October 20, 2023
Office of Strategic Coordination (Common Fund)
This Notice corrects the budget instructions for RFA-RM-23-019. Detailed budgetary information is not needed for the Overall component. Modifications are made to the Administrative Core budget.
Section IV. Application and Submission Information
2. Content and Form of Application Submission
Overall Component
Budget (Overall)
Currently, it reads:
The only budget information included in the Overall component is the Estimated Project Funding section of the SF424 (R&R) Cover.
Leadership Effort Commitment: The VCC contact PD/PI must commit and maintain through the life of the award a minimum of 2.4 person-months of effort. For applications with multiple PDs/PIs, a minimum effort of 1.8 person-months is required for the Contact PD/PI and 1.2 person-months of effort for each additional PD/PI is required.
VCC Program Manager: Based on the complex roles the VCC will play within the HVP, the VCC PD(s)/PI(s) are strongly encouraged to propose and budget for a VCC Program Manager to manage day-to-day operations and work with the other HVP PD(s)/PI(s), NIH staff, and HVP Investigators to manage and coordinate HVP activities.
Travel Funds: The budget should include sufficient funds to support travel for PD(s)/PI(s) and pertinent members of the Center to attend annual HVP Consortium meetings and workshops.
Collaborations: It is anticipated that recipients will identify areas of shared scientific or technological interest across the different awarded initiatives within the HVP Consortium. Therefore, this NOFO will support Collaborative Pilot Projects for small-scale studies that will benefit from the expertise and/or capabilities across the HVP and that will be relevant to the broader research community. Collaborative pilot projects will be proposed during project years 2, 3, and 4 and performed in years 3, 4, and 5. Each proposed pilot project must be able to be completed within 1-2 years and may not receive additional funding beyond this 2-year time frame. Center budgets must include a minimum of $250,000 in direct costs to support several collaborative pilot projects of up to $50,000 in direct costs each year. Collaborative Pilot Projects will be identified, selected, and supported through the Administrative Core of the VCC. Scientific review and approval of all pilot projects by NIH Program staff is required prior to funding and study implementation.
Equipment: If pieces of specialized equipment or computers exceeding $5,000 are requested, the application must provide a clear justification for the purchase in Budget Justification.
A budget summary in the Overall section of the assembled application image in eRA Commons compiled from detailed budget data collected in the other components will be generated upon submission.
Revised to read (in bold italics):
The only budget information included in the Overall component is the Estimated Project Funding section of the SF424 (R&R) Cover.
A budget summary in the Overall section of the assembled application image in eRA Commons compiled from detailed budget data collected in the other components will be generated upon submission.
Budget (Administrative Core)
Currently, it reads:
Budget forms appropriate for the specific component will be included in the application package.
Leadership Effort Commitment: The Core Leader of this core must devote a minimum of 1.8 person-months of effort to the Administrative Core of the HVP. For applications with multiple Core Leaders, a minimum effort of 0.8 person-months is required for the Contact Core Leader and 0.6 person-months of effort for each additional Core Leader is required.
Travel Funds: The budget should include sufficient funds to support travel for PD(s)/PI(s) and pertinent members of the Center to attend annual HVP Consortium meetings and workshops.
Equipment: If pieces of specialized equipment or computers exceeding $5,000 are requested, the application must provide a clear justification for the purchase in Budget Justification.
Note: The R&R Budget form included in many of the component types allows for up to 100 Senior/Key Persons in section A and 100 Equipment Items in section C prior to using attachments for additional entries. All other SF424 (R&R) instructions apply.
Revised to read (changes in bold italics):
Leadership Effort Commitment: The VCC contact PD/PI must commit and maintain through the life of the award a minimum of 2.4 person-months of effort. For applications with multiple PDs/PIs, a minimum effort of 1.8 person-months is required for the Contact PD/PI and 1.2 person-months of effort for each additional PD/PI is required.
VCC Program Manager: Based on the complex roles the VCC will play within the HVP, the VCC PD(s)/PI(s) are strongly encouraged to propose and budget for a VCC Program Manager to manage day-to-day operations and work with the other HVP PD(s)/PI(s), NIH staff, and HVP Investigators to manage and coordinate HVP activities.
Travel Funds: The budget should include sufficient funds to support travel for PD(s)/PI(s) and pertinent members of the Center to attend annual HVP Consortium meetings and workshops.
Collaborations: It is anticipated that recipients will identify areas of shared scientific or technological interest across the different awarded initiatives within the HVP Consortium. Therefore, this NOFO will support Collaborative Pilot Projects for small-scale studies that will benefit from the expertise and/or capabilities across the HVP and that will be relevant to the broader research community. Collaborative pilot projects will be proposed during project years 2, 3, and 4 and performed in years 3, 4, and 5. Each proposed pilot project must be able to be completed within 1-2 years and may not receive additional funding beyond this 2-year time frame. Center budgets must include a minimum of $250,000 in direct costs to support several collaborative pilot projects of up to $50,000 in direct costs each year. Collaborative Pilot Projects will be identified, selected, and supported through the Administrative Core of the VCC. Scientific review and approval of all pilot projects by NIH Program staff is required prior to funding and study implementation.
Equipment: If pieces of specialized equipment or computers exceeding $5,000 are requested, the application must provide a clear justification for the purchase in Budget Justification.
Note: The R&R Budget form included in many of the component types allows for up to 100 Senior/Key Persons in section A and 100 Equipment Items in section C prior to using attachments for additional entries. All other SF424 (R&R) instructions apply.
All other aspects of RFA-RM-23-019 remain unchanged.
Scientific/Research Contact(s)
Roberto Flores-Munguia, PhD, MPH
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Email: floresr2@mail.nih.gov
Peer Review Contact(s)
Center for Scientific Review (CSR)
Email: FOAReviewContact@csr.nih.gov
Financial/Grants Management Contact(s)
E C Melvin
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Telephone: 301-480-8991
Email: ec.melvin@nih.gov