Release Date:  January 14, 1999


National Human Genome Research Institute


The National Institutes of Health (NIH), along with several other federal,
private, and international organizations, is currently engaged in a research
program to characterize the human genome and the genomes of selected model
organisms.  This program, the Human Genome Project (HGP), has the following
interrelated goals: the development of detailed maps and the determination of the
complete nucleotide sequence of the human genome and the genomes of selected
organisms; the development of efficient methods for identifying genes and their
function; the development of the capability to collect, store, distribute and
analyze the data and materials produced; the development of new technologies to
achieve these goals; the examination of the ethical, legal and social
implications (ELSI) of genome research; and the development of training and
career development programs to ensure that there will be adequately trained
scientists to develop and utilize the products emanating from the HGP.  The
products of the HGP will be information and material resources, as well as new
technologies, that will be available to the entire research community to
facilitate further research leading to the prevention, diagnosis, and therapy of
disease, as well as to further understanding of human biology.  Scholarly
research will be the foundation for understanding the ELSI issues generated by
genomics and genetics research.

In 1990, the NIH and the Department of Energy (DOE) jointly published a plan that
sets out specific goals to be achieved in the first five-year phase of the U.S.
Human Genome Project.  Anticipating the attainment of much of the initial set of
goals, the NIH and DOE extended the original goals of the Human Genome Project. 
These goals are described in the article, "New Five-Year Plan for the U.S. Human
Genome Project," (Science, Vol. 262, pp. 43-46, October 1, 1993) and cover the
years 1994-1998.  In the Fall of 1998, the NIH and DOE published a new five year
plan (Science, Vol. 282, p. 682, October 23, 1998;
http://www.nhgri.nih.gov/98plan/).  The development of technology for mapping and
sequencing will continue to be areas of emphasis.  New technological areas of
interest will include the interpretation of genomic sequence, the study of
sequence variation and the analysis of gene expression.

The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) is committed to increasing
the number of students and faculty in minority institutions who can participate
in the Human Genome Program and apply the results to biological, medical and
biotechnological research.  One way to introduce students and faculty to the
Human Genome Project is through participation at meetings where the results of
genome and ELSI research are presented or visits to laboratories to learn the
latest technologies for genome sequencing, analysis, and interpretation.  The
Minority Institution Travel Award Program (MITAP) provides additional
opportunities for students at various stages of academic development and for
faculty members who are enrolled and employed, respectively, in minority
institutions, to participate in the Human Genome Project.

The NHGRI invites applications to support students and faculty in minority
institutions to attend scientific meetings, courses and workshops or visit
laboratories to learn techniques relevant to genomic research.  The MITAP for
Genomics and ELSI-Related Research has been established to increase the
participation of students and faculty from minority institutions in human genome
research and research training programs.  Under this program, travel funds will
be awarded as supplements to active NIH research grants that are relevant to
fundamental or applied genomics research.

Support of travel for students and faculty from minority institutions is only one
way to increase the number of individuals capable of participating in the Human
Genome Project. There are a variety of opportunities for research training and
career development that are available through the regular NHGRI grant program,
the institutional training grant program, the individual pre-and postdoctoral
fellowship programs, the individual and institutional mentored research scientist
development awards, and  the minority supplemental research program.  Additional
information about these programs can be found at our web site:


Any NIH grantee whose research is relevant to the Human Genome Project (HGP),
whether fundamental or applied genomics, and is interested in obtaining travel
funds for students or faculty from minority institutions to attend scientific
meetings, workshops or courses or visit laboratories to learn specific techniques
relevant to genomic research  may request supplemental grant support from the
National Human Genome Research Institute.  Since these awards are made as
administrative supplements to NIH grants, the prospective applicant must identify
a NIH grantee who will be willing to sponsor the student or faculty member. 
Supplemental awards can be made to R, P, U, G (Research Centers in Minority
Institution Awards, Minority Biomedical Research Support (S11) and SBIR/STTR

For the purpose of this notice the following definitions will apply:

1.  Minority Institution.  A minority institution is defined as an institution
in which the student enrollment is at least 50 percent minority.  A minority
individual is defined as a member of any of the following groups:  Black
Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans and Alaskan Natives, and Pacific
Islanders or other ethnic or racial group members who have been found to be
underrepresented in biomedical or behavioral research nationally.

2.  Student.  The definition of student includes full-time undergraduate,
predoctoral or postdoctoral students enrolled or pursuing training at a minority

3.  Faculty.  A faculty member is defined as a full-time faculty member who is
employed by a minority institution and is interested in or engaged in biomedical

4.  Scientific Meeting, Course or Workshop.  A scientific meeting in the context
of this program is defined as any national or international scientific meeting,
short course or workshop relevant to the Human Genome Program.

5.  Principal Investigator.  Principal investigators of active NIH grants
relevant to the Human Genome Project are eligible to submit supplemental
applications on behalf of a student or faculty member.  The principal
investigator (or other designated senior investigator on the grant) is expected
to serve as a guide or mentor for the student or faculty member while at the
scientific meeting, course or workshop.


A request for a supplement may be submitted at any time.  In making requests, the
grantee institution, on behalf of the Principal Investigator of the parent grant
and in cooperation with the minority individual, must submit the request for
supplemental funds directly to the awarding component that supports the parent
grant.  The request should not be submitted to the NIH Center for Scientific
Review.  Principal investigators are encouraged to obtain the address for
submission from the NIH program director on the parent grant.

The request for a supplemental award must include the following:

a.  A completed face page (with appropriate signatures) from Grant Application
Form PHS 398.  Include the title and grant number of the parent grant on line 1
and the type of supplement being requested on line 2 and specifically state
"Minority Institution Travel Award Program."

(b) a proposed budget with a justification for the funds requested;

(c) complete curriculum vitae of the individual for whom support is being
requested; and

(d) a description of the conference, scientific meeting, workshop, or laboratory
experience proposed for the minority individual.

(e) information addressing the review criteria outlined under "Review

Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the NHGRI program
official listed under INQUIRIES prior to preparing an application.

Applications may be submitted at any time but must be submitted for a duration
to coincide with the end of the appropriate budget period of the grant.  The
requested start date for the supplemental award should be at least 90 days after
the date of submission of the application.

The original and five copies of the application must be submitted to:

Bettie J. Graham, Ph.D.
National Human Genome Research Institute
Building 38A, Room 614
Bethesda, MD  20892
Telephone:  (301) 496-7531
Email:  Bettie_Graham@nih.gov


Review Criteria

Supplemental applications submitted in response to this notice will be reviewed
for eligibility by the senior staff of the NHGRI using the following criteria:

1.  For Students:

o  Completion of the sophomore year in college, or enrollment in a predoctoral
or postdoctoral program (exceptions will be considered if justification is

o  Letter of recommendation from one researcher other than the principal

o  A brief written statement describing reasons for attending the meeting,
benefits to be derived and anticipated long-range professional plans as they
relate to biomedical research in general and the Human Genome Project

2.  For Faculty:

o  A brief written statement indicating research interests, benefits to be
derived by participation in the meeting, and long-range professional plans as
they relate to biomedical research in general and the Human Genome Project

o  Two letters of recommendation from the institution, including one from the
Dean or Department Chairperson.

Other Considerations.  It is desirable that the student or faculty member be
accompanied by the principal investigator or designated senior investigator when
attending a scientific meeting.  In the case of a workshop or a course, this is
not a requirement, although the principal investigator must demonstrate that
there will be some follow-up or informal discussions about the scientific
contents of the workshop or course with the student or faculty member following
completion of the activity.  The principal investigator is also encouraged to
discuss the type of research and career opportunities that are supported by the
Human Genome Project and that are available through universities, other
institutions and NIH.

Award Criteria

The decision to fund a supplement will take place approximately six weeks from
the receipt of a complete application.

The following will be considered in making funding decisions: the extent to which
the proposed experience with expand the applicants knowledge about the
opportunities for research in the Human Genome Program and the availability of
funds.  Funds awarded under this program are for the sole purpose of facilitating
participation of students and faculty from minority institutions in scientific
meetings, workshops and courses relevant to the Human Genome Project.

Terms and Conditions of the Award

Travel Funds.  Travel funds include air and/or ground transportation, per diem
allowance and registration fees or tuition associated with the meeting, course
or workshop.  The specific budget items must be justified in the application.

Travel Report.  In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this program, the
student or faculty member will be requested to prepare a brief report for
submission to NHGRI, through the principal investigator.  This report will be due
30 days after returning from the meeting, course or workshop, and is to be sent
to the program official whose name appears on the Notice of Grant Award.  In
addition, the principal investigator must include the report in the annual and/or
final grant progress report.


Inquiries are encouraged.  The opportunity to clarify any issues or questions
from potential applicants is welcomed.

Direct inquires regarding programmatic issues to:

Bettie J. Graham, Ph.D.,
Division of Extramural Research
National Human Genome Research Institute
Building 38A, Room 614
Bethesda, MD  20892-6050
Telephone: (301) 496-7531
Email:  Bettie_Graham@nih.gov

Direct inquiries regarding fiscal matters to:

Ms. Jean Cahill
Division of Extramural Research
National Human Genome Research Institute
Building 38A, Room 613
Bethesda, MD  20892-6050
Telephone:  (301) 402-0733
Email:  Jean_Cahill@nih.gov

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