GUIDELINES FOR SUPPORT OF SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS BY NIH Release Date: October 30, 1998 (see replacement PAR-03-176) P.T. National Institutes of Health NOTE: These guidelines are reissued to provide updates for NIH Institute/Center contacts and guidelines, but have no NIH policy changes. The previous guidelines were issued in the NIH GUIDE on May 9, 1997. PURPOSE The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recognizes the value of supporting scientific meetings, conferences, and workshops that are relevant to its scientific mission and to public health. Support of these meetings is contingent on the interests and priorities of the individual Institutes and Centers (I/C) as well as the investment that each I/C determines is appropriate. Each I/C has the flexibility to support conferences according to its specific needs. As indicated in this document, changes have been introduced to reduce some of the burdensome and time-consuming processes for applicant organizations as well as NIH. Some Institutes and Centers require prior contact and/or approval before submission. The guidelines presented here are general guidance for applicant organizations in the development of applications for requesting support for scientific meetings. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact the individual I/C staff listed in this document for specific I/C information. This document contains information about o NIH policy and procedures concerning the application process for the support of scientific meetings o NIH Staff contacts and funding opportunities available from each NIH component for support of scientific meetings via grants or cooperative agreements (See Attachment 1) o Supplemental Instructions for Application Form PHS-398 (See Attachment 2) o "Guidelines on Inclusion of Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in NIH-Sponsored and/or -Supported Intramural and Extramural Scientific Meetings and Conferences" (NIH Guide, Vol. 24, No. 15, April 28, 1995) (See Attachment 3) This document only applies to those conferences, workshops, or scientific meetings supported by NIH grants or cooperative agreements. It does not apply to those conferences, workshops, or scientific meetings sponsored or initiated by NIH and funded by contracts or by direct operating funds, or workshops conducted as an adjunct to scientific peer review group activities. POLICY Scientific meetings may be funded by assistance mechanisms (grants and cooperative agreements) and may be funded for up to five (5) years. All applications for such meetings will be evaluated for programmatic relevance by Institute/Center (I/C) staff and reviewed for merit by the Institute/Center. Each NIH I/C may support those applications that are within its mission. Applications of interest to more than one NIH component may be co-funded. Each NIH I/C has designated a conference award contact, this individual is the I/C focal point for information on the NIH component"s general interest in supporting a scientific meeting on a specific topic or by a specific mechanism, for any I/C-specific guidelines, and for identification of the appropriate program staff within the I/C for further presubmission discussions. Please note that Institutes/Centers may also include in their guidelines a requirement for prior approval before submission of an application for support of scientific meetings, in this case, a letter of intent may be requested. Institutes/Centers may also include in their guidelines dollar limits and other budget guidelines. Organizers of scientific meetings must comply with the "Guidelines on Inclusion of Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in NIH- Sponsored and/or -Supported Intramural and Extramural Meetings and Conferences." (See attachment 3). Appropriate representation of women, racial/ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities, and other individuals who have been traditionally underrepresented in science, must be included in all aspects of planning, organization and implementation of NIH-sponsored and/or -supported meetings. "Appropriate" means representation based on the availability of scientists from these groups known to be working in a particular field of biomedical or behavioral research. If appropriate representation is not apparent, no award will be issued until program staff are assured of concerted efforts. ELIGIBILITY A U.S. institution or organization, including an established scientific or professional society, is eligible to apply. An individual is not eligible to receive an award for the support of a scientific meeting. Both domestic and international meetings may be supported, however, an international meeting can be supported only through the United States representative organization of an established international scientific or professional society. GENERAL PROCEDURES A scientific meeting is defined as a gathering, symposium, seminar, workshop or any other organized, formal conference where persons assemble to coordinate, exchange and disseminate information or to explore or clarify a defined subject, problem or area of knowledge. Types of Support o Investigator-initiated conference grants (R13 awards) o Cooperative agreement awards, with substantial programmatic involvement by NIH staff after award (U13 awards) o Multiple year awards (R13 or U13) for up to five years to a permanently sponsoring organization for conferences held annually or biennially on a recurring topic. Application Instructions Prospective applicants are encouraged to inquire in advance concerning NIH"s interest in supporting a scientific meeting by contacting the appropriate conference award contact who is the I/C"s focal point for identification of appropriate program staff for further presubmission discussions, including requirements for letters of intent and prior approval. Applicants may contact another I/C, if one I/C is not interested in supporting the scientific meeting. All information regarding supplemental instructions for preparation of application Form PHS 398 is outlined in attachment 2. Multiple year conference applications for up to five years may be submitted by permanent sponsoring organizations for conferences held annually or biennially. Continued funding beyond the first year is contingent upon scientific progress as determined annually by I/C procedures. Receipt dates will be determined by the individual I/C, however, potential applicants are encouraged to submit applications on the three Center for Scientific Review (CSR) deadlines(February 1, June 1, October 1). All applications must be submitted at least 6 months prior to the conference. The conference award contact can provide specific information on receipt dates. Application Assignment within NIH Each application will be assigned to one or more I/Cs by the CSR Referral Office based on established I/C guidelines for relevance. However, program staff will accept applications for assignment, including secondary assignments, only if there is interest in supporting the scientific meeting, thus, submission of an application does not ensure acceptance. Evaluation of Applications Applications will be evaluated by the I/C or CSR by means deemed appropriate. Review criteria include: o the need and timeliness for the scientific meeting, o its format and agenda, o qualifications of the organizers and proposed participants, o past performance where applicable, o appropriateness of the meeting site, o plans for the appropriate* involvement of women, racial/ethnic minorities and persons with disabilities in the planning and implementation of the proposed meeting, and o appropriateness of budget, per I/C guidelines. [* See "policy" section of this document and Attachment 3.] Recommendations are documented in a standard summary statement format and sent to the applicant. Depending on I/C policy, applications may be reviewed by the appropriate National Advisory Council or Board. Funding Each I/C may support any application that is within its mission, interests and support guidelines, and which has been recommended for support by the review group. Applications of interest to more than one I/C may be co-funded. Notices of Grant Award for awards covering conferences for up to five years will contain information in the Terms and Conditions that a shift in conference focus would preclude further funding in subsequent years. Funding by Cooperative Agreement When the I/C determines that there is sufficient need to have substantial involvement in the planning and conduct of a scientific meeting, the I/C may determine that a cooperative agreement (U13) award should be made. Specific terms and conditions of the award may be obtained from the I/C contact. Reporting Requirements A report of the meeting must be prepared and two copies submitted to the awarding unit that supported the meeting within 90 days after the completion of the meeting. The report should include (a) the grant number, (b) the title, date and place of the meeting, (c) the name of the person shown on the application as the conference director, principal investigator, or program director, (d) the name of the organization that conducted the meeting, (e) a list of the individuals, and their institutional affiliations, who participated as speakers or discussants in the formally planned sessions of the meeting, and (f) a summary of topics discussed/conclusions. Multiple year awards require an annual progress report that contains a description of specific plans for the next award period, in similar detail and format as for a single meeting, this should be submitted six months before the next conference. NIH Program staff will evaluate these reports and plans in approving annual non-competing continuation awards. Copies of proceedings or publications resulting from the meeting, including items (a) through (f) listed above, may be substituted for the annual and final progress report, with approval of the NIH awarding unit. Additional information on support of conferences is available in Appendix 7 of the PHS Grants Policy Statement at SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES FOR SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS AND GUIDELINES AT EACH NIH COMPONENT The following listing provides the names of the conference award contacts at each of the NIH Institutes and Centers (I/C) and the general programmatic and funding guidelines for support of scientific meetings at that Institute or Center. Details for each I/C"s program and budget guidelines and information on NIH application instructions for support of scientific meetings may be obtained from the conference award contact listed. Detailed information about the I/C programs may also be obtained from the NIH Extramural Programs book, which is available on the NIH Homepage on the WWW at Specific information about program areas is provided. RECEIPT DATES: All applications must be submitted at least six (6) months prior to the meeting. Applications will be received on the three CSR receipt deadlines of February l, June l and October 1, unless otherwise noted below. LETTER OF INTENT: Letters of Intent are required by some I/Cs as noted below. These letters should be submitted to the I/C contact person noted below at least 30 days before the application deadline. Potential applicants are encouraged to talk to the I/C contacts as well. Budget guidelines are also provided by several I/Cs. 1. NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON AGING (NIA) NIA Contacts: Behavioral and Social Research Program Richard Suzman, Ph.D. phone: 301/496-3138 fax: 301/402-0051 e-mail: [email protected] Biology of Aging Program Huber Warner, Ph.D. phone: 301/496-4996 fax: 301/402-0010 e-mail: [email protected] Geriatrics Program Evan Hadley, M.D. phone: 301/435-3044 fax: 301/402-1784 e-mail: [email protected] Neuroscience & Neuropsychology of Aging Program Marcelle Morrison-Bogorad, Ph.D. phone: 301/496-9350 fax: 301/496-1494 email: [email protected] The NIA is interested in supporting scientific meetings, conferences, and workshops in the following areas: biology of aging, geriatrics, behavioral and social research on aging, neuroscience and neuropsychology of aging. Letter of Intent: NIA does not require a letter of intent prior to acceptance of submission of applications. However, applicants are encouraged to contact NIA staff before preparing their applications. Applications of interest to more than one IC will be cofunded. NIA will also provide partial support in conjunction with other funding sources. 2. NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON ALCOHOL ABUSE AND ALCOHOLISM (NIAAA) NIAAA Contact: Ernestine Vanderveen, Ph.D. phone: 301/443-2531 fax: 594-0673 Email: [email protected] The NIAAA is interested in supporting scientific meetings, conferences, and workshops on all health issues related to alcohol abuse and alcoholism, including the biomedical, behavioral, and social consequences of alcohol use and abuse. The NIAAA does require a letter of intent prior to acceptance of submission of a grant application. The NIAAA does not have any specific requirements regarding partial funding by applicants, dollar limits on applications or other funding policies. 3.NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES (NIAID) NIAID Contacts: Dr. Robert Quackenbush Div. of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases phone: 301/496-5644 fax: 402-3255 e-mail: [email protected] Joan Kondratick Division of AIDS phone: 301/402-0755 fax: 480-5703 e-mail: [email protected] Dr. Lawrence Prograis Div. of Allergy, Immunology and Transplantation phone: 301/496-1886 fax: 402-2571 e-mail: [email protected] NIAID is interested in supporting scientific meetings, conferences, and workshops in the following areas: acquired deficiency syndrome (AIDS), AIDS- related diseases, microbiology, infectious diseases, allergy, immunology and transplantation. NIAID encourages applicants of major annual or biennial conferences to contact staff concerning submission of applications for up to five years of conference support. Receipt Dates: All applications must be submitted at least six months prior to the meeting. NIAID will accept applications on the three CSR deadlines. NIAID will also accept applications throughout the fiscal year with prior approval from NIAID staff (see contacts above). Letter of Intent: NIAID requires a letter of intent prior to acceptance of submission of conference applications. NIAID will accept applications for full or partial support. NIAID will not support any conference for less than $2,500. When NIAID is the awarding NIH component and NIAID staff will participate significantly in conference planning, conduct, and reporting, NIAID will normally award the grant as a cooperative agreement (U13). Details for NIAID"s program and budget guidelines and information on application instructions for support of scientific meetings may be obtained from the NIAID conference award contacts listed above. 4. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ARTHRITIS AND MUSCULOSKELETAL AND SKIN DISEASES (NIAMS) NIAMS Contacts: Rheumatic Diseases Branch Dr. Susana Serrate-Sztein, Chief phone: 301/594-5032 fax: 480-4543 e-mail: [email protected] Skin Diseases Branch Dr. Alan Moshell, Chief phone: 301/594-5017 fax: 480-4543 e-mail: [email protected] Musculoskeletal Diseases Branch Dr. Joan McGowan, Chief phone: 301/594-5055 fax: 480-4543 e-mail: [email protected] Muscle Biology Branch Dr. Richard Lymn, Chief phone: 301/594-5128 fax: 480-4543 e-mail: [email protected] Specific I/C information: The NIAMS is interested in supporting conferences in any of the basic and clinical areas related to the numerous rheumatic diseases, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and diseases of muscle, bone, and skin. The NIAMS is also interested in research on the normal structure and function of the joints, muscles, bones, connective tissue, and skin. Areas of special emphasis within the NIAMS include: osteoporosis, Paget"s disease, autoimmune diseases such as lupus, connective tissue diseases, exercise physiology and musculoskeletal fitness, sports injuries and occupational diseases. Letter of Intent: The NIAMS would appreciate receiving a letter of intent prior to acceptance of submission of applications for support of conferences of more than one year. The NIAMS, in general, only provides partial support for scientific conferences and workshops. Specific information about fiscal limitations can be obtained from program staff. 5. NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE (NCI) NCI Conference Award Contact: Dr. Ray Bramhall Division of Extramural Activities, NCI phone: 301/496-3428 fax: 402-0275 e-mail: [email protected] Specific NCI Information: The NCI is interested in supporting scientific meetings, conferences, and workshops in the scientific program priority areas indicated in the NIH Extramural Programs book available on the Internet at Letter of Intent: NCI requires a letter of intent prior to acceptance of submission of all applications. In recent years, NCI has provided partial support for scientific meetings which has been in the range of 3 to 15 thousand dollars per award. Additional support which may be anticipated by the applicant should be requested from other sources. Therefore it is important for prospective applicants to inquire in advance concerning NCI"s interest in supporting a scientific meeting, especially where more than one of the NIH institutes and centers might be involved in providing funding for the same meeting. 6. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CHILD HEALTH AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (NICHD) NICHD Contacts: Dr. Louis Quatrano National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research phone: 301/402-2242 fax: 402-0832 e-mail: [email protected] Dr. Florence Haseltine Director, Center for Population Research phone: 301/496-1101 fax: 496-0962 e-mail: [email protected] Dr. Sumner J. Yaffe Director, Center for Research for Mothers and Children phone: 301/496-5097 fax: 480-7773 e-mail: [email protected] Conference grant applications are accepted in all areas related to the mission of the NICHD. Receipt Dates: NICHD will accept applications on the three CSR receipt deadlines only. Applicants should assure that sufficient time is allowed between application submission and the planned meeting date. Letter of Intent: NICHD strongly encourages potential applicants to submit a letter of intent prior to acceptance of submission of applications. Applications of interest to more than one IC will be cofunded. 7. NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON DEAFNESS AND OTHER COMMUNICATION DISORDERS (NIDCD) NIDCD Contact: Judith A. Cooper, Ph.D. phone: 301/496-5061 fax: 402-6251 e-mail: [email protected] NIDCD supports scientific meetings, conferences, and workshops in the areas of hearing, balance, smell, taste, voice, speech and language. Letter of Intent: NIDCD strongly encourages a letter of intent and discussions with Institute staff prior to submission of applications. All applications are reviewed by program staff to determine relevance to the mission of the NIDCD. Budget Considerations: NIDCD will accept applications with a budget limit of $30,000. The Institute usually supplies significantly less than the $30,000 award ceiling and frequently supplies only partial support for a conference. NIDCD often co-funds conferences with other NIH Institutes. 8. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DENTAL RESEARCH (NIDR) NIDR Contact: Dr. Norman S. Braveman phone: 301/594-2089 fax: 480-8318 e-mail: [email protected] The NIDR is interested in supporting scientific meetings, conferences and workshops in the following areas: Inherited Diseases and Disorders - Infectious Diseases - Neoplastic Diseases - Chronic Disabling Diseases - Biomaterials, Biomimetics, and Tissue Engineering - Behavior, Health Promotion and Environment - Diversity Programs - Clinical Trials - Receipt Dates: NIDR will accept applications on the three CSR deadlines only. Exceptions to this can be made on a case-by-case basis with permission from the Institute. Letter of Intent: NIDR requests a letter of intent for all conference grant applications. Budget Guidelines: NIDR practice is to provide partial support for all conference grants at three levels as follows: (1) Applications directly relevant to the mission of NIDR and for which we are the primary awarding IC and for which NIDR program staff have been contacted prior to application - up to $35,000, (2) Applications relevant to the mission of NIDR and for which we are a secondary or other assignee - up to $10,000 (depending on the degree of relevance to current program priorities), (3) Applications minimally relevant to the mission of NIDR which includes major grantees of the Institute as participants - up to $3,000. 9. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DIABETES AND DIGESTIVE AND KIDNEY DISEASES (NIDDK) NIDDK Contacts: Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases: Ronald N. Margolis, Ph.D. 45 Center Drive, Room 5An12J phone: 301/594-8819 fax: 435-6047 e-mail: [email protected] Digestive Diseases and Nutrition: Michael Kenneth May, Ph.D. 45 Center Drive, Room 6An18J phone: 301/594-8884 fax: 480-8300 e-mail: [email protected] Kidney, Urologic, and Hematologic Diseases: Charles H. Rodgers, Ph.D. 45 Center Drive, Room 6As19J phone: 301/594-7726 fax: 480-3510 e-mail: [email protected] The NIDDK is interested in supporting conferences in all scientific areas related to its mission including diabetes, endocrinology, metabolic diseases, digestive diseases, nutrition and obesity, kidney diseases, urologic diseases and disorders, and hematologic diseases and disorders. Letter of Intent: NIDDK requires a letter of intent to be submitted approximately 30 days prior to submission of a conference grant application. Institute staff must accept the letter of intent before an application will be accepted for review. Early consultation with Institute staff is highly recommended. NIDDK will accept applications under the following budget guidelines: The Institute, in general, will provide only partial support for conferences and workshops. (A special interest of the Institute is to support the attendance of new, minority, and disabled investigators.) Although the NIDDK does not have absolute ceilings on the size of awards made for the support of conferences, awards of more than $20,000 are highly unusual, and the majority of awards are for less than $10,000. Prospective applicants should discuss the size of their anticipated request with Institute staff prior to submission. 10. NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON DRUG ABUSE (NIDA) NIDA Contacts: Teresa Levitin, Ph.D. Office of Extramural Program Review phone: 301/443-2755 fax: 443-0538 e-mail: [email protected] Dorynne Czechowicz, MD Treatment Research Branch Division of Clinical and Services Research phone: 301/443-0107 fax: 443-8674 e-mail: [email protected] Nobel Jones Office for AIDS and Other Medical Consequences of Drug Abuse phone: 301/443-6046 fax: 443-4100 e-mail: [email protected] Charles Sharp, Ph.D. Division of Basic Research phone: 301/443-1887 fax: 594-6043 e-mail: [email protected] Susan David, MPH Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research phone: 301/443-6543 fax: 443-2636 e-mail: [email protected] Jamie Biswas, Ph.D. Chemistry/Pharmaceutics Branch Medications Development Division phone: 301/443-5280 fax: 443-2599 e-mail: [email protected] Cindy Miner, Ph.D. Office of Science Policy and Communication phone: 301/443-6036 fax: 443-6277 e-mail: [email protected] The NIDA is interested in supporting scientific meetings,conferences, and workshops in the following areas: basic and clinical neurosciences, behavioral and social sciences, treatment, prevention, epidemiology, health services, etiology, genetics, community research, HIV/AIDS, and medications development. Letter of Intent: The NIDA will require a letter of intent prior to acceptance of submission of all conference applications. Budget Guidelines: NIDA will support applications for partial or full funding. Applications of interest to more than one IC will be cofunded. 11. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES (NIEHS) NIEHS Contact: Martha I. Barnes NIEHS, P.O. BOX 12233 RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC 27709 phone: 919/541-3336 fax: 919/541-5064 e-mail: [email protected] NIEHS has recently formulated and published a set of "special emphasis areas" that represent a broad spectrum of research opportunities within environmental health sciences (see Consistent with this scientific focus, NIEHS is currently interested in supporting scientific meetings, conferences, and workshops in the following areas: o basic molecular mechanisms of environmental insult, o development of alternative models for toxicology testing, o genetic susceptibility, o human health effects of complex mixtures, o human health effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals, o impact of environmental exposures on women, children, and minorities. o prevention research, including basic molecular approaches as well as applied community-based strategies and environmental justice, o role of the environment in neurodegenerative diseases. Special areas of emphasis will be updated periodically. Thus, potential applicants are encouraged to refer to the NIEHS homepage ( and/or contact program staff for additional information. Receipt Dates: All applications must be submitted at least six (6) months prior to the meeting. NIEHS will accept applications only on the 3 CSR deadlines for new applications. Letter of Intent: A letter of intent is encouraged, but not required, for submission of an application. Potential applicants are encouraged to consult with program staff prior to application submission. NIEHS will not accept investigator-initiated applications for cooperative agreements (U13). NIEHS may, according to programmatic need, solicit U13 cooperative agreements through specific Requests for Applications. NIEHS will accept applications under the following budgets guidelines: For R13s, the maximum level of support is $25,000, an average award is $7,500. NIEHS actively participates in cofunding with other NIH institutes for conferences related to environmental health sciences. 12. NATIONAL EYE INSTITUTE (NEI) Contact: Ralph J. Helmsen, Ph.D. phone: 301/496-5301 fax: 301/402-0528 e-mail: [email protected] Specific NEI information: The National Eye Institute (NEI) supports investigator-initiated scientific meetings using the conference cooperative agreement mechanism, in most instances, rather than the traditional conference grant mechanism. The scientific meeting must be relevant and responsive to NEI scientific program goals and key research questions identified in "Vision Research - A National Plan: 1999-2003," a report of the National Advisory Eye Council. This document is available via the NEI Web site at: Letter of Intent: The NEI does not require a formal letter of intent. However, potential applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Dr. Helmsen for general information regarding this notice and for referral to the appropriate NEI extramural program director. If the application is funded as a cooperative agreement, NEI extramural program staff will be substantially involved in the planning and conduct of the scientific meeting, assisting the Principal Investigator according to specific Terms and Conditions. Budget Guidelines: No special guidelines. 13. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF GENERAL MEDICAL SCIENCES (NIGMS) NIGMS CONTACTS: Dr. James C.Cassatt Director, Division of Cell Biology and Biophysics phone: 301/594-0828 fax: 480-2004 e-mail: [email protected] Dr. Judith H. Greenberg Director, Division of Genetics and Developmental Biology phone: 301/594-0943 fax: 480-2228 email: [email protected] Dr. Michael E. Rogers Director, Division of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological Chemistry phone: 301/594-3827 fax: 480-2802 email: [email protected] The NIGMS is interested in supporting scientific meetings,conferences, and workshops in the following areas: The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) primarilysupports basic biomedical research that is not targeted to specific diseases or disorders. NIGMS has three divisions that support research in basic biomedical science fields. Additional information can be obtained from the NIGMS web site at: The Division of Cell Biology and Biophysics seeks greater understanding of the structure and function of cells, cellular components, and the biological macromolecules that make up these components. The Division of Genetics and Developmental Biology supports studies directed toward gaining a better understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of inheritance and development. The Division of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological Chemistry supports a broad spectrum of research aimed at improving the molecular-level understanding of fundamental biological processes and discovering approaches to their control. The NIGMS publication, "NIGMS Divisions and Grant Award Mechanisms," provides additional information and is available from: The Public Information Office National Institute of General Medical Sciences National Institutes of Health 45 Center Drive MSC 6200 Bethesda, MD 20892-6200 phone: 301/496-7301 fax: 402-0224 email: [email protected] Information on NIGMS Divisions and grant award mechanisms is also posted on the NIGMS web site ( LETTER OF INTENT: NIGMS will require a letter of intent prior to acceptance of submission of all applications. For this announcement NIGMS does not wish to state any budget limits. 14. NATIONAL HEART, LUNG, AND BLOOD INSTITUTE (NHLBI) NHLBI Conference Award Contacts Thomas P. Blaszkowski, Ph.D. Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications phone: 301/435-0417 fax: 480-1864 e-mail: [email protected] John Fakunding, Ph.D. Division of Heart and Vascular Diseases phone: 301/435-0505 fax: 480-1454 e-mail: [email protected] Carol E. Vreim, Ph.D. Division of Lung Diseases phone: 301/435-0233 fax: 480-3547 e-mail: [email protected] Carol H. Letendre, Ph.D. Division of Blood Diseases and Resources phone: 301/435-0080 fax: 480-0867 e-mail: [email protected] The NHLBI is interested in supporting scientific meetings, conferences, and workshops in any program area relevant to heart and vascular diseases, lung diseases, blood diseases and resources, the biobehavioral, epidemiology and clinical aspects of heart, lung and blood diseases, and sleep disorders. Receipt Dates: All applications for conference grants should be submitted on the standard NIH grant receipt dates of Feb 1, June 1, and Oct 1 and must be submitted at least six months prior to the meeting. Applications require approval of the NHLBI before they will be accepted by the Institute. Letter of Intent: the NHLBI requires a letter of intent which must be received at least six weeks prior to the submission of an application. Letters should be submitted to the conference coordinators listed above. The NHLBI will provide a minimum support level of $10,000 for each conference grant, which will likely represent partial support. These same financial guidelines will apply to any conference grant cofunded with another I/C. 15. NATIONAL HUMAN GENOME RESEARCH INSTITUTE (NHGRI) NHGRI Contact: . Name: Elise Feingold, Ph.D phone: 301/496-7531 fax: 480-2770 e-mail: [email protected] For programmatic issues related to the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications Program, contact: Elizabeth Thomson, M.S., R.N. phone: 301/402-4997 fax: 402-1950 e-mail: [email protected] The NHGRI is interested in supporting scientific meetings, conferences, and workshops in the following areas: new and improved technologies for DNA sequencing, development and application of new technologies for comprehensive sequence-based approaches to the understanding of genome function, including the elucidation of the biological roles of gene products and non-coding functional elements, the interaction among functional elements in the cell, the biological consequences of genome organization, the study of DNA sequence variation, including the dynamics of polymorphisms in populations and the functional significance of genomic variation, and the ethical, legal, and social implications of genetic research. Receipt Dates: October 1, February 1, June 1. Expedited review may be arranged with prior approval of NHGRI Staff. Letter of Intent: A letter of intent, or direct program contact, is encouraged at least two months prior to the receipt deadline, but is not required. NHGRI will accept applications for full or partial support. However, as a rule, NHGRI will not support the travel of foreign scientists to meetings in the U.S. NHGRI is willing to co-fund with other ICs. 16. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH (NIMH) NIMH CONTACTS: Henry Khachaturian, Ph.D. Office of Science Policy and Program Planning phone: 301/443-4335 fax: 301/443-3225 e-mail: [email protected] The NIMH is interested in supporting scientific meetings, conferences, and workshops designed to focus research attention on understanding, treating, and preventing mental illnesses through basic research on the brain and behavior, and through clinical, epidemiological, and mental health services research. Letter of Intent: The NIMH suggests applicants submit a letter of intent prior to submission of applications. 17. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS AND STROKE (NINDS) NINDS Contacts: General Information and Conference Grant Guidelines: Constance W. Atwell, Ph.D. Director, Division of Extramural Activities phone: 301/ 496-9248 fax: 402-4370 e-mail: [email protected] Discussions concerning potential program interest in conference or assistance in constructing application: Michael D. Walker, M.D. Director, Division of Stroke, Trauma and Neurodegenerative Disorders phone: 301/496-2581 fax: 480-1080 e-mail: [email protected] Floyd J. Brinley, Jr., M.D., Ph.D. Director, Division of Convulsive, Infectious and Immune Disorders phone: 301/ 496-6541 fax: 402-0302 e-mail: [email protected] Robert W. Baughman, Ph.D. Director, Division of Fundamental Neuroscience and Developmental Disorders phone: 301/496-5745 fax: 402-1501 e-mail: [email protected] Conference grant applications are accepted in all areas related to the mission of the NINDS. Letter of Intent: NINDS does not require a letter of intent prior to acceptance of submission of applications, but applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their plans with the Division contact listed above. NINDS supports conferences in part or in full and participates in co-funding with other I/Cs. Awards are typically under $10,000, but larger awards are sometimes made. Discussions with program staff are especially important if larger amounts are requested. 18. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NURSING RESEARCH (NINR) The NINR does not offer conference grants. 19. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE (NLM) NLM Contact: Milton Corn, M.D. Division of Extramural Programs National Library of Medicine phone: 301/496-4621 fax: 402-2952 e-mail: [email protected] Prospective applicants are advised to contact Dr. Corn before submitting applications. 20. NATIONAL CENTER FOR RESEARCH RESOURCES (NCRR) NCRR Program contact for R13s: Louise E. Ramm, Ph.D. Deputy Director, NCRR phone: 301/496-6023 fax: 301/402-0006 e-mail: [email protected] The NCRR is interested in supporting scientific meetings, conferences and workshops in the following areas: animal (both mammalian and nonmammalian) models, clinical research, biomedical technology, bioengineering, and science education. Receipt Dates: All applications must be submitted at least six months prior to the meeting. Letter of Intent: NCRR does not require a letter of intent prior to acceptance, however, if an application"s budget is over $25,000, program staff must be contacted prior to submission. Also, applicants are encouraged to contact NCRR staff before preparing their applications. Applications of interest to more than one IC will be cofunded. 21. FOGARTY INTERNATIONAL CENTER (FIC) The Fogarty International Center does not provide support for conference grants. 22. OFFICE OF RARE DISEASES (ORD) Conference Award Contact: Stephen C. Groft, Pharm.D. Office of Rare Diseases phone: 301/402-4336 fax: 301/402-0420 e-Mail: [email protected] The Office of Rare Diseases provides support for scientific workshops and symposia to stimulate research on rare diseases and conditions. Primary consideration for support will be given to those rare diseases and conditions or groups of related diseases where current research is lacking or lagging or the likelihood of stimulating research is a possible outcome of the workshop or symposia. A rare diseases is defined as a disease or condition with a prevalence of less than 200,000 people in the United States. Letter of Intent: The Office of Rare Diseases does not require a letter of intent prior to acceptance of submission of applications. The Office of Rare Diseases will accept applications under the following budget guidelines: Full or partial support contributed by Office of Rare Diseases will be no more than $20,000 per award. All awards will be made through one of the categorical research institutes of NIH following the customary review process of the categorical research Institutes and Centers of the NIH. SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICATION FORM PHS 398 FOR CONFERENCE AWARDS The following instructions are to be used in conjunction with the instructions accompanying application form PHS 398 (rev. 5/95 or later version). They refer only to selected items in the application. All PHS 398 requirements should be adhered to, with the exception of those items modified by the following instructions. Please note that some information to be omitted from the application at the time of submission may be requested by NIH staff following review if an application may be funded. Face Page : Item 1: Provide the title of the meeting. Item 2: Check the box marked "YES," if appropriate. Enter "PA" and the code "R13." Item 6: Enter the exact, inclusive dates of the meeting. Page 2: Description: Complete a very brief description of the proposed meeting, including the dates, location, types of participants, goals, and topics to be covered. Performance Site(s): Enter the site of the meeting or workshop. Key Personnel: List only those key individuals responsible for the planning and conduct of the meeting. Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period (Page 4) :Do not complete or submit this page. Budget for Entire Proposed Period of Support (Page 5):Composite Budget Table: Enter total direct costs requested. Justification: Provide a narrative justification for each proposed personnel position, including role and proposed level of effort. Provide narrative justification for the support requested within the context of the total budget for the conference. Please note the following general NIH policy covering allowable and non-allowable costs for conference awards. The appropriate Institute/Center conference award contact should be consulted for specific guidance: Allowable Costs: Salaries in proportion to the time or effort spent directly on the meeting, rental of necessary equipment, travel and personal expenses (prior approval authority is suspended), supplies needed for conduct of the meeting only if received for use during the budget period, conference services, publication costs, registration fees, speaker"s fees. Non-allowable Costs: Purchase of equipment, transportation costs exceeding coach class fares, visas, passports, entertainment, tips, bar charges, personal telephone calls, laundry charges, per diem, travel or expenses other than local mileage for local participants, organization dues, honoraria or other payments for the purpose of conferring distinction or communicating respect, esteem or admiration, patient care, alterations or renovations, indirect costs. Biographical Sketch (Page 6): (Complete for each of the key personnel listed on Page 2.) Research and Professional Experience: List current position(s) and those previous positions directly relevant to the application. List selected peer-reviewed publications directly relevant to the proposed meeting, with full citations. Provide information on research projects completed and/or research grants in which the investigator participated during the last 5 years that are relevant to the proposed meeting. For each project or grant listed, provide title, name of principal investigator, funding source, and role on project (if not principal investigator). Other Support (Page 7): Do not complete or submit this section. Research Plan (This section may not exceed 13 pages.): 1. Single Year Applications Use this section of the application to describe the objectives, specific program, and logistical arrangements for the meeting. Describe the format and agenda, including the principal topics to be covered, problems to be addressed, and developments or contributions the meeting might stimulate. Provide a detailed justification for the meeting, including the scientific need, timeliness, and usefulness of the meeting to the scientific community. Describe the composition and role of the organizing committee, and provide the names and credentials of key participants in the meeting, including the basis for their selection and documentation of their agreement to participate. Describe plans for the appropriate involvement of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities in the planning and implementation of the proposed meeting (See Attachment 3). Estimate the expected size and composition of the audience, as well as the method of selection. Describe plans for publicizing the meeting and publication of proceedings. Identify related meetings held on the subject during the past 3 years. If this is one of a series of periodic meetings held by a permanent sponsoring organization, briefly describe and evaluate the last meeting in the series. 2. Multiple Year Applications Applications for multiple year awards for up to five years may be submitted when a series of annual or biennial meetings is proposed by a sponsoring organization. Support for meetings to be held on a less frequent schedule must be applied for individually. For applications requesting multiple years of support, the following additional information must be provided for each future year requested, in as much detail as possible: (1) meeting topic, (2) tentative dates, locations, and participants, (3) contingency plans for future meetings dependent on, for example, outcome of the first year"s meeting or developments in the field. For multiple year awards, the noncompeting application (PHS 2590) must be submitted no later than six (6) months prior to the next scheduled meeting. It should include a report on the previous meeting supported by the current grant, as well as a full description of the next planned meeting including all information requested under section 1, above. Appendix: The Appendix is limited to the following items: 1. Announcement and report of previous meetings under the same sponsorship. 2. Letters of agreement from participants. Checklist: The Checklist should not be submitted. "Guidelines on Inclusion of Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in NIH-Sponsored and/or -Supported Intramural and Extramural Scientific Meetings and Conferences" (NIH Guide, Vol. 24, No. 15, April 28, 1995). Available through the NIH/OER Homepage( and at
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