Release Date:  February 13, 1998

RFA:  TW-98-002


Fogarty International Center

Application Receipt Date:  February 18, 1998

The following correction is issued for RFA TW-98-002, which was published in the
NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, Vol. 26, No. 31, September 19, 1997.

Correction to Instructions to New and Recompeting Applicants for the AIDS
International Training and Research Program (AITRP)

The application for the AIDS International Training and Research Program (AITRP)
recompetition should be constructed utilizing the NRSA portion of the PHS Form

As noted in the RFA, the basic Research Training Program Plan (Part I),
required for both new and recompeting applicants, should not exceed
25 pages.  However, if you intend to submit:

1) A special request for expanded activities in special areas (for continuing
programs only), you may utilize up to ten (10) additional pages (including
tabular material) to address the plan for this aspect of your application (Part
II); and/or

2) A special request for collaboration with non-AITRP funded U.S. or foreign
countries or other AITRP programs for in-country activities in common countries
and for training new and minority U.S. health scientist students (for continuing
and new programs), you may utilize up to five additional pages (including tabular
material) to address the plan for this aspect of your application (Part III).

Therefore, it is possible that your research training plan could total 40
pages, if you have included both Parts II and III, in addition to Part I.
Each application will receive an overall priority score.  In addition,
however, the review panel will provide a separate sub-score for each
component of the application (Parts I, II, and III).  These sub-scores are
only for internal use by the Fogarty International Center staff as a guide
in making funding decisions; the overall priority score will not necessarily
be the mean of these scores.

Note that the direct and total costs shown on the application face page must
include costs proposed for all training and training-related research
components included in the application (Part I and Parts II and/or III)  but
with an accompanying explanation as to which costs are associated with each
part of the application.

Finally, for competing renewals only, if you would like to have the
electronic format for accompanying tables from the last non-competing
progress report, contact Ms. Mildred Hatton at the number below.  The
tables should be included within Part I and counted as part of the 25 page


For questions regarding this program, contact:

Kenneth Bridbord, M.D.
Division of International Training and Research
Fogarty International Center
31 Center Drive, MSC 2220
Bethesda, MD  20892-2220
Telephone:  (301) 496-2516
FAX:  (301) 402-2056
Email:  [email protected]

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