Notice of Pre-Application Technical Assistance Webinar for RFA-RM-14-018, RFA-RM-14-019, and RFA-RM-14-020 Science of Behavior Change Assay Development and Validation Projects (UH2/UH3)

Notice Number: NOT-RM-15-008

Key Dates
Release Date: January 12, 2015

Related Announcements

Issued by
Office of Strategic Coordination (Common Fund)


On Wednesday, January 21, 2015, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. EST the Science of Behavior Change (SOBC) Common Fund Program will hold a pre-application technical assistance webinar to discuss three new UH2/UH3 funding opportunities for assay development and validation projects in the domains of self-regulation (RFA-RM-14-020), stress resilience and stress reactivity (RFA-RM-14-019), and interpersonal and social processes (RFA-RM-14-018). These funding opportunities are being released in conjunction with a U24 funding opportunity for an SOBC Resource and Coordinating Center (RFA-RM-14-017). During the webinar, NIH staff will present an overview of the UH2/UH3 mechanism, the purpose of the funding opportunities, and answer questions submitted by listeners via email.

Please visit to register for the webinar. To view the webinar, you must pre-register for the meeting. Pre-registered participants will receive an email on Tuesday, January 19, 2015, with the webinar and conference call information.

Information about a pre-application webinar for the U24 Resource and Coordinating Center is provided in NOT-RM-15-009.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Paige Green McDonald, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Telephone: 240-276-6899
Email: [email protected]

Lisbeth Nielsen, Ph.D.
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Telephone: 301-402-4156
Email: [email protected]

Melissa Riddle, Ph.D.
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)
Telephone: 301-451-3888

Email: [email protected]