Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Hubs of Interdisciplinary Research and Training in Global Environmental and Occupational Health (GEOHealth) Research (U01)
Notice Number:

Key Dates

Release Date:
February 13, 2020
Estimated Publication Date of Funding Opportunity Announcement:
July 01, 2020
First Estimated Application Due Date:
November 04, 2020
Earliest Estimated Award Date:
July 01, 2021
Earliest Estimated Start Date:
August 01, 2021
Related Announcements

NOT-TW-20-003 Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Hubs of Interdisciplinary Research and Training in Global Environmental and Occupational Health (GEOHealth) Research Training (U2R)

RFA-TW-14-001 Hubs of Interdisciplinary Research and Training in Global Environmental and Occupational Health (GEOHealth) Research (U01)

RFA-TW-14-002 Hubs of Interdisciplinary Research and Training in Global Environmental and Occupational Health (GEOHealth) Research Training (U2R).

Issued by
Fogarty International Center (FIC)

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
National Cancer Institute (NCI)

All applications to this funding opportunity announcement should fall within the mission of the Institutes/Centers. The following NIH Offices may co-fund applications assigned to those Institutes/Centers.

Office of Research on Women's Health (ORWH)


This Notice is to inform the research community that the Fogarty International Center (FIC), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), and the Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH) of the National Institutes of Health intend to issue two paired Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) to solicit applications for Global Environmental and Occupational Health (GEOHealth) Hubs. The FOAs will be a reissue with modification of the existing Fogarty GEOHealth Program (RFA-TW-14-001 Hubs of Interdisciplinary Research and Training in Global Environmental and Occupational Health (GEOHealth) Research (U01) and RFA-TW-14-002 Hubs of Interdisciplinary Research and Training in Global Environmental and Occupational Health (GEOHealth) Research Training (U2R)).

This Notice is being provided to allow potential applicants sufficient time to develop meaningful collaborations and responsive projects in anticipation of the linked FOAs.

The paired FOAs are expected to be published in Summer 2020 with an expected application due date in Fall 2020.

This FOA will use the U01 mechanism and applications must be submitted with a paired U2R application.

Research Initiative Details

This Notice encourages investigators with expertise in environmental and occupational health to begin to consider applying for these linked FOAs.

The overall objective of the Global Environmental and Occupational Health (GEOHealth) program is to support the development of institutions in the Low- or Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) that will serve as regional hubs for collaborative research, data management, training, curriculum and outreach material development, and policy support around high priority local, national, and regional environmental and occupational health threats; and to support a global network of hubs that serves as a platform for coordinated research and training activities in environmental and occupational health.

A GEOHealth Hub is defined as a multidisciplinary group of researchers and their institutions based in a LMIC, who, with their collaborators, focus on a core set of common research and training topics that address environmental and/or occupational health priorities in the LMIC and/or the region. The GEOHealth Hubs are expected to provide leadership in environmental and occupational health research and in training a new generation of environmental and occupational health experts. Hubs are supported by two coordinated linked awards to 1) a LMIC institution for research and 2) a U.S. institution for research training. Both applications must demonstrate a commitment to extensive coordination between these two awards to meet goals of the GEOHealth program.

The U01 Research FOA will invite new and renewal applications from LMIC institutions for innovative multidisciplinary public health-relevant environmental and/or occupational health research projects that are likely to inform assessment and control of environmental and workplace hazards, and inform policy around priority local, national and regional environmental and occupational health threats.

Applicants are encouraged to involve multiple U.S. and LMIC partner institutions in the proposed research project, as scientifically appropriate and justified. Applicants are encouraged to explore the potential for future partnerships that include additional investment in the GEOHealth Hub, particularly with national governments of Upper-Middle Income and High-Income Countries, international donors, and other organizations in order to leverage local institutional capacities and to increase prospects for sustainability of the Hub.

More information about the GEOHealth program and currently-funded GEOHealth Hubs can be found on FIC's GEOHealth program page.

Funding Information
Estimated Total Funding


Expected Number of Awards
Estimated Award Ceiling


Primary CFDA Numbers
93.989, 93.313, 93.113
Anticipated Eligible Organizations
Foreign Institutions:
Only non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entities (Foreign Institutions) in World Bank defined Low- or Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) (, including low-income , lower-middle-income , and upper-middle-income countries, are eligible to apply. LMIC-based institutions of higher education and research institutions are eligible. Applications must be submitted with an eligible linked research training (U2R) application. FIC's Country Eligibility Notice (NOT-TW-12-011) applies. Applications received without an eligible linked application will not be considered.
Non-domestic (non-U.S.) components of U.S. Organizations are not eligible to apply.
Foreign components, as defined in the NIH Grants Policy Statement, are allowed.

Applications are not being solicited at this time.

Please direct all inquiries to:

Christine M. Jessup, Ph.D.
Fogarty International Center (FIC)

Curt DellaValle, Ph.D., M.P.H.
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Telephone: 240-276-7225

Michael C. Humble, Ph.D.
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
Telephone: 919-316-4621

Regine A. Douthard, MD, MPH
Office of Research on Women's Health (ORWH)
Telephone: 301-451-2729

Weekly TOC for this Announcement
NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices