NIH GUIDE, Volume 23, Number 45, December 23, 1994

P.T. 34


  Ethics/Values in Science & Technol 

  Grants Administration/Policy+ 

Department of Health and Human Services

Notice is hereby given that the Office of Research Integrity (ORI)

has made final findings of scientific misconduct in the following


Gerald Leisman, Ph.D., New York Chiropractic College:  The Division

of Research Investigations (DRI) of the Office of Research Integrity

(ORI) reviewed an investigation conducted by the New York

Chiropractic College (NYCC) into possible scientific misconduct on

the part of Gerald Leisman, Ph.D., formerly Director of Research and

Institutes at NYCC.  ORI found that Dr. Leisman committed scientific

misconduct by misrepresenting his academic credentials and

professional experience and awards in a grant application (T32

AR07564-01A1) for Public Health Service (PHS) research funds

submitted on December 29, 1988.  Based upon information obtained by

ORI during its oversight review, the ORI found that Dr. Leisman

falsely claimed:  (1) to have earned an M.D. degree from the

University of Manchester (Manchester, England) in 1972; (2) to have

held the position of Professor, Neurology and Biomedical Engineering,

Harvard University Medical School (June 1982 to January 1987); and

(3) to have been awarded inventorship or co-inventorship of 13 U.S.

Patents.  Dr. Leisman accepted the ORI findings and agreed to a

Voluntary Exclusion agreement under which he is not eligible to apply

for or receive any Federal funds in non-procurement transactions

(e.g., grants and cooperative agreements) and is not eligible to

contract or subcontract with any Federal government agency for a

three-year period beginning November 28, 1994 and ending November 27,

1997.  In addition, Dr. Leisman is prohibited from serving on PHS

Advisory Committees, Boards, or peer review groups for a three-year

period beginning November 28, 1994 and ending November 27, 1997.

John L. Ninnemann, Ph.D.  On July 22, 1994, the Office of Research

Integrity (ORI) settled scientific misconduct charges against John L.

Ninnemann, Ph.D., formerly of the University of Utah and the

University of California, San Diego, that will result in his

retraction or correction of several articles related to

immunosuppression.  Although Dr. Ninnemann has not admitted guilt to

ORI's allegations that he falsified and misrepresented scientific

experiments in grant applications and publications in the 1970s and

1980s, he has agreed to:

1.  Be excluded from eligibility for all federal grants, contracts

and cooperative agreements for three years.

2.  Be excluded from serving on any Public Health Service advisory

committees, boards or peer review committees for three years.

3.  Submit letters of retraction for five scientific articles.

4.  Submit letters of correction for four additional scientific


Following the settlement, Dr. Ninnemann has submitted the required

letters of correction and retraction and ORI entered the remaining

administrative actions into the PHS ALERT System.

Dr. Ninnemann submitted letters of retraction for the following five


Ninnemann, J.L., "Melanoma-Associated Immunosuppression Through B

Cell Activation of Suppressor T Cells," Journal of Immunology, 120:

1573-1579 (1978).

Ninnemann, J.L., Stockland, A.E., and Condie, J.T., "Induction of

Prostaglandin Synthesis-Dependent Suppressor Cells with Endotoxin:

Occurrence in Patients with Thermal Injuries," Journal of Clinical

Immunology, 3:142-150 (1983).

Ninnemann, J.L., "Immunosuppression Following Thermal Injury through

B Cell Activation of Suppressor T Cells," Journal of Trauma, Vol. 20,

3:206-213 (1980).

Ninnemann, J.L., Condie, J.T., Davis, S.E., and Crockett, R.A.,

"Isolation of Immunosuppressive Serum Components Following Thermal

Injury," The Journal of Trauma, Vol. 22, 10:837-844 (1982).

Ninnemann, J.L. and Stockland, A.E., "Participation of Prostaglandin

E in Immunosuppression Following Thermal Injury," The Journal of

Trauma, Vol. 24, 3:201-7 (1984).

Dr. Ninnemann submitted letters of correction for the following four


Ninnemann, J.L., Ozkan, A.N. and Sullivan, J.J., "Hemolysis and

Suppression of Neutrophil Chemotaxis by a Low Molecular Weight

Component of Human Burn Patient Sera," Immunology Letters, 10:63-69


Ozkan, A.N., and Ninnemann, J.L., "Reversal of SAP-induced

Immunosuppression and SAP Detection by a Monoclonal Antibody," The

Journal of Trauma, Vol. 27, 2:123-6 (1987).

Ninnemann, J.L., and Ozkan, A.N., "Definition of a Burn Injury-

induced Immunosuppressive Serum Component." The Journal of Trauma,

Vol. 25, No. 2:113-7 (1985).

Ninnemann, J.L., and Ozkan, A.N., "Immunosuppression Activity of C1Q

Degradation Peptides," Journal of Trauma, Vol. 27, :119-122 (1987).


For further information, contact:


Division of Research Investigations

Office of Research Integrity

5515 Security Lane, Suite 700

Rockville, MD  20852

Telephone:  (301) 443-5330


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