PRECLINICAL TOXICOLOGY OF CHEMOPREVENTIVE AGENTS NIH GUIDE, Volume 23, Number 15, April 15, 1994 RFP AVAILABLE: NCI-CN-45001-05 P.T. Keywords: National Cancer Institute The National Cancer Institute (NCI), Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC), Chemoprevention Branch wishes to award Master Agreement contracts for the above study. The required services will be defined by Master Agreement Orders issued during the period of performance. It is estimated that four to five Master Agreement Orders will be issued per year pursuant to the Master Agreement contracts. This solicitation is the annual announcement to expand the current pool of MA Holders qualified to perform this type of work. A primary function of the chemoprevention program is the identification and evaluation of agents for possible utilization in clinical trials in humans. Candidate agents, whether from natural sources or synthesized, have been evaluated for anti-cancer efficacy in various screening tests. However, before a decision can be made as to their suitability for the Phases I clinical trials in humans, they must be evaluated for toxicity in animals. The basic objectives of this project will be to evaluate the acute, subacute/subchronic and chronic toxicity of designated agents. These studies will be performed in animals (rodents and dogs) and will include conventional multi-generation teratogenecity studies. The agents would be given primarily by the oral route. A summary of the tasks required in the project are as follows: TASK I - Perform acute toxicity, pilot dose range finding, and 13-week subchronic toxicity in rats and dogs by the oral route. Include where appropriate, complete gross necropsies, histopathological examinations, and clinical laboratory studies. TASK II - Develop a protocol for a pharmacokinetic profile for each investigational agents. The protocol and profile may build upon published data and data provided by the manufacturer of the agent or NCI staff, Additional studies necessary to complete the pharmacokinetic profiles for the rat and dog shall be performed by the Contractor. Pharmacokinetic studies will provide parameters of absorption blood concentration-time profiles, distribution, and excretion. Data on tissue concentration to the test agent, determined as part of the toxicology testing shall contribute to the pharmacokinetic profile, Information on major metabolites shall be included in order to provide as complete a picture as possible of the overall distribution and fate of the test agent. Appropriate modeling shall be applied to determine probable pattern of distribution and absorption and half-life information necessary to plan the 90-day rat and dog toxicology studies. TASK III - Develop and perform teratogenicity studies on chemopreventive agents that have the prospect of being administered to women of childbearing potential. These will be the standard segment I, II, and III studies as described in the Guidelines for Reproduction Studies for Safety Evaluation of Drugs for Human Use, available from the Contract Specialist, upon request. For efficiency, the male rats from the 3-month oral study may be used to initiate the male-related reproductive toxicity studies. TASK IV-Perform chronic one-year oral toxicity in rats and dogs. Clinical laboratory studies and gross and microscopic necropsy findings are to be included. Suitable facilities and equipment appropriate to accomplish tasks should be available. Animal-holding facilities for dogs must be provided with adequate environmental containment. Offerors are to comply with the NIH Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Facility must have design and maintenance capability to meet chemical and biological control; must comply with NCI carcinogens and handling standards; must comply with federal and state occupational health and environmental laws and regulations. On-site data handling (computer), chemical, and pathological facilities and equipment should be available. Must comply with requirements set forth in the FDA Good Laboratory Practice Regulations. The period of performance of the Master Agreement pool will be approximately three years. The Master Agreement Announcement/Request for Proposal (MAA/RFP) will be available on approximately April 29, 1994. The due date for proposals is approximately June 30, 1994. INQUIRIES Copies of the MAA/RFP NCI-CN-45001-05 may be obtained by sending a written request to: Mr. Gary P. Topper Prevention and Control Contracts Section National Cancer Institute Executive Plaza South, Suite 635 Bethesda, MD 20892 Telephone: (301) 496-8603 No collect calls will be accepted .
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