National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
National Eye Institute (NEI)
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS)
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)
X01 Resource Access Award
April 04, 2024 - Overview of Grant Application and Review Changes for Due Dates on or after January 25, 2025. See Notice NOT-OD-24-084
NOT-OD-22-195 New NIH "FORMS-H" Grant Application Forms and Instructions Coming for Due Dates on or after January 25, 2023
NOT-OD-22-189 Implementation Details for the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy
NOT-OD-22-198 Implementation Changes for Genomic Data Sharing Plans Included with Applications Due on or after January 25, 2023
NOT-OD-23-012 Reminder: FORMS-H Grant Application Forms & Instructions Must be Used for Due Dates On or After January 25, 2023 - New Grant Application Instructions Now Available
Only one application per institution is allowed, as defined in Section III. 3. Additional Information on Eligibility.
The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to provide investigators with access to resources provided by the Data Management Coordinating Center for Diagnostic Centers of Excellence (RFA-NS-22-051), as part of the next phase of the Undiagnosed Diseases Network. Resources include infrastructure, data management, and clinical research support for a new Network of clinical sites that provide diagnostic services for patients with undiagnosed diseases.
30 days prior to the application due date
Application Due Dates | Review and Award Cycles | ||||
New | Renewal / Resubmission / Revision (as allowed) | AIDS | Scientific Merit Review | Advisory Council Review | Earliest Start Date |
May 15, 2023 | May 15, 2023 | Not Applicable | November 2023 | January 2024 | April 2024 |
May 15, 2024 | April 15, 2024 | Not Applicable | November 2024 | January 2025 | April 2025 |
May 15, 2025 | May 15, 2025 | Not Applicable | November 2025 | January 2026 | April 2026 |
All applications are due by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Applicants are encouraged to apply early to allow adequate time to make any corrections to errors found in the application during the submission process by the due date.
Not Applicable
It is critical that applicants follow the instructions in the Research (R) Instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide, except where instructed to do otherwise (in this NOFO or in a Notice from NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts).
Conformance to all requirements (both in the Application Guide and the NOFO) is required and strictly enforced. Applicants must read and follow all application instructions in the Application Guide as well as any program-specific instructions noted in Section IV. When the program-specific instructions deviate from those in the Application Guide, follow the program-specific instructions.
Applications that do not comply with these instructions may be delayed or not accepted for review.
There are several options available to submit your application through to NIH and Department of Health and Human Services partners. You must use one of these submission options to access the application forms for this opportunity.
Undiagnosed diseases are defined as long-standing symptoms or elusive medical conditions that have not been diagnosed despite extensive clinical evaluation. Undiagnosed diseases are often due to rare conditions and can include: 1) not recognized, previously described diseases due to very low incidence or prevalence; 2) yet-to-be-described disorders; and 3) rare variations of more common diseases. These conditions present difficult problems for patients, their families, and physicians resulting in a high emotional, physical, and financial burden to patients who may spend many years seeking a diagnosis and path to treatment. Diagnoses in these difficult cases require teams of clinicians and scientists with a wide variety of special expertise. Scientific advances springing from these diagnoses require an organized approach to testing, data analysis, and validation in patients with similar rare conditions or in model organisms.
In 2008, the NIH established an intramural Undiagnosed Diseases Program (UDP) to aid individuals plagued by longstanding medical conditions that elude medical diagnosis. Using a team science approach, comprehensive clinical phenotyping and cutting-edge diagnostic and genomic technologies, the UDP was successful in ending the diagnostic odyssey for many individuals with rare, challenging, and difficult-to-diagnose diseases. Based on the success of the UDP, the NIH Common Fund announced in 2012 an expansion of the UDP to form a nation-wide network the Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN) - composed of the NIH UDP and extramural Clinical Sites. Phase I (FY2013-2017) of the UDN included seven Clinical Sites including the UDP, a Coordinating Center, and Core Laboratories to facilitate diagnoses (genome sequencing, testing variants in model organisms, metabolomics, and a biorepository). In Phase II (FY2018-2022), the number of Clinical Sites was expanded to twelve. Since the launch of Phase I, the UDN has been very successful in achieving its objectives by: providing over 600 diagnoses; discovering hundreds of novel disease-associated genes and genomic variants, including new diseases and syndromes; and building an international reputation for establishing exemplary clinical practices, standards, and pipelines for genomics-based diagnoses.
In Phase II, the network was tasked to develop a framework that would continue the mission of the UDN after NIH Common Fund support ends in 2023. To have a broader impact on the clinical practice of undiagnosed diseases in the United States (US), the NIH envisions the UDN evolving into a larger, self-sustained network that, with public and private partners, can provide expert diagnostic services for undiagnosed patients across the nation and foster scientific discovery. The network will also seek to implement strategies that will expand access to health disparity populations. In this new model, the new Network (henceforth referred to as the Network in this NOFO) will consist of an NIH-supported Data Management Coordinating Center (DMCC), the UDP, highly qualified and collaborative clinical sites, patients with undiagnosed diseases (referred to as participants in this NOFO), patient advocacy groups, and the NIH and other stakeholders including external funding providers and/or resource providers (e.g., Cores or private partnerships that conduct genomics sequencing, gene function studies or other diagnostic services).
The purpose of this NOFO is to solicit proposals from highly qualified clinical sites in the US to join the Network through an X01 Resource Access Program award. Accepted sites will be designated as a Diagnostic Center of Excellence (DCoE) and will be responsible for generating participant clinical, phenotypic and sequencing data to be submitted to the DMCC through a Data Use Agreement with the Center. X01 recipients will have access to DMCC resources and infrastructure including access to high-quality phenotypic and genotypic data and collaboration with highly skilled physicians, researchers, and bioinformaticians. Using team science, DCoEs will be able to collaborate with Network members to implement strategies that will expand access to health disparity populations and increase the discovery of new disease-associated genes and genomic variants, immunologic and metabolic abnormalities, as well as environmental insults that are causative in previously undiagnosed patients. DCoEs will be invited to submit their most challenging, unsolved cases for acceptance into the Network, and partner in their evaluation with the Network’s virtual case review committee(s), which will be coordinated by the DMCC.
Successful applicants will demonstrate that they have the appropriate expertise and a track record of diagnosing rare and difficult-to-diagnose disorders, along with the infrastructure and resources needed to conduct the clinical evaluation and DNA sequencing of participants enrolled at their sites. Specifically, applicants will be expected to demonstrate the expertise, independent resources (e.g., institutional support, plans for billing insurance, obtaining support from outside partnerships, etc.), and capacity to:
Additional Information
(1) The X01 mechanism does not provide budgetary support for the proposed activities. Successful X01 applications will receive access to DMCC resources and Network data (discussed above), and will have the option to apply for small research grants issued by the DMCC as subawards to DCoE sites (see: RFA-NS-22-051 for more information). The DMCC will provide at least $500,000 Direct Costs (DC) in year 1 and $1M DC per year in years 2-5 to support Network research activities. The subawards (typically in the range of $25-50K DC each) are intended to support: 1) some of the DCoEs costs associated with on-site coordination and submitting data to the Network; and 2) pilot research projects such as very early-stage gene function studies in model systems and clinical genomics/metabolomics investigations that are needed to facilitate a participant’s diagnosis. Subawards cannot support clinical trials.
(2) Successful applicants to this NOFO will be expected to incorporate the Network’s infrastructure and operational procedures into their proposed study plans, including coordination, collaboration, and data management through the DMCC and signing onto any agreements or Memoranda of Understanding established by the Network Steering Committee in the next phase of the UDN (see Network Governance below). In addition, DCoEs will be expected to work with the DMCC and Steering Committee to develop Network protocols, a Manual of Operations, and participate in Steering Committee, Case Review, diagnostic consultation, and Working Group meetings as established by the Steering Committee.
(3) Successful applicants will be required to consent participants and use a single-IRB managed by the NIH UDP that is consistent with NIH’s Single IRB Policy as described in NOT-OD-16-094 to ethically review Network-wide protocols involving human subjects research.
(4) To gain access to DMCC resources, X01 recipients will be required to submit relevant participant datasets generated at their Site (e.g., clinical, phenotypic, genomic, environmental, covariates, metadata, etc.) to the DMCC through a Data Use Agreement with the Center. The Network’s Steering Committee will develop and implement Network-wide approaches for data submission from DCoEs and timelines including data standards and formatting requirements, along with standards for data use by Network members. The DMCC is responsible for submitting de-identified data to national repositories as required in RFA-NS-22-051.
(5) DCoEs are encouraged to use innovative approaches that increase the efficiency, yield, and cost-effectiveness of the diagnosis (e.g., remote visits, tiered evaluation strategies, use of innovative tools or strategies for record review, etc.), while still providing a comprehensive and expeditious clinical evaluation.
(6) Although DCoEs are encouraged to enroll participants with disorders in any clinical specialty (similar to current UDN operations: UDN Manual of Operations), sites have the option to specialize in one or more areas of clinical practice (e.g., pediatrics, neurology, cardiology, gastroenterology, immunology, metabolism, environmentally-linked or infectious diseases, etc.).
(7) Applicants are strongly encouraged to enroll participants from health disparity populations and/or to partner with medical institutions that serve under/uninsured and health disparity populations.
Network Governance.
Network governance will be managed by the Steering Committee, with advice from an External Advisory Committee. The External Advisory Committee will be named by the NIH and the Network Steering Committee (members defined below) and will serve in an advisory capacity by reviewing network activities and making recommendations to the Steering Committee, the NIH and other stakeholders regarding process and substantive issues that arise during network operations. The Network Steering Committee may establish subcommittees and working groups to facilitate development, implementation, and monitoring of specific Network functions as needed.
The Network Steering Committee will be composed of the following voting members:
The Network Steering Committee will identify scientific and policy issues that need to be addressed at the network level, as well as broad issues in the field of rare, undiagnosed diseases research that can be addressed by the Network. It will also ensure dissemination of undiagnosed diseases clinical practice and research knowledge to the wider scientific community.
Applications Not Responsive to this NOFO
Applications that propose clinical trials will be considered non-responsive and will not be reviewed.
See Section VIII. Other Information for award authorities and regulations.
Other: A mechanism that is not a grant or cooperative agreement. Examples include access to research resources or pre-applications.
The OER Glossary and the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide provide details on these application types. Only those application types listed here are allowed for this NOFO.
Not Allowed: Only accepting applications that do not propose clinical trials.
Funds are not awarded via the X01 mechanism. The total number of approvals for access to DMCC and Network resources is dependent on the number of meritorious applications and the capacity of the Network.
Not Applicable; funds are not awarded via the X01 mechanism.
Depending on the fiscal year the award is issued, the maximum project period can be up to 5 years (FY2023 awards) and a minimum of 3 years (FY2025 awards). The X01 project period will not extend beyond the project end date of the DMCC (FY2028).
NIH grants policies as described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement will apply to the applications submitted and awards made from this NOFO.
1. Eligible Applicants
Higher Education Institutions
Nonprofits Other Than Institutions of Higher Education
For-Profit Organizations
Local Governments
Federal Government
Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entities (Foreign Institutions) are not eligible to apply.
Non-domestic (non-U.S.) components of U.S. Organizations are not eligible to apply.
Foreign components, as defined in the NIH Grants Policy Statement, are allowed.
Applicant Organizations
Applicant organizations must complete and maintain the following registrations as described in the SF 424 (R&R) Application Guide to be eligible to apply for or receive an award. All registrations must be completed prior to the application being submitted. Registration can take 6 weeks or more, so applicants should begin the registration process as soon as possible. The NIH Policy on Late Submission of Grant Applications states that failure to complete registrations in advance of a due date is not a valid reason for a late submission.
Program Directors/Principal Investigators (PD(s)/PI(s))
All PD(s)/PI(s) must have an eRA Commons account. PD(s)/PI(s) should work with their organizational officials to either create a new account or to affiliate their existing account with the applicant organization in eRA Commons. If the PD/PI is also the organizational Signing Official, they must have two distinct eRA Commons accounts, one for each role. Obtaining an eRA Commons account can take up to 2 weeks.
Any individual(s) with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to carry out the proposed research as the Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) (PD(s)/PI(s)) is invited to work with their organization to develop an application for support.
For institutions/organizations proposing multiple PDs/PIs, visit the Multiple Program Director/Principal Investigator Policy and submission details in the Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) Component of the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide.
Applications for the X01 DCoE award may be submitted by individuals located at the same institution as an applicant or PD/PI of the DMCC [submitted under RFA-NS-22-051: Data Management Coordinating Center for Diagnostic Centers of Excellence (U2C Clinical Trial Not Allowed) ], but an individual may not be the PD/PI of both a DCoE and the DMCC. An applicant organization will not be awarded more than one DCoE that is active at the same time (either through this X01 PAR, RFA-NS-23-004 [Limited Competition for the Continuation of Clinical Sites for the Undiagnosed Diseases Network (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)], or future NIH funding announcements that support UDN DCoEs).
This NOFO does not require cost sharing as defined in the NIH Grants Policy Statement.
3. Additional Information on Eligibility
Number of Applications
Only one application per institution (normally identified by having a unique UEI or NIH IPF number) is allowed.The NIH will not accept duplicate or highly overlapping applications under review at the same time, per Submission of Resubmission Application. This means that the NIH will not accept:
The application forms package specific to this opportunity must be accessed through ASSIST, Workspace or an institutional system-to-system solution. Links to apply using ASSIST or Workspace are available in Part 1 of this NOFO. See your administrative office for instructions if you plan to use an institutional system-to-system solution.
It is critical that applicants follow the instructions in the Research (R) Instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide except where instructed in this notice of funding opportunity to do otherwise. Conformance to the requirements in the Application Guide is required and strictly enforced. Applications that are out of compliance with these instructions may be delayed or not accepted for review.
Although a letter of intent is not required, is not binding, and does not enter into the review of a subsequent application, the information that it contains allows IC staff to estimate the potential review workload and plan the review.
By the date listed in Part 1. Overview Information, prospective applicants are asked to submit a letter of intent that includes the following information:
The letter of intent should be sent to:
Argenia Doss
Telephone: 301-827-1373
All page limitations described in the SF424 Application Guide and the Table of Page Limits must be followed.
For this specific NOFO, the Research Strategy section is limited to no more than 6 pages.
The following section supplements the instructions found in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide and should be used for preparing an application to this NOFO.
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed.
Total Federal Funds Requested: Enter $0.
Total Federal & Non-Federal Funds: Enter $0.
Estimated Program Income: Enter $0.
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed.
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed.
Facilities and Other Resources:
In addition to the information required in the standard instructions, applicants should describe the relevant institutional facilities, resources and services that can be leveraged for accomplishing the goals of the proposed program and Network (e.g., informatics/computational platforms, data storage and security resources, consultative and statistical resources, communication platforms, etc.).
Other Attachments: Applicants must provide the following additional materials in support of their application. The attachment must be uploaded as a separate PDF using the indicated filenames (which will serve as application bookmarks). Applications that do not include this attachment will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed.
Attachment (Required - 2 pages maximum): Applicants should describe existing or planned resources available to the applicant, such as clinical and laboratory facilities, institutional support, plans for billing third party payers, private funding sources, federal grants, or resource partnerships, etc., that will be leveraged to conduct the clinical evaluation of participants and support the associated diagnostic costs [use file name External Sources of Support ].
In addition, a table must be included that lists the external sources of support or resources to be used to perform the activities listed below, including the dollar amount and length of each commitment (start and end date of the support or partnership) if applicable:
Applications that do not include this table will not be reviewed.
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed.
Include a single Biographical Sketch for each Senior/Key person listed in the application.
Address the following elements in the relevant Biographical Sketches:
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed.
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed, with the following additional instructions:
Specific Aims: The Specific Aims should refer directly to the X01 request and should clearly and concisely describe the potential impact of the proposed research.
Research Strategy
Describe any prior experience and success of your site in: recruiting, enrolling and completing the evaluation of participants with rare and/or difficult-to-diagnose disorders, including those from health disparity populations. Describe your site’s track record of success in diagnosing rare and difficult-to-diagnose disorders.
Provide a timeline to recruit, enroll, and complete the clinical evaluation of at least 5 affected Network participants per year, including the number of individuals your site expects to enroll from health disparity populations. Note: in the Planned Inclusion Enrollment Report (in PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information), include only affected individuals (not family members).
In addition, describe the overall strategy, methodology, analyses, and independent resources (e.g., institutional support, plans for billing insurance, obtaining support from outside partnerships, etc., as described and depicted in the required table in Facilities and Other Resources) to be used to accomplish the specific aims of the project, including how the following will be accomplished:
To gain access to DMCC resources, X01 recipients must agree to submit all relevant participant datasets generated at their Site (e.g., clinical, phenotypic, genomic, environmental, covariates, metadata, etc.) to the DMCC through a Data Use Agreement with the Center. The Network’s Steering Committee will develop and implement Network-wide approaches for data submission from DCoEs and timelines including data standards and formatting requirements, along with standards for data use by Network members. The DMCC is responsible for submitting de-identified data to national repositories as required in RFA-NS-22-051.
Integration and collaboration are essential to the success of the Network. Applicants should describe their willingness and plans to:
Assessment, Dissemination, and Outreach
Applicants are encouraged to propose a plan to collaborate with the DMCC and other DCoEs to assess and disseminate data, protocols, consent materials, and methods developed by the Network. Examples include:
Letters of Support: Institutional and other external commitments proposed in application to fund or support the clinical evaluation, diagnostic testing, DNA sequencing, evaluation of uninsured participants, and sustaining the program beyond this grant award support are encouraged.
Resource Sharing Plan:
Individuals are required to comply with the instructions for the Resource Sharing Plans as provided in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide.
Other Plan(s):
Note: Effective for due dates on or after January 25, 2023, the Data Management and Sharing Plan will be attached in the Other Plan(s) attachment in FORMS-H application forms packages.
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed, with the following additional instructions:
Only limited Appendix materials are allowed. Follow all instructions for the Appendix as described in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide.
When involving human subjects research, clinical research, and/or NIH-defined clinical trials (and when applicable, clinical trials research experience) follow all instructions for the PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information form in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide, with the following additional instructions:
If you answered Yes to the question Are Human Subjects Involved? on the R&R Other Project Information form, you must include at least one human subjects study record using the Study Record: PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information form or Delayed Onset Study record.
Study Record: PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed.
In the Planned Inclusion Enrollment Report(s), only include affected individuals (i.e., the probands and not family members).
Delayed Onset Study
Note: Delayed onset does NOT apply to a study that can be described but will not start immediately (i.e., delayed start).All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed.
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed.
3. Unique Entity Identifier and System for Award Management (SAM)
See Part 1. Section III.1 for information regarding the requirement for obtaining a unique entity identifier and for completing and maintaining active registrations in System for Award Management (SAM), NATO Commercial and Government Entity (NCAGE) Code (if applicable), eRA Commons, and
Part I. Overview Information contains information about Key Dates and times. Applicants are encouraged to submit applications before the due date to ensure they have time to make any application corrections that might be necessary for successful submission. When a submission date falls on a weekend or Federal holiday, the application deadline is automatically extended to the next business day.
Organizations must submit applications to (the online portal to find and apply for grants across all Federal agencies). Applicants must then complete the submission process by tracking the status of the application in the eRA Commons, NIH’s electronic system for grants administration. NIH and systems check the application against many of the application instructions upon submission. Errors must be corrected and a changed/corrected application must be submitted to on or before the application due date and time. If a Changed/Corrected application is submitted after the deadline, the application will be considered late. Applications that miss the due date and time are subjected to the NIH Policy on Late Application Submission.
Applicants are responsible for viewing their application before the due date in the eRA Commons to ensure accurate and successful submission.
Information on the submission process and a definition of on-time submission are provided in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide.
5. Intergovernmental Review (E.O. 12372)
This initiative is not subject to intergovernmental review.
All NIH awards are subject to the terms and conditions, cost principles, and other considerations described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement.
Pre-award costs are allowable only as described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement.
Applications must be submitted electronically following the instructions described in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. Paper applications will not be accepted.
Applicants must complete all required registrations before the application due date. Section III. Eligibility Information contains information about registration.
For assistance with your electronic application or for more information on the electronic submission process, visit How to Apply Application Guide. If you encounter a system issue beyond your control that threatens your ability to complete the submission process on-time, you must follow the Dealing with System Issues guidance. For assistance with application submission, contact the Application Submission Contacts in Section VII.
Important reminders:
All PD(s)/PI(s) must include their eRA Commons ID in the Credential field of the Senior/Key Person Profile form. Failure to register in the Commons and to include a valid PD/PI Commons ID in the credential field will prevent the successful submission of an electronic application to NIH. See Section III of this NOFO for information on registration requirements.
The applicant organization must ensure that the unique entity identifier provided on the application is the same identifier used in the organization’s profile in the eRA Commons and for the System for Award Management. Additional information may be found in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide.
See more tips for avoiding common errors.
Upon receipt, applications will be evaluated for completeness and compliance with application instructions by the Center for Scientific Review and responsiveness by components of participating organizations, NIH. Applications that are incomplete, non-compliant and/or nonresponsive will not be reviewed.
Use of Common Data Elements in NIH-funded Research
Many NIH ICs encourage the use of common data elements (CDEs) in basic, clinical, and applied research, patient registries, and other human subject research to facilitate broader and more effective use of data and advance research across studies. CDEs are data elements that have been identified and defined for use in multiple data sets across different studies. Use of CDEs can facilitate data sharing and standardization to improve data quality and enable data integration from multiple studies and sources, including electronic health records. NIH ICs have identified CDEs for many clinical domains (e.g., neurological disease), types of studies (e.g., genome-wide association studies (GWAS)), types of outcomes (e.g., patient-reported outcomes), and patient registries (e.g., the Global Rare Diseases Patient Registry and Data Repository). NIH has established a Common Data Element (CDE) Resource Portal" ( to assist investigators in identifying NIH-supported CDEs when developing protocols, case report forms, and other instruments for data collection. The Portal provides guidance about and access to NIH-supported CDE initiatives and other tools and resources for the appropriate use of CDEs and data standards in NIH-funded research. Investigators are encouraged to consult the Portal and describe in their applications any use they will make of NIH-supported CDEs in their projects.
Applicants are required to follow the instructions for post-submission materials, as described in the policy
Only the review criteria described below will be considered in the review process. Applications submitted to the NIH in support of the NIH mission are evaluated for scientific and technical merit through the NIH administrative review system.
For this particular announcement, note the following:
The X01 Resource Access Program invites eligible institutions to seek access to NIH research resources, which are specified in each X01 NOFO. This includes programs where institutions will request access to submit to the resource (e.g., high throughput screening assays) as well as programs where access to a specific NIH research resource is needed to conduct certain research. Important factors in the administrative review of X01 applications are the need for, and potential benefit of, gaining access to the resource, specifications for any assays proposed, timelines for completion and plans for follow-on studies.
Overall Impact
Reviewers will provide an overall impact score to reflect their assessment of the likelihood for the project to exert a sustained, powerful influence on the research field(s) involved, in consideration of the following review criteria and additional review criteria (as applicable for the project proposed).
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not Applicable.
Not applicable.
As applicable for the project proposed, reviewers will evaluate the following items while determining scientific and technical merit, and in providing an overall impact score, but will not give separate scores for these items.
Protections for Human Subjects
For research that involves human subjects but does not involve one of the categories of research that are exempt under 45 CFR Part 46, the committee will evaluate the justification for involvement of human subjects and the proposed protections from research risk relating to their participation according to the following five review criteria: 1) risk to subjects, 2) adequacy of protection against risks, 3) potential benefits to the subjects and others, 4) importance of the knowledge to be gained, and 5) data and safety monitoring for clinical trials.
For research that involves human subjects and meets the criteria for one or more of the categories of research that are exempt under 45 CFR Part 46, the committee will evaluate: 1) the justification for the exemption, 2) human subjects involvement and characteristics, and 3) sources of materials. For additional information on review of the Human Subjects section, please refer to the Guidelines for the Review of Human Subjects.
Inclusion of Women, Minorities, and Individuals Across the Lifespan
When the proposed project involves human subjects and/or NIH-defined clinical research, the committee will evaluate the proposed plans for the inclusion (or exclusion) of individuals on the basis of sex, race, and ethnicity, as well as the inclusion (or exclusion) of individuals of all ages (including children and older adults) to determine if it is justified in terms of the scientific goals and research strategy proposed. For additional information on review of the Inclusion section, please refer to the Guidelines for the Review of Inclusion in Clinical Research.
Vertebrate Animals
The committee will evaluate the involvement of live vertebrate animals as part of the scientific assessment according to the following criteria: (1) description of proposed procedures involving animals, including species, strains, ages, sex, and total number to be used; (2) justifications for the use of animals versus alternative models and for the appropriateness of the species proposed; (3) interventions to minimize discomfort, distress, pain and injury; and (4) justification for euthanasia method if NOT consistent with the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals. Reviewers will assess the use of chimpanzees as they would any other application proposing the use of vertebrate animals. For additional information on review of the Vertebrate Animals section, please refer to the Worksheet for Review of the Vertebrate Animals Section.
Reviewers will assess whether materials or procedures proposed are potentially hazardous to research personnel and/or the environment, and if needed, determine whether adequate protection is proposed.
For Resubmissions, the committee will evaluate the application as now presented.
For Renewals, the committee will consider the progress made in the last award period.
Not applicable
As applicable for the project proposed, reviewers will consider each of the following items, but will not give scores for these items, and should not consider them in providing an overall impact score.
Applications from Foreign Organizations
Not Applicable.
Select Agent Research
Reviewers will assess the information provided in this section of the application, including 1) the Select Agent(s) to be used in the proposed research, 2) the registration status of all entities where Select Agent(s) will be used, 3) the procedures that will be used to monitor possession use and transfer of Select Agent(s), and 4) plans for appropriate biosafety, biocontainment, and security of the Select Agent(s).
Not Applicable.
Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources:
For projects involving key biological and/or chemical resources, reviewers will comment on the brief plans proposed for identifying and ensuring the validity of those resources.
2. Review and Selection Process
Applications submitted to this notice of funding opportunity will be administratively reviewed using the criteria shown above.
Following the initial administrative review, applications will receive a second level of review by the UDN Trans-NIH Working Group, the NINDS Director and other participating Institute Directors. The following will be considered in making award decisions:
After the administrative review of the application is completed, NIH program staff will inform applicant(s) of the review outcome and start date if selected for award.
Information regarding the disposition of applications is available in the NIH Grants Policy Statement.
If the application is under consideration for funding, NIH will request "just-in-time" information from the applicant as described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement.
An X01 does not result in a Notice of Award (NoA). Rather, selected applicants will receive access to resources provided by the Data Management Coordinating Center for Diagnostic Centers of Excellence (RFA-NS-22-051). Successful applicants will receive instructions for next steps.
An X01 does not result in a Notice of Award. Instead, successful applicants will receive instructions on accessing the resources described in this NOFO.
Not Applicable
3. Data Management and Sharing
Note: The NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing is effective for due dates on or after January 25, 2023.
Consistent with the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing, when data management and sharing is applicable to the award, recipients will be required to adhere to the Data Management and Sharing requirements as outlined in the NIH Grants Policy Statement. Upon the approval of a Data Management and Sharing Plan, it is required for recipients to implement the plan as described.
Not applicable. An X01 does not result in a Notice of Award. Instead, successful applicants will receive instructions on accessing the resources described in this NOFO.
We encourage inquiries concerning this funding opportunity and welcome the opportunity to answer questions from potential applicants.
eRA Service Desk (Questions regarding ASSIST, eRA Commons, application errors and warnings, documenting system problems that threaten submission by the due date, and post-submission issues)
Finding Help Online: (preferred method of contact)
Telephone: 301-402-7469 or 866-504-9552 (Toll Free)
General Grants Information (Questions regarding application instructions, application processes, and NIH grant resources)
Email: (preferred method of contact)
Telephone: 301-480-7075 Customer Support (Questions regarding registration and Workspace)
Contact Center Telephone: 800-518-4726
Argenia Doss
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Telephone: 301-827-1373
Laura Mamounas
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Telephone: 301-496-5745
Jason Wan, PhD
Phone: (301) 594-9898
Nahed El Kassar, MD, PhD
Phone: 301-495-0054
Srikanth Nadadur, PhD
Phone: 984-287-3296
Stacy E. Ferguson, Ph.D.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Phone: 240-627-3504
Jyoti Dayal
Phone: 301.480.2307
Tiina K Urv
Phone: (301) 402-7015
Melissa Parisi, MD, PhD
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
Telephone: 301-435-6880
Faye H Chen, PhD
Phone: 301-594-5055
Sangeeta Bhargava
Phone: 301-435-8175
Argenia Doss
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Telephone: 301-827-1373
Chief Grants Management Officer
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Gabriel Hidalgo, MBA
Phone: 301-827-4630
Tracee Foster
Phone: 301.827-8030
Jenny L Greer
Phone: 984.287.3332
Tamia Powell
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Phone: 240-669-2982
Deanna L Ingersoll
Phone: 301-435-7858
David Madoo
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)
Phone: 301-761-6703
Margaret Young
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
Telephone: 301-642-4552
Sahar Rais-Danai
Phone: 301-594-5032
Karen Robinson Smith
Phone: 301-435-8178
Recently issued trans-NIH policy notices may affect your application submission. A full list of policy notices published by NIH is provided in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. All awards are subject to the terms and conditions, cost principles, and other considerations described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement.
Awards are made under the authorization of Sections 301 and 405 of the Public Health Service Act as amended (42 USC 241 and 284) and under Federal Regulations 42 CFR Part 52 and 45 CFR Part 75 and 2 CFR Part 200.