NIH Common Fund Protein Capture Reagents Program Seeking Community Input on Priority List for Renewable Affinity Reagents for Human Transcription Factors

Notice Number: NOT-RM-12-023

Key Dates

Release Date: August 30, 2012

Issued by

National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Office of Strategic Coordination (Common Fund)


The purpose of this Notice is to alert the scientific community that the NIH Common Fund Protein Capture Reagents program is seeking input on the program's priority list for production of human transcription factor (hTF) affinity reagents. Please go to for more information and to submit comments.

Briefly, the lack of access to affordable, well-characterized and analytically validated renewable protein capture reagents has been expressed at large by scientific community. In response to this concern, the Protein Capture Reagents program was launched to pilot whether a community resource of high quality, renewable affinity reagents can be economically generated for all human proteins, and to develop technologies that will lead to next generation platforms for producing renewable protein capture reagents. This pilot effort includes the generation of affinity reagents (monoclonals and recombinant Fabs) against all hTFs as a test case.

A priority list of targets for production of human transcription factor affinity reagents has been generated. We seek public comment on this priority list, and encourage the community to become involved by aiding in the further validation of these reagents. We are also open to requests for additional TFs to be added to the priority list with justification.

The priority list will be updated on a quarterly basis. Sign-up is available on the website to receive notifications when updated lists are posted. Information on completed reagents will be posted on the Protein Capture web portal (in development), and reagents will be made available through the University of Iowa's Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Tina Gatlin, Ph.D.
Program Director
National Human Genome Research Institute
5635 Fishers Lane, Suite 4101
Bethesda, MD 20892-9305
Telephone: 301-402-2851
Email: [email protected]