Release Date:  March 11, 1999  


National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) regularly
reviews its portfolio of active program announcements.  When the objectives of
PAs have been attained, NIAID announces inactivation of those PAs.

NIAID supports highly scientifically meritorious applications in all areas of
research within its mission.  Except when otherwise noted below, PA
inactivation simply means that special consideration for funding beyond normal
paylines will NO LONGER be given to applications on the research topics
identified in the inactivated PAs.  However, such applications will be
accepted, reviewed, and considered for funding according the usual procedures.

At any time, potential applicants can obtain a current listing of active NIAID
PAs on the NIAID WWW site at URL:

INACTIVATIONS.  The following two program announcements (PAs) are being
inactivated; NIAID will no longer give special consideration for funding to
applications in response to these PAs.  This notice is effective immediately
and applies to the application receipt deadlines after July 1, 1999.  The PAs
and their dates of publication in the NIH Guide are:

PA-97-029, Immunologic Intervention in Infectious Diseases, January 31, 1997

PA-96-067, Molecular Correlates of Pathogenesis in Parasitic Diseases, July
26, 1996


For questions or further information, contact:

Office of the Director
Division of Extramural Activities
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Solar Building, Room 3C20
Bethesda, MD  20892-7610
Telephone:  (301) 496-7291
FAX:  (301) 402-0369
Email:  [email protected]

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