Release Date:  July 15, 1998


Department of Health and Human Services

Notice is hereby given that the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) has made a
final finding of scientific misconduct in the following cases:

Terry D. Reisine, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania:  Based upon "The Dean's
Proposed Findings of Fact" and "Memorandum on Issues Not Fully Addressed in
Findings of Fact," forwarded to ORI by the University of Pennsylvania, dated
October 25, 1996 (Findings and Memorandum), and ORI's oversight review of the
evidence provided, ORI finds that Terry D. Reisine, Ph.D., former Professor,
Department of Pharmacology, University of Pennsylvania, engaged in scientific
misconduct in biomedical research supported by Public Health Service (PHS)

Specifically, ORI finds that the Respondent falsified results related to the
measurement of cyclic AMP in cultured, transfected cells by falsely
representing in manuscripts and publications the number of experiments
conducted, and by falsifying and/or fabricating some of the substantive data
presented in those manuscripts and publications.  Moreover, ORI finds that the
Respondent attempted to falsify data by directing members of his laboratory to
construct figures and tables with false values in the preparation of

Dr. Reisine has entered into a Voluntary Exclusion Agreement with ORI.  The
settlement is not an admission of liability on the part of the Respondent, and
Dr. Reisine denies having committed scientific misconduct.  Pursuant to the
Agreement, Dr. Reisine has agreed to the following:

(1) Respondent agreed to exclude himself voluntarily for a period of three (3)
years beginning on June 11, 1998, from any contracting or subcontracting with
any agency of the United States Government, and from eligibility for or
involvement in nonprocurement transactions (e.g., grants and cooperative
agreements) of the United States Government as defined in 45 C.F.R. Part 76
(Debarment Regulations).

(2) Respondent agreed to exclude himself voluntarily from serving in any
advisory capacity to PHS including, but not limited to, service on any PHS
advisory committee, board, and/or peer review committee, or as a consultant
for a period of three (3) years, beginning on June 11, 1998.

(3) Within 30 days of the effective date of the Agreement, Respondent agreed
to submit letters to the following journals requesting correction of the
corresponding articles.  The corrections are warranted by the following
findings of the Findings and Memorandum:

a.  The Journal of Biological Chemistry

Kong, H., Raynor, K., Yasuda, K., Moe, S.T., Portoghese, P.S., Bell, G.I., and
Reisine, T.  "A single residue, aspartic acid 95, in the gamma opioid receptor
specifies selective high affinity agonist binding."  J. Biol. Chem. 268:23055-
23058, 1993.

i.  The results in Table 1 are stated in the table legend to be based on four
(4) experiments with calculated SEM values and Hill coefficients when, in
fact, the majority of the listed compounds were tested only once, and a few
tested only twice.

ii.  Figure 2 data are stated in the figure legend to be the means of three
(3) different experiments when, in fact, most of the results were based on a
single experiment.

b.  The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics

Raynor, K., Kong, H., Hines, J., Kong, G., Benevoc, J., Yasuda, K., Bell,
G.I., and Reisine, T. "Molecular mechanisms of agonist-induced desensitization
of the cloned mouse kappa opioid receptor."  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther.
270:1381-1386, 1994.

i.  The figure legend for Figures 3A, 3C, and 3D claimed that the values shown
were the average of three different experiments when, in fact, the results
were from only one experiment.

ii.  The figure legend for Figure 4B claimed that the values shown were the
average of four (4) different experiments when, in fact, the results were from
only three (3) experiments.

iii.  Figures 3A, 3C, and 3D each show several levels of adenyl cyclase
inhibition that do not reflect the actual results obtained in duplicate cyclic
AMP assays.

c.  Molecular Pharmacology

Reisine, T., Kong, H., Raynor, K., Yano, H., Takeda, J., Yasuda, K., and Bell,
G.I.  "Splice variant of the somatostatin receptor 2 subtype, somatostatin
receptor 2B, couples to adenylyl cyclase."  Mol. Pharmacol. 44:1016-1020,

i.  The legend for Figure 3A claims that three experiments were performed
when, in fact, only two experiments were performed for the SSTR2B mutants.

ii.  The legend for Figure 3B claims that the values presented are the average
of two different experiments when, in fact, the inhibition curve shown was
based on a single experiment.


For further information contact:

Acting Director
Division of Research Investigations
Office of Research Integrity
5515 Security Lane, Suite 700
Rockville, MD 20852
Telephone:  (301) 443-5330

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