ANIMAL FACILITY IMPROVEMENT FOR SMALL RESEARCH PROGRAMS NIH GUIDE, Volume 23, Number 27, July 22, 1994 PA NUMBER: PAR-94-084 P.T. 34 Keywords: Animal Breed. & Facil., Scientific National Center for Research Resources Application Receipt Dates: October 1, February 1, June 1 PURPOSE The National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) encourages the submission of individual animal resource improvement grant applications from small biomedical research institutions. The major objectives of this program are to upgrade animal facilities, develop administratively centralized programs of animal care, and enable institutions to comply with the USDA Animal Welfare Act and DHHS policies related to the care and use of laboratory animals. These awards do not require matching funds from the awardee institution. Support is limited to alterations and renovations (A&R) to improve laboratory animal facilities, and the purchase of major equipment items for animal resource, diagnostic laboratory, transgenic animal resources, or similar associated activities. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Any domestic public or private institution, organization, or association is eligible to apply for this grant if it meets the following two requirements: (1) The institution must have one or more research projects supported by the PHS that involve the use of laboratory animals, and (2) The institution must have received less than $1,500,000 (direct costs) of PHS support for research projects during the most recently completed Federal fiscal year. Institutions and commercial firms providing only services or products and without a clearly defined animal related research component are not eligible to apply. Also, this program will not support requests for equipment used for teaching purposes and for housing non-research animals. Applications from other Federal agencies or institutions (e.g., Department of Veterans Affairs) are limited to requests for equipment only. Applicants may not submit more than one application or apply for other NCRR support for developing and improving institutional animal resources in the same Federal fiscal year. For purposes of these guidelines, an "institution" is defined as the organizational component identified on page 1, item 14, of the form PHS 398 (rev. 9/91), for which descriptive information is provided on page 15 in the grant application form PHS 398 kit. Separate applications may be submitted from different colleges or schools on the same campus of a university within the same Federal fiscal year if they have different organizational component codes. If this is done, documentation from an appropriate institutional official, stating that the applications are part of a coordinated, campus-wide plan to improve the animal facilities, must be provided. The applicant institution is strongly encouraged to develop a single application for a campus-wide program with a single, centralized animal care program whenever possible or feasible. MECHANISM OF SUPPORT The mechanism available for the support of improvement projects is the Grant for Repair, Renovation, and Modernization of Existing Research Facilities (G20). The total budget request for the improvement grant application and award is limited to $300,000 (direct costs), of which not more than $200,000 may be used for alterations and renovations. Matching funds are not required. Because the nature and scope of the projects proposed in response to this PA may vary, it is anticipated that the size of an award will vary also. Allowable Costs Items that may be requested under this grant mechanism include: o A&R to improve existing laboratory animal facilities, and allowable fees associated with the A&R project o Major resource equipment related to the improvement project, such as animal cage systems and cage washers o Equipment items, or an aggregate of identical equipment items, that have a total cost of at least $1,000. Items that are part of a system and require the purchase of small component parts (e.g., a rack and cages or microisolator units) may be requested and priced as a single item. A description of the individual components of such systems must be provided. o General purpose equipment items for centralized surgeries, diagnostic laboratories, transgenic animal facilities, and other similar associated activities when an integral part of the animal facility and available to all investigators o Basic diagnostic equipment (e.g., microscopes, centrifuges, refrigerators, etc.) to be used in support of the animal facility, but not for research o Environmental monitoring systems. However, if such a system has multiple uses (e.g., the monitoring of research data or security), only those costs related to monitoring or providing for animal care (e.g., environmental monitoring) are allowable Improvement grants are not intended to provide support for: o General operational support for the resource (e.g., funding for personnel, consumable supplies for routine animal care, or small equipment items) o Specialized research equipment or facilities for use by only a few investigators o New construction, including the completion of shell space o Equipment intended for teaching or non-research purposes o Office and research equipment, computers or data processing items o Physical security systems RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Animal resource improvement grants are awarded to assist biomedical research institutions in upgrading animal facilities and developing administratively centralized and uniformly effective programs of research animal care. Another major objective is to assist institutions in complying, and maintaining compliance, with provisions of the Animal Welfare Act and PHS policies related to the care and use of laboratory animals. APPLICATION PROCEDURES Applications are to be submitted on form PHS 398 (rev. 9/91). Application forms may be obtained from the institution's office of sponsored research and from the Office of Grants Information, Division of Research Grants, National Institutes of Health, Westwood Building, Room 449, Bethesda, MD 20892, telephone (301) 710-0267. There are three regular receipt dates per year of October 1, February 1, and June 1. Prospective applicants are encouraged to review the PHS Grants Policy Statement (rev. 4/94) sections dealing with alterations and renovations and equipment prior to completing the PHS 398 form. Applications must follow the instructions provided in the form PHS 398 kit, except for the following: Form Page 1: Item 2a - Check the box marked "YES" and type in the number and title of the program announcement. Item 2b - Insert "G20" Item 5 - Check the box marked "No" at Item 5a. Item 5b - Not applicable. Form Page 2: Personnel - Only key personnel should be listed here even though salary support is not requested. This must include the chief or consulting veterinarian. Form Page 4: Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period Personnel Category - List only key individuals; salary support should not be requested. The total cost of the equipment and A&R needed should be entered in the rectangular space under the appropriate headings on the left. Equipment should be classified as movable or fixed, using the institution's own classification guidelines. Fixed equipment is considered as part of the A&R request. The right hand column should reflect only the PHS request. The Total Direct Costs (bottom right hand column total) should be the total request to the PHS. The total request for PHS support may not exceed $300,000. Of this total, the A&R request may not exceed $200,000. Form Page 5 - Budget for Entire Proposed Project Period - Not applicable (do not complete this section). A cost estimate should be provided, and placed between Form Page 4. This estimate should detail: 1. For movable equipment, the dollar request from NIH, amount to be funded from other sources, and total cost. 2. For eligible A&R costs, the dollar request from NIH, amount to be funded from other sources, and total cost. 3. For total project cost, the dollar request from NIH, amount to be funded from other sources, and total cost. For funding from other sources, please indicate the source(s). For alterations and renovations requests, list separately the projected costs of: (a) Demolition; (b) General; (c) Plumbing; (d) HVAC; (e) Electrical; (f) Architect/Engineer Fee; (g) Other Costs (Specify); and (h) Fixed Equipment, with the total eligible A&R costs listed. If multiple sites are involved, the A&R and cost estimates should be described separately for each site. List the total net square feet of floor space to be renovated and the estimated cost per net sq. ft., excluding fixed equipment. Additional Form Pages Biographical Sketch Page - Provide a biographical sketch for all key personnel, strictly adhering to the 2 page limitation for each. Other Support Page - Provide the information requested for all key personnel. Specific Instructions - Research Plan The following instructions should be used in lieu of the PHS 398 instructions for this section of the application. The Research Plan section of the application (Items 1-4) must strictly adhere to a limit of 25 pages. The outline suggested below should be followed in describing the program. All information critical to the review must be in the Research Plan, not in an appendix. 1. Specific Aims - Clearly present the aims of the animal resource improvement project and relate them to the short- and long-term goals of the institution's animal resource program. 2. Background and Significance - This section should address two areas: the overall animal care and use program and the significance of the proposed resource improvement project. Background Provide an overall description of the institution's animal care and use program. Provide relevant background information and describe the current status of the institution's animal resource facilities and program as they relate to biomedical research and research training. Describe the institution's overall involvement in animal-related research. This section should include a description of the following aspects of the animal resource: a. Administrative arrangements and structure of the animal resource. The lines of authority and responsibility for administering the institution's animal care and use program should be clearly presented. The role and composition of the IACUC and how compliance with relevant laws, policies, and guidelines is achieved should be included. b. Animal care procedures and the animal health program. This section should describe housing, caging, feeding, record keeping, sanitation, and other animal care practices; animal health program which includes clinical services, laboratory support, preventive medicine programs, and any relevant specialized procedures; veterinary oversight; vendor surveillance; conditioning programs; colony and environmental monitoring; and diagnostic capabilities in anatomic pathology, clinical chemistry, hematology, and microbiology. Data should be provided to characterize the extent of these activities, such as numbers of laboratory procedures for monitoring animal health, veterinary inspections for animal health, etc. If specialized equipment items are requested, the husbandry program to utilize this equipment should be outlined. c. Staffing. Outline the total staff and organization of the animal resource, both currently in place and as planned following the requested improvements. Briefly describe the qualifications of the animal care staff and the training opportunities available to them. d. Animal Program Data. Indicate the number of animals (by species) used or produced per year and the average daily census (by species) for each facility. Provide a brief description of all on-campus and off-campus animal facilities, including sites where experimental surgery is performed. Indicate who manages each facility. Indicate whether the institution is AAALAC accredited. If equipment is requested for surgical or diagnostic facilities, the case load, species, types and numbers of surgeries or diagnostic tests must be documented. e. Animal Program Funding. Provide, for the most recently completed Federal fiscal year (indicate year): (1) the institution's total annual PHS funding (direct costs) for research, both animal related and non-animal related; (2) the institution's total number and total direct costs of research projects using laboratory animals, indicating separately the number and costs of those funded from PHS and non-PHS sources; (3) for facilities for which improvement support is requested, list by facility name the number of research projects and total direct costs of the projects relevant to each. List all current financial support for the animal resource, including sources and amounts (e.g., recharge, core funding from the institution, etc.) and the annual operating budget (listed by major categories). Provide a copy of per diem and service charge schedules and indicate their method of determination (this information may be included in an Appendix). f. Previous and Future Improvements. Expenditures for capital improvements (facilities and equipment) during the past five years and future plans for meeting such needs should be described. Any previous support for improvement of the institution's animal facilities from the CMP, NCRR, NIH should be noted. The use of this support and its impact on the animal care program should be briefly described. g. Program Needs. List deficiencies in the animal care program which have been cited by the American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC), the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) facility review reports, and the institution's PHS Animal Welfare Assurance Statement. Any problems in meeting the provisions of the Animal Welfare Act should also be addressed. Significance Describe the significance of the proposed resource improvement project to the institution's overall biomedical research programs, as well as to specific research projects that will be affected. If the resource will be used by a relatively small number of research projects, a brief description of those projects, including the source and amount of funding (direct costs) for the most recently completed Federal fiscal year should be indicated. If appropriate, the application should demonstrate both the need for the requested items and a sound plan for obtaining or maintaining the entire animal resource at required standards. 3. Progress Report/Preliminary Studies - Not applicable. 4. Research Design and Methods Describe the improvement project and how the requested improvements will accomplish the goals described in the Specific Aims section above. It is important to describe how the requested improvements will correct the deficiencies and problems described in the Background section. Demonstrate how the proposed facility improvement program fits into the institution's overall plan to meet or maintain PHS standards for animal care and use. If the project is part of an overall (larger) facility improvement plan, the application should describe the larger plan and how the project fits into that plan. Describe and provide detailed justifications for the requested equipment items. The manufacturer, model number, size, capacity, or design criteria, total unit cost and facility where it will be used should be included. Requests for surgical equipment must be justified by listing the number of investigators and PHS grant support received (can be provided in tabular form), the case load, and the types of surgical procedures performed. Failure to adequately justify each requested item will likely result in its deletion from the recommended budget. For any proposed A&R, a narrative summary (as outlined below), line drawings, and cost estimates must be provided. The following format is suggested: Narrative Summary (1) Relate the proposed renovations to projected animal populations (by species) and research projects that will use the facility; (2) List the functional components, including the size (dimensions) and square footage of each component (room, alcove, cubicle, etc.) that will be directly affected by the renovation project; (3) List engineering criteria applicable to each component (mechanical, electrical, and utilities). Include information such as the number of air changes per hour, electrical power, light levels, hot and cold water, steam, etc.; (4) List appropriate architectural criteria, such as width of corridors and doors, surface finishes, etc.; (5) List all fixed equipment items requested for the renovated area; and (6) List all movable equipment items requested for the renovated area. Line Drawings (1) Submit line drawings on 8-1/2" x 11" paper only. (DO NOT SUBMIT BLUEPRINTS). These drawings will not be counted against the 25 page limit. All floor plans must be legible, with the scale clearly indicated. (2) The line drawings of the proposed renovation must be at a scale adequate to explain the project. The drawings should indicate size (dimensions), function, and net and gross square feet of space for each room. The total net and gross square feet of space to be renovated should also be given. (3) The plan should indicate the location of the proposed renovation area in the building. (4) Include the as-built drawings of the proposed renovation area and indicate any areas which will be demolished. (5) Changes or additions to existing mechanical and electrical systems should be clearly described in notes made directly on the plan or attached to the plan. (6) Indicate the type(s) of new finishes to be applied to room surfaces. Cost Estimates Detailed cost estimates must be included. The completed original application (signed original including appendices, if any) and three exact photocopies of the signed application must be submitted to: Division of Research Grants National Institutes of Health Westwood Building, Room 240 Bethesda, MD 20892-4500* At the time of submission, two additional copies of the application (with appendices, if any) must be sent under separate cover to: Scientific Review Administrator Comparative Medicine Review Committee National Center for Research Resources Westwood Building, Room 10A16 Bethesda, MD 20892-4500* REVIEW CONSIDERATIONS All applications will be reviewed for scientific and technical merit by an appropriate review committee managed by the Office of Review, NCRR. Second level review will be provided by the National Advisory Research Resources Council (NARRC). Review of the applications will be based on scientific merit, technical soundness, and cost effectiveness. Factors considered in the appraisal of an animal resource improvement project include: A. The Improvement Request 1. Need - The application should show how this grant support will help the institution meet or maintain standards of the Animal Welfare Act and PHS policies concerning the care and use of laboratory animals. The amount(s) and source(s) of funding for animal-related biomedical research which use the resource will be considered. 2. Scope of Institutional Planning - The institutional plan to assure a comprehensive and acceptable animal care and use program will be evaluated. 3. Budget - The budget will be evaluated in relationship to the application's responsiveness to these guidelines, justification provided for each of the requested items, cost effectiveness, and the institution's perceived commitment to the animal care program. 4. Animal Welfare - The extent to which the project will enhance the welfare of animals maintained in the facility to be improved will be evaluated. The benefit of the improvements to the welfare of animals in the facility, including advances in the humane treatment of the animals due to husbandry changes allowed by the improvements, will be assessed. 5. Design Considerations - The proposed project will be judged for technical soundness, appropriateness and suitability of the proposed renovation/project, and ability of the project to correct existing deficiencies. B. The Animal Care Program The scope of the animal care and use program to be enhanced by this facility improvement request should be carefully defined. For the purpose of this application, the animal care program should cover the entire applicant institution. 1. Animal Care - The quality of the animal husbandry program at the applicant institution will be assessed. The application should demonstrate that animals at all facilities of the institution will receive uniform, high-quality animal care. 2. Personnel - The technical and professional staff will be evaluated. The institution should have a sufficient number of professional staff with appropriate qualifications and experience to operate the animal resource in a competent manner. The facility should also have qualified non- professional staff and supporting services. 3. Administrative Arrangements - An evaluation will be made of the administrative arrangements for routine management of the animal resource. The institution should have a record of commitment and a sound plan for financial support of the resource, through a recharge system, per diem charges, institutional support, etc. 4. Resources and Environment - The suitability of the institutional setting for achieving the goals of the program will be considered. This will include an appraisal of the academic environment and the support for the animal resource by the administration and faculty. AWARD CRITERIA Applications will compete with all others in the G20 category for available funds. An institution must have current PHS funding for research involving laboratory animals to be eligible for an award. The following will also be considered when making funding decisions: o Quality of the proposed project as determined by peer review o Availability of funds Evidence of continued PHS research funding will be verified prior to award. Award Conditions Following the actual award, funds for A&R will not be released until final architectural drawings, specifications, and updated cost estimates are approved by NCRR. No requests to initiate alterations or renovations will be entertained prior to receipt of the grant award from NIH and subsequent approval of working drawings and specifications by NIH staff. Renovations and equipment purchases must be initiated no later than twelve months after the start date of award. Awards will be made for one year and are not renewable. INQUIRIES Inquiries about the program are to be directed to: Director, Laboratory Animal Sciences Program Comparative Medicine Program National Center for Research Resources Westwood Building, Room 857 Bethesda, MD 20892-4500 Telephone: (301) 594-7933 Questions regarding fiscal matters are to be directed to: Mr. Paul Karadbil Office of Grants and Contracts Management National Center for Research Resources Westwood Building, Room 849 Bethesda, MD 20892-4500 Telephone: (301) 594-7955 AUTHORITY AND REGULATIONS This program is described in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 93.306, Laboratory Animal Sciences and Primate Research. Awards will be made under the authority of the Public Health Service Act, Title III, Section 301 (Public Law 78.410, as amended; 42 USC 241) and administered under PHS grants policies and Federal Regulations 42 CFR Part 52 and 45 CFR Part 74. This program is not subject to the intergovernmental review requirements of Executive Order 12372 or Health Systems Agency review. .
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