ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION OF AWARD Release Date: September 16, 1998 P.T. National Institutes of Health Last year, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) began pilot testing transmission of the Notice of Grant Award (NGA) electronically to selected grantee organizations. The one-year pilot has successfully concluded and in accordance with the NIH plan, we are now ready to expand the availability of this service to all NIH grant and cooperative agreement recipients with the capability to receive electronic NGAs. Prior to registering for this service, it is strongly recommended that your institution establish a single, stable e-mail address specifically for this purpose. Once the stable email address is established, please transmit the information below to NIH. The request should be sent on institutional letterhead and must be signed by an authorized institutional official. o Institution Name and Address o Specific email address for receiving the electronic NGA (E-NGA) o Name, email address, and phone number of person at your institution who will serve as the contact person responsible for resolving issues relating to the e- mail communication o Entity Identification Numbers (EINs) used to receive NIH funding o Name, title and address of institutional official. The above information should be transmitted directly to: Ms. Carolyn Stelle Division of Extramural Information Systems Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration National Institutes of Health Rockledge 1, Suite 1097, MSC 7978 Bethesda, MD 20892-7978 Fax: 301-480-4185 Upon receipt of this information NIH will send an electronic test message to the email address specified for receipt of the E-NGA. Once the test message has been successfully received and responded to, NIH will begin sending award notices electronically. It is expected that this process will take approximately two weeks. This same procedure should be used to notify NIH of changes to the information requested. All information included in the paper NGA will be provided in the E-NGA. Institutions will continue to be responsible for distributing E-NGAs, along with any special terms and conditions, to the principal investigator and other appropriate officials within the recipient organization. The PHS 398 grant application kit requests that applicants provide an e-mail address in Item 13 of the face page (Form Page AA) for receipt of electronic NGAs. Institutional officials should ensure that this e-mail address matches the one registered through the above procedures. In the event the institution finds it necessary to change the email address for receiving E-NGAs, the procedures described above must be followed. We recognize that not all grant recipients will have the capability to receive electronic NGAs. Therefore, NIH will maintain a system whereby receiving NGAs electronically will remain elective. In addition some NIH awarding units will not email certain types of awards at this time. However, our long-term plan is to move toward full electronic notification. Also, in the future, a copy of the notice and related terms and conditions will be accessible on the NIH Commons Web site by those individuals granted access to this information by each grantee institution. The NIH Commons is a World Wide Web-based interface currently being developed for support of electronic research administration. You can obtain more information about NIH's electronic research administration activities by visiting our ERA web page at http://era.nih.gov/. INQUIRIES Questions about the initial set up for receiving electronic NGA's, may be directed to Tim Twomey at TWOMEYT@NIH.GOV. General questions concerning NIH award notices, contact the grants management specialist identified on your NGA.
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