Notice Number: NOT-RM-11-003
Key Dates
Release Date:
December 3, 2010
Issued by
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Common Fund (Roadmap)
The purpose of this Notice is to alert applicants that the NIH will hold a pre-application informational teleconference for Request for Applications RFA-RM-10-017- Production of Affinity Reagents for Human Transcription Factors, and RFA-RM-10-018- Technology Development for New Affinity Reagents Against the Human Proteome. These FOAs were developed under the NIH Common Fund Protein Capture Initiative (
This teleconference is open to the public and will take place from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm EST on Friday, December 17, 2010. In order to receive the teleconference number and accompanying slide presentation, please send the information outlined below in an email to
The meeting is intended to be informative to prospective applicants considering responding to RFA-RM-10-017and RFA-RM-10-018. NIH Program Staff and other representatives will provide an overview of the Protein Capture program and will explain specific aspects of the FOAs. A short presentation will be followed by an opportunity for prospective applicants to ask questions about the FOAs. A set of Frequently Asked Questions will be posted following the meeting at
Questions prior to and during the teleconference may be submitted by email to
Participation in the meeting, although encouraged, is optional and not required for application submission.
NOTE: Prospective applicants interested in this teleconference are asked to provide in advance (to the name of the applicant/Principal Investigator for a possible or planned application, email address, and telephone number. This informal registration is optional and is primarily for planning purposes.Inquiries
Please direct all inquiries to:
Leslie Adams
Scientific Program Analyst
Department of Extramural Research
National Human Genome Research Institute
5635 Fishers Lane, Suite 4076
Bethesda, MD 20892-9305
Telephone: 301-443-9725
FAX: 301-480-2770