Notice of Change to NOT-TR-19-014: Notice of Change to PAR-18-940 Clinical and Translational Science Award (U54 Clinical Trial Optional)

Notice Number: NOT-TR-19-026

Key Dates
Release Date: July 05, 2019

Related Announcements

Issued by
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)


The purpose of this Notice is to revise NCATS Notice NOT-TR-19-014: Notice of Change to PAR-18-940 Clinical and Translational Science Award (U54 Clinical Trial Optional).

The following changes are for:

Section IV. Application and Submission Information

2. Content and Form of Application Submission

J. NRSA Training Core

Currently reads:

PHS 398 Training Subaward Budget Attachment (Training Core)

Follow all instructions provided in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide with the following additional modifications:

The NRSA Training Core is an optional part of the CTSA Program U54 application and will be funded only if the U application is successful. The training component provides stipends at a subsistence allowance to help defray living expenses during the research and clinical training experiences. The maximum budget for a training core is $400K direct cost (DC) for small hubs (total anticipated CTSA amount <$4.5M DC), $600K DC for medium hubs (total anticipated CTSA amount $4.5-$6M DC), and $800K (DC) for large hubs (total anticipated CTSA amount >$6M-$7.5M DC). The amount budgeted per pre-doctoral and post-doctoral trainee must comply with the NRSA stipend levels and allowable costs specified below. If an institution is currently funded under RFA-TR-12-006, RFA-TR-14-009, or PAR-15-304, and if the budget of the NRSA Training Core for the final year of the award period exceeds the amount allowed under this FOA, then applicants may choose to describe a transition period of up to three years for currently appointed trainees only to complete the planned training as described in the current award. This is to allow for a transition to the new budget limits, to lessen the impact on ongoing training and career development and to provide applicants budget flexibility for currently appointed TL1 trainees within the limits of the Subaward Budget as described in this section.

Part A: The application should request stipends for trainees.

Part B: Enter the total costs for Trainee Travel, and training related expenses, following the guidance, below:

Other Direct Costs: Trainee Travel: Enter the total costs for Trainee Travel (up to $1500 per year per trainee), and training related expenses, following the guidance, below:

While the maximum request is explained under Budget information, the awarded slots will depend upon the scientific and technical merit of the proposed program as determined by scientific peer review and the relevance of the proposed program to programmatic priorities. Further consideration will address program goals and resources, educational resource sharing, and the availability of funds. Applicants should expect that final budgets may be adjusted post-review depending on these factors.

Revised to read:

PHS 398 Training Subaward Budget Attachment (Training Core)

Follow all instructions provided in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide with the following additional modifications:

The NRSA Training Core is an optional part of the CTSA Program U54 application and will be funded only if the U application is successful. The training component provides stipends at a subsistence allowance to help defray living expenses during the research and clinical training experiences. The recommended maximum budget for a training core is $400K direct cost (DC) for small hubs (total anticipated CTSA amount <$4.5M DC), $600K DC for medium hubs (total anticipated CTSA amount $4.5-$6M DC), and $800K (DC) for large hubs (total anticipated CTSA amount >$6M-$7.5M DC). The amount budgeted per pre-doctoral and post-doctoral trainee must comply with the NRSA stipend levels and allowable costs specified below. If an institution is currently funded under RFA-TR-12-006, RFA-TR-14-009, or PAR-15-304, and if the budget of the NRSA Training Core for the final year of the award period exceeds the recommended amount allowed under this FOA, then applicants may choose to describe a transition period of up to three years for currently appointed trainees only to complete the planned training as described in the current award. This is to allow for a transition to the new recommended budget limits, to lessen the impact on ongoing training and career development and to provide applicants budget flexibility for currently appointed TL1 trainees within the recommended limits of the Subaward Budget as described in this section.

Part A: The application should request stipends for trainees.

Part B: Enter the total costs for Trainee Travel, and training related expenses, following the guidance, below:

Other Direct Costs: Trainee Travel: Enter the total costs for Trainee Travel (up to $1500 per year per trainee),and training related expenses, following the guidance, below:

While the maximum recommended request is explained under Budget information, the awarded slots will depend upon the scientific and technical merit of the proposed program as determined by scientific peer review and the relevance of the proposed program to programmatic priorities. Further consideration will address program goals and resources, educational resource sharing, and the availability of funds. Applicants should expect that final budgets may be adjusted post-review depending on these factors and the need to align final budgets close to the stated recommended budget limits. Note that the institution should request full needs for trainee stipends and tuition and fees in the application and that NCATS will calculate final budgets at the time of award. Staff salaries and non-trainee personnel travel for the optional NRSA Training Core may be included in the Administrative core of the UL1 and is not to be included in the recommended budget for the NRSA Training Core. The staff salaries and non-trainee personnel travel are also not included in the maximum total costs for the UL1 and KL2 components.

All other aspects of the Notice remain unchanged.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Erica Rosemond, PhD
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)
Telephone: 301-594-8927
Email: [email protected]