NIH GUIDE, Volume 26, Number 18, May 30, 1997
P.T. 34

  Treatment, Medical+ 
  Dosage Forms+ 
National Institute of Mental Health
In September 1996, NIMH funded Research Units on Pediatric
Psychopharmacology (RUPPs), that are currently active in conducting
research in children and adolescents with anxiety disorders. The NIMH
plans to augment these sites with RUPPs which will focus on the much
understudied area of autism and other pervasive developmental
disorders.  The purpose of this requirement, "Research Units on
Pediatric Psychopharmacology: Autism and Other Pervasive
Developmental Disorders,"  is to support the establishment of
qualified clinical research units that, by building on existing
research resources at the host institution and combining the
necessary expertise in clinical pharmacology and child psychiatry,
can become national resources where the safety and efficacy of
psychotropic medications for patients suffering from autism, other
pervasive developmental disorders, and other psychiatric disorders of
childhood can be conducted in a prompt and cost effective manner.
These units will work as a network of research sites and conduct high
priority clinical studies in various pediatric ages, addressing
various aspects of pediatric psychopharmacology, including (but not
limited to): dose ranges, dosing regimen, pharmacokinetics, general
safety profile, efficacy and effectiveness, and long-term effects on
cognition, behavior and development. The successful offeror will need
to exhibit the availability of staff, facilities, and institutional
support necessary to conduct clinical trials on children, using FDA
approved psychotropic medications.  The offeror will also need to
exhibit the ability to obtain funding support from non-Federal
sources to perform clinical trials of this type.
NIMH proposes to issue an unrestrictive competitive solicitation for
this requirement and anticipates the award of a cost reimbursement
contract for a period of three years.
Request for Proposal (RFP)  No. NIMH-97-CR-0001 will be available
electronically on or about May 27, 1997, with proposals due on or
about July 14,1997.  The RFP may be accessed through either the NIH
Home Page, the NIH Gopher or the NIMH Home Page by using the
following electronic addresses and instructions:
1.  NIH Home Page (via the World Wide Web):  Access the NIH Home Page
by using  Once you are at the NIH Home Page,
select "Grants and Contracts," then select "NIH Gopher directory,"
item listed under the "Contracts Page" Section.  The Uniform Resource
Locator (URL) for this gopher director is:
2.  To access the NIH Gopher:  Point your gopher client to
GOPHER.NIH.GOV (you should now be in the NIH Gopher). Select "Grants
and Research Information," then select "R&D Requests for Proposals
3.  NIMH Home Page: Access the NIMH Home page by using  Once you are there, select "Grants,
Contracts & Committees," item listed under "NIMH Request for
Proposals (RFP)."
Please note that the RFP for this procurement has been revised to
include only the Statement of Work, deliverable and reporting
requirements, special requirements and mandatory qualifications, if
any, the Technical Evaluation Criteria, and proposal preparation
instructions.  All information required for the submission of an
offer will be contained in the electronic RFP package.  Following
proposal submission and the initial review process, offerors
comprising the competitive range will be requested to provide
additional documentation to the Contracting Officer.  All responsible
sources may submit a proposal that will be considered by the NIMH.

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