RFA will be reissued. ELIGIBLE INSTITUTIONS You may submit (an) application(s) if your institution has any of the following characteristics: o For-profit or non-profit organizations o Public or private institutions, such as universities, colleges, hospitals, and laboratories o Units of State and local governments o Eligible agencies of the Federal government o Domestic or foreign o Faith-based organizations The applicant institution must be a member of the AIHEC, serving students from American Indian and Alaskan Native communities. The institution must demonstrate the commitment and capability to develop a diabetes based science education program in collaboration with Tribal elementary, middle and high schools. Tribal colleges were created in response to the unique higher education needs of Indian peoples, and in recognition of the tremendous importance of post secondary education to tribal economic development, cultural preservation, and sovereignty. Tribal Colleges are located in the heart of their communities, which are remote areas not served by other postsecondary institutions. Tribal Colleges foster the development and maintenance of the highest standards of quality education for American Indians and Alaskan Natives by improving the accessibility of education programs. Applications may include more than one institution to create a Program through consortium agreements that includes all of the disciplines, research environments, students and faculty needed to accomplish the proposed educational objectives (refer to the following URL for guidelines on these agreements: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/nihgps/part_iii_5.htm#Consortium). However, only one of the participating institutions can be the recipient of an award. INDIVIDUALS ELIGIBLE TO BECOME PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS Any individual with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to carry out the proposed research is invited to work with their institution to develop an application for support. Individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups as well as individuals with disabilities are always encouraged to apply for NIH programs SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Critical elements of the Program Plan include the Principal Investigator, the Institutional Environment, and the proposed plan for developing and piloting diabetes related science education program. The applicant must address the REVIEW CRITERIA listed in this RFA. Principal Investigator: The Principal Investigator should possess the expertise, leadership and administrative capabilities required to lead the planning phase described in this RFA. Institutional Environment: The Principal Investigator should document the institutional environment for developing a science education program. The Principal Investigator may bring in consultants from other institutions within AIHEC or at non-AIHEC colleges or universities to provide input and/or critical review. Potential collaborations with other institutions should also be documented. Plan: The Principal Investigator should describe a plan for developing a diabetes based science education program as described in this RFA. This should include any proposed use of existing resources, building partnerships with other institutions, use of consultants, and plans for critical review of the program. The plan should include documentation of potential elementary, middle school or high school sites to be utilized during this pilot phase. A plan must be provided for the process and outcome evaluation of the education program. Benchmarks should be specified, and specific plans and procedures to capture, analyze, and report outcome measures should be described. A plan for continuing the science education program and for the periodic updating of the program beyond the five-year project period should be described. Allowable costs: 1. Salary: The principal investigator may request salary support for his/her role in leadership, management, coordination, and evaluation of the Program, in accordance with the percent effort commitment to the Program, which will usually be 30-50%. Faculty critical to the design, development, implementation, and refinement of the specialized curriculum essential to the needs of the Program may request salary support in accordance with the percent effort commitment to the Program. Salary support may be requested for program faculty for their service. The principal investigator and Program faculty may derive additional compensation from other Federal sources or awards provided the additional compensation does not exceed the maximum annual salary level for Federal employees (see NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD-02- 030) and their total percent effort on all awards does not exceed 100 percent. 2. Ancillary Personnel Support and Other Costs: In general, salaries for secretaries, administrative assistants, and other ancillary personnel are not allowed. Requests for consultant costs, equipment, supplies, and other project related expenses must be justified as specifically required by the proposed Program and not duplicate items generally available at the institution for educational programs. 3. Facilities and Administrative Costs: These costs, which were formerly called indirect costs, will be reimbursed at 8 percent of modified total direct costs. Evaluation: In carrying out its stewardship of human resource related programs, the NIDDK may request information essential to an assessment of the effectiveness of this program. Accordingly, principal investigators are hereby notified that they may be contacted after the completion of this award for periodic updates on various aspects of the program. WHERE TO SEND INQUIRIES We encourage inquiries concerning this RFA and welcome the opportunity to answer questions from potential applicants. Inquiries may fall into three areas: scientific/research, peer review, and financial or grants management issues: o Direct your questions about scientific/research issues to: Lawrence Agodoa, M.D. Director, Office of Minority Health Research Coordination National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases National Institutes of Health 2 Democracy, Room 653 6707 Democracy Boulevard Bethesda, Maryland 20892-5454 Telephone: 301-594-9652 Fax: 301-594-9358 E-mail: la21j@nih.gov Direct inquiries regarding diabetes related content of the program to: Sanford A. Garfield, Ph.D. Senior Advisor for Biometry and Behavioral Research Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases National Institute of Health 6700 Democracy Blvd. Room 685 Rockville, MD 20814-9692 Phone: 301-594-8803 Fax: 301-402-62711 e-mail: sg50o@nih.gov o Direct your questions about peer review issues to: Francisco O. Calvo, Ph.D. Chief, Review Branch Division of Extramural Activities National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases 6707 Democracy Blvd., Room 752 Bethesda, MD 20892-5452 Telephone: (301) 594-8897 FAX: (301) 480-3505 Email: fc15y@nih.gov o Direct your questions about financial or grants management matters to: David L. Mineo Chief Grants Management Officer Grants Management Branch Division of Extramural Activities National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases 6707 Democracy Blvd. Room 731, MSC 5456 Bethesda MD 20892-5456 Telephone: (301) 594-8854 FAX: (301) 480-3504 Email: dm44x@nih.gov LETTER OF INTENT Prospective applicants are asked to submit a letter of intent that includes the following information: o Descriptive title of the proposed research o Name, address, and telephone number of the Principal Investigator o Names of other key personnel o Participating institutions o Number and title of this RFA Although a letter of intent is not required, is not binding, and does not enter into the review of a subsequent application, the information that it contains allows IC staff to estimate the potential review workload and plan the review. The letter of intent is to be sent by the date listed at the beginning of this document. The letter of intent should be sent to: Francisco O. Calvo, Ph.D. Chief, Review Branch Division of Extramural Activities National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases 6707 Democracy Blvd., Room 752 Bethesda, MD 20892-5452 Telephone: (301) 594-8897 FAX: (301) 480-3505 SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION Applications must be prepared using the PHS 398 research grant application instructions and forms (rev. 5/2001). The PHS 398 is available at http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/phs398.html in an interactive format. This RFA uses just-in-time concepts. SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS: Applications for Diabetes Based Science Education in Tribal Schools (R25) must be submitted on Form PHS 398 using the modified instructions below, which take into account all of the special features and requirements of this grant. 1. Face Page: Use page AA of the form PHS 398. On Line 1 include the title that best represents the nature of your education program. On line 2, provide the number (i.e., RFA-DK-02-030) and the title (Diabetes Based Science Education in Tribal Schools) of this Request for Application. 2. Description, Performance Site(s), Key Personnel: ((Page BB) of the form PHS 398): Complete as directed in the form PHS 398 instruction package, this should include the Principal Investigator and other faculty participating in the program. Please make sure that you denote each individual"s degree and departmental affiliation (or equivalent) AND, if a consortia of institutions, institutional affiliation. 3. Table of Contents to be organized as follows: a. Face Page b. Description, Performance Site(s), Key Personnel c. Table of Contents d. Budget Page for First Year e. Budget for Entire Proposed Period of Support f. Budgets Pertaining to Consortium/Contractual Arrangements g. Other Sources of Institutional Training and Education Support h. Biographical Sketches (not to exceed 4 pages per individual): - Principal Investigator - Other Participating Faculty i. Education Program (Not to exceed 25 pages, excluding tables) o Purpose and Objectives o Specialized curriculum and other didactic experiences o Resources and Facilities/Faculty o Program Leadership/Management - Principal Investigator o Evaluation Plan j. Checklist k. Appendices 4. Budget for the First Year: Use Page 4 (or DD) of the Form PHS 398. 5. Budget for the Entire Proposed Project Period of Support: Use Form Page 5 (or EE) of the Form PHS 398 and provide projected future year budgets in modular format as instructed in the Form PHS 398. 6. Biographical Sketches: Provide biographical sketches using the forms provided in the PHS Form 398 package for the Principal Investigator, Advisory Committee Members, and other participating faculty. 7. Education Program Plan: a. Purpose and Objectives: In this section provide background, purpose and objectives of the Program. b. Specialized Curriculum and Other Didactic Experiences: Describe the proposed curriculum for either K-6 or 7-12. Explain how the development and implementation of this curriculum is critically linked to the purpose and objectives of the Program and to the potential success in increasing the number of American Indian and Alaska Native youth in biomedical career fields. Explain how this curriculum is distinguished from other curricula within the existing educational infrastructure and framework of your institution(s). c. Resources and Facilities/Faculty: Resources and Facilities: Briefly describe the infrastructure and facilities that are available and accessible to this Program. d. Program Leadership/Management: o Principal Investigator: Describe the qualifications and role of the Principal Investigator to provide leadership and coordination of the Program. Describe plans to collaborate with the relevant primary, middle and/or high schools. Describe other linkages or partnerships. o Evaluation Plan: Describe the information that will be collected, the periods for, and criteria to be used in evaluating this Program, 8. Consortium/Contractual Arrangements: Refer to the following the following website for guidelines on these agreements: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/nihgps/part_iii_5.htm#Consortium. 9. Appendices: follow instructions provided in the PHS Form 398 application package. USING THE RFA LABEL: The RFA label available in the PHS 398 (rev. 5/2001) application form must be affixed to the bottom of the face page of the application. Type the RFA number on the label. Failure to use this label could result in delayed processing of the application such that it may not reach the review committee in time for review. In addition, the RFA title and number must be typed on line 2 of the face page of the application form and the YES box must be marked. The RFA label is also available at: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/label-bk.pdf. SENDING AN APPLICATION TO THE NIH: Submit a signed, typewritten original of the application, including the Checklist, and three signed, photocopies, in one package to: Center For Scientific Review National Institutes Of Health 6701 Rockledge Drive, Room 1040, MSC 7710 Bethesda, MD 20892-7710 Bethesda, MD 20817 (for express/courier service) At the time of submission, two additional copies of the application must be sent to: Francisco O. Calvo, Ph.D. Chief, Review Branch Division of Extramural Activities National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases 6707 Democracy Blvd., Room 752 Bethesda, MD 20892-5452 (use Zip 20817 for express mail) Telephone: (301) 594-8897 FAX: (301) 480-3505 APPLICATION PROCESSING: Applications must be received by the application receipt date listed in the heading of this RFA. If an application is received after that date, it will be returned to the applicant without review. The Center for Scientific Review (CSR) will not accept any application in response to this RFA that is essentially the same as one currently pending initial review, unless the applicant withdraws the pending application. The CSR will not accept any application that is essentially the same as one already reviewed. This does not preclude the submission of substantial revisions of applications already reviewed, but such applications must include an Introduction addressing the previous critique. PEER REVIEW Upon receipt, applications will be reviewed by the CSR for completeness and by the NIDDK program staff for responsiveness in two areas: 1) Eligibility criteria, 2) Special Requirements. Incomplete and/or non-responsive applications will be returned to the applicant without further consideration. Applications that are complete and responsive to the RFA will be evaluated for scientific and technical merit by an appropriate peer review group convened by the NIDDK in accordance with the review criteria stated below. As part of the initial merit review, all applications will: o Receive a written critique o Undergo a process in which only those applications deemed to have the highest scientific merit, generally the top half of the applications under review, will be discussed and assigned a priority score o Receive a second level review by the National Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Advisory Council. REVIEW CRITERIA The goals of NIH-supported research are to advance our understanding of biological systems, improve the control of disease, and enhance health. In the written comments, reviewers will be asked to discuss the following aspects of your application in order to judge the likelihood that the proposed research will have a substantial impact on the pursuit of these goals. The review criteria that will be applied to the application are briefly described below. The scientific review group will address and consider each of these criteria in assigning your application"s overall score. Your application does not need to be strong in all categories to be judged likely to have major scientific impact and thus deserve a high priority score. For example, you may propose to carry out important work that by its nature is not innovative but is essential to move a field forward. (1)SIGNIFICANCE: Does your study address an important problem? If the aims of your application are achieved, how do they advance scientific knowledge? What will be the effect of these studies on the concepts or methods that drive this field? o Adequacy of the justification provided for the need of the proposed education curriculum, and the potential of its influence in the career development of the American Indian and Alaska Native youth. (2) APPROACH: Are the conceptual framework, design, methods, and analyses adequately developed, well integrated, and appropriate to the aims of the project? Do you acknowledge potential problem areas and consider alternative tactics? o The overall quality and adequacy of the design of the Program to achieve its objectives, the degree to which the curriculum (sequence, topics, breadth, depth, etc.) will meet these objectives. o Adequacy of the required "Evaluation Plan" to assess the effectiveness of the Program in achieving its objectives, and the degree of portability of the proposed program. o Adequacy of the plan for developing a diabetes science education program, including use of existing resources, building partnerships with other institutions, use of consultants, and plans for critical review of the curriculum. (3) INNOVATION: Does your project employ novel concepts, approaches or methods? Are the aims original and innovative? Does your project challenge existing paradigms or develop new methodologies or technologies? (4) INVESTIGATOR: Are you appropriately trained and well suited to carry out this work? Is the work proposed appropriate to your experience level as the principal investigator and to that of other researchers (if any)? o Qualifications of the key personnel and/or faculty that will participate in the Program. (5) ENVIRONMENT: Does the scientific environment in which your work will be done contribute to the probability of success? Do the proposed experiments take advantage of unique features of the scientific environment or employ useful collaborative arrangements? Is there evidence of institutional support? o Evidence of institutional commitment to support development of the program and development of the relevant curriculum. ADDITIONAL REVIEW CRITERIA: In addition to the above criteria, your application will also be reviewed with respect to the following: o DATA SHARING: The adequacy of the proposed plan to share data. o BUDGET: The reasonableness of the proposed budget and the requested period of support in relation to the proposed research. RECEIPT AND REVIEW SCHEDULE Letter of Intent Receipt Date: May 11, 2002 Application Receipt Date: June 11, 2002 Peer Review Date: August 2002 Council Review: September 2002 Earliest Anticipated Start Date: September 30, 2002 AWARD CRITERIA Award criteria that will be used to make award decisions include: o Scientific merit (as determined by peer review) o Availability of funds o Programmatic priorities. REQUIRED FEDERAL CITATIONS PUBLIC ACCESS TO RESEARCH DATA THROUGH THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT: The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-110 has been revised to provide public access to research data through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) under some circumstances. Data that are (1) first produced in a project that is supported in whole or in part with Federal funds and (2) cited publicly and officially by a Federal agency in support of an action that has the force and effect of law (i.e., a regulation) may be accessed through FOIA. It is important for applicants to understand the basic scope of this amendment. NIH has provided guidance at http://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/a110/a110_guidance_dec1999.htm. Applicants may wish to place data collected under this RFA in a public archive, which can provide protections for the data and manage the distribution for an indefinite period of time. If so, the application should include a description of the archiving plan in the study design and include information about this in the budget justification section of the application. In addition, applicants should think about how to structure informed consent statements and other human subjects procedures given the potential for wider use of data collected under this award. URLs IN NIH GRANT APPLICATIONS OR APPENDICES: All applications and proposals for NIH funding must be self-contained within specified page limitations. Unless otherwise specified in an NIH solicitation, Internet addresses (URLs) should not be used to provide information necessary to the review because reviewers are under no obligation to view the Internet sites. Furthermore, we caution reviewers that their anonymity may be compromised when they directly access an Internet site. HEALTHY PEOPLE 2010: The Public Health Service (PHS) is committed to achieving the health promotion and disease prevention objectives of "Healthy People 2010," a PHS-led national activity for setting priority areas. This RFA is related to one or more of the priority areas. Potential applicants may obtain a copy of "Healthy People 2010" at http://www.health.gov/healthypeople. AUTHORITY AND REGULATIONS: This program is described in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 93.847, 93.848, and 93, and is not subject to the intergovernmental review requirements of Executive Order 12372 or Health Systems Agency review. Awards are made under authorization of Sections 301 and 405 of the Public Health Service Act as amended (42 USC 241 and 284 and administered under NIH grants policies described at http://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/policy.htm and under Federal Regulations 42 CFR 52 and 45 CFR Parts 74 and 92. The PHS strongly encourages all grant recipients to provide a smoke-free workplace and discourage the use of all tobacco products. In addition, Public Law 103-227, the Pro-Children Act of 1994, prohibits smoking in certain facilities (or in some cases, any portion of a facility) in which regular or routine education, library, day care, health care, or early childhood development services are provided to children. This is consistent with the PHS mission to protect and advance the physical and mental health of the American people.
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