NIH GUIDE, Volume 25, Number 10, March 29, 1996


P.T. 34


  Grants Administration/Policy+ 


National Institutes of Health




"Just-in-Time" is an initiative of the National Institutes of Health

(NIH) Extramural Reinvention Laboratory under the auspices of the

National Performance Review and government-wide efforts to create a

government that works better and costs less.  JIT postpones the

collection of certain information that currently must be included in

all competing applications when submitted.  The information for the

applications with a likelihood of funding is submitted "just-in-time"

for awards to be made.  This delayed exchange of information

significantly relieves the administrative burden for the 75 to 80

percent of applicants who will not receive an award.  In addition,

the information that is exchanged "just-in-time" for award will be

current, rather than several months old as is currently the case

(which often necessitates a request for updated information, e.g.,

for other support).


In fiscal year (FY) 1995, four institutes (NICHD, NHLBI, NIAID, and

NIA) issued requests for applications (RFAs) that incorporated JIT

procedures and/or modified applications instructions for other

support, the biographical sketch, the budget page, the research plan,

and the checklist page (each of the RFAs did not include all of these

components).  The results of the pilot demonstrations convinced the

NIH to expand implementation of "just-in-time" procedures.




Beginning June 1, 1996, all unsolicited First Independent Research

Support and Transition (FIRST) (R29) award and career award (K)

applications must follow the JIT instructions below.  All other

requirements of the PHS 398 application remain in effect, as do the

FIRST award and career award program guidelines.  The program

announcements for career awards were published in the NIH Guide, Vol.

24, No. 15, April 28, 1995.  The FIRST award guidelines may be

requested from Grants Information of the NIH Office of Extramural

Outreach and Information Resources by email at [email protected] or by

phone on 301/710-0267.


In addition, beginning in FY 1996, all NIH institutes and centers

have been encouraged to incorporate JIT procedures routinely in RFAs.

Thus, it is important for applicants planning to respond to RFAs to

review those announcements carefully for special JIT instructions.




Budget Instructions - The total direct costs must be requested in

accordance with the R29 and K program guidelines, following the

budget instructions described below.


Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period - Do not complete form page

4 of the PHS 398 (rev. 5/95).  It is not required nor will it be

accepted at the time of application.  In some cases it may be

requested prior to award.


Budget for Entire Proposed Period of Support - Do not complete the

categorical budget table on form page 5 in the PHS 398 (rev. 5/95).

Only the requested total direct costs for each year and total direct

costs for the entire proposed period of support should be shown.

Begin the budget justification in the space provided, using

continuation pages as needed.


Budget Justification


o  List the name, role on project and percent effort for all project

personnel (salaried or unsalaried) and provide a narrative

justification for each person based on his/her role on the project

and proposed level of effort.


o  Identify all consultants by name and organizational affiliation

and describe the services to be performed.


o  Provide a narrative justification for any major budget items,

other than personnel, that are requested for the conduct of the

project that would be considered unusual for the scope of research.

No specific costs for items or categories should be shown.


o  Indirect costs will be calculated at the time of the award using

the institution's actual indirect cost rate.  Applicants will be

asked to identify the indirect cost exclusions prior to award.


o  If consortium/contractual costs are requested, provide the

percentage of the subcontract total costs (direct and indirect)

relative to the total direct costs of the overall project.  The

subcontract budget justification should be prepared following the

instructions provided above.


Biographical Sketch - A biographical sketch is required for all key

personnel, following the modified instructions below.  Do not exceed

the two-page limit for each person.


o  Complete the education block at the top of the form page;

o  List current position(s) and those previous positions directly

relevant to the application;

o  List selected peer-reviewed publications directly relevant to the

proposed project, with full citation;

o  Provide information on research projects completed and/or research

grants participated in during the last five years that are relevant

to the proposed project.  Title, principal investigator, funding

source, and role on project must be provided.


Other Support - Do not complete the other support page (format page 7

of the PHS 398 (rev. 5/95)).  Information on active support for key

personnel will be requested prior to award.


Checklist - Do not submit the checklist page.  For amended and

competing continuation applications, applicants must complete the

block in the upper right corner of the face page to indicate the

previous grant number.  A completed checklist will be required prior

to award.




Beginning June 1, 1996, all unsolicited FIRST (R29) award and career

(K series) award applications must follow the JIT procedures provided

above.  Failure to provide the requested information in the format

required could result in the applications being returned as

nonresponsive.  For those applications with a likelihood of funding,

NIH grants management staff will contact the institutional business

official prior to award to request information about active other

support, the checklist page, and in some cases, a detailed budget for

the project.




Questions about these JIT procedures should be directed to the grants

management staff in any of the NIH awarding institutes or centers.

The published career and FIRST award guidelines provide a contact

point in each Institute and Center that supports that grant activity.



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