Reminders and Updates: NIH Policy on Post-Submission Application Materials
Release Date: January 29, 2013 (Rescinded February 2, 2017)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
This Notice serves to update the NIH policy on post-submission application materials issued in NOT-OD-10-115. Since the policy was issued, questions have arisen concerning:
This Notice also serves as a reminder of these earlier updates to the post-submission materials policy:
These clarifications do not modify the existing Just-In-Time requirements or any other requests for additional information after the initial peer review.
On occasion, exceptions will be made to the NIH policy on post-submission application materials to assist institutions and/or investigators affected by natural disasters or other catastrophes. See, for example, NOT-OD-13-013.
Post-submission application materials are those submitted after submission of the grant application but prior to the initial peer review. The NIH policy on post-submission application materials specifies that, for the majority of applications, the only post-submission materials that the NIH will accept are those resulting from unforeseen administrative issues, an option to be used when an unexpected event such as the departure of a participant, natural disaster, etc. has occurred, not to correct oversights/errors discovered after submission of the application.
The list of acceptable post-submission materials in the policy includes:
Effective immediately, the following changes will be implemented:
1. News of a professional promotion or positive tenure decision for any Program Directors/Principal Investigators and Senior/Key Personnel also will be accepted as post-submission application material. The news must be received by the Scientific Review Officer one month (30 calendar days) prior to the peer review meeting, and demonstrate concurrence from the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) of the applicant organization.
2. The policy provides exceptions for applications submitted in response to RFAs that have a single due date. Because similar issues apply to the last due date of an RFA with multiple due dates, the policy is revised through this Notice to apply those exceptions to applications submitted for the last due date of an RFA.
3. The policy lists acceptable post-submission materials for institutional training and training-related grants [not fellowships (F series) or career (K series)] applications, including "appointments and/or achievements". With this policy, the following types of information will be accepted:
All other requirements and exceptions specified in NOT-OD-10-115 remain in effect.
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