NIH GUIDE, Volume 23, Number 30, August 12, 1994

P.T. 34


  Ethics/Values in Science & Technol 

Public Health Service

Notice is hereby given that the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) has

made final findings of scientific misconduct in the following cases:

Anand Tewari, M.D., Stanford University.  The Division of Research

Investigations (DRI) of the Office of Research Integrity (ORI)

conducted an investigation into possible scientific misconduct on the

part of Dr. Tewari while a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of

Surgery, Stanford University School of Medicine.  ORI concluded that

Dr. Tewari committed scientific misconduct in clinical research

supported by an NIH grant by fabricating ophthalmologic examination

results; fabricating and falsifying blood gas data; fabricating and

falsifying values for glycerol determinations; falsifying standard

errors and including fabricated data on platelet counts in a published

article, "Effects of interleukin-1 on platelet counts" (The Lancet

336:712-714 (1990)), and related abstracts; and providing to his

supervisors summaries of data that included falsified and fabricated

data which were used in a PHS grant application.  The published article

containing the falsified and fabricated data was retracted on August

22, 1992.  The Lancet 340:496.  Dr. Tewari accepted the ORI findings

and agreed to a Voluntary Exclusion and Settlement Agreement under

which he may not apply for Federal grant or contract funds except for

the non-research training or practice of clinical medicine, and may not

serve on PHS advisory committees, boards, or peer review groups for a

five-year period beginning March 1, 1994.

Annmarie Surprenant, Ph.D., Glaxo Institute for Molecular Biology.  An

inquiry and investigation conducted by the Oregon Health Sciences

University (OHSU) found that Annmarie Surprenant, Ph.D., had

misrepresented her academic credentials in a grant application for

Public Health Service (PHS) research funds.  The OHSU found that Dr.

Surprenant had falsely stated that she had earned an M.D. degree from

the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1976.  As a result of the OHSU

investigation, Dr. Surprenant resigned from the OHSU faculty.  During

its oversight review of the OHSU report, the Office of Research

Integrity (ORI) discovered that Dr. Surprenant had also falsely claimed

to have earned an M.D. on two additional PHS research grant

applications.  Based upon the OHSU report, as well as the information

obtained by ORI during its oversight review, ORI found that Dr.

Surprenant engaged in scientific misconduct by falsely claiming to have

earned an M.D. in three PHS research grant applications.  Dr.

Surprenant accepted the ORI finding and agreed to a Voluntary Exclusion

and Settlement Agreement under which she will not apply for Federal

grant or contract funds and will not serve on PHS advisory committees,

boards, or peer review groups for a three-year period beginning June 8,


Mark S. Chagnon, Sc.D., Molecular BioQuest, Inc.  A report of the

Office of Research Integrity (ORI) of its investigation into

allegations of possible scientific misconduct made against Mark S.

Chagnon found that he engaged in scientific misconduct by

misrepresenting his academic credentials in five research grant

applications submitted to the National Institutes of Health.  ORI found

that Dr. Chagnon falsely claimed to have completed undergraduate and

graduate studies in chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of

Technology (MIT), Lowell University (Lowell Institute of Technology)

and Northeastern University.  ORI also concluded that Dr. Chagnon

falsely claimed to have earned an M.S. degree in organic chemistry from

MIT.  Although he neither admits nor denies the ORI finding of

scientific misconduct, Dr. Chagnon has agreed to a Voluntary Exclusion

and Settlement Agreement under which he will not apply for Federal

grant or contract funds and will not serve on PHS advisory committees,

boards, or peer review groups for a three-year period beginning June

28, 1994.


The Office of Research Integrity will continue to publish findings of

scientific misconduct as further cases are closed.  For further

information, contact:


Division of Research Investigations

Office of Research Integrity

5515 Security Lane, Suite 700

Rockville, MD  20852

Telephone:  (301) 443-5330


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