Notice Number: NOT-RM-08-009
Key Dates
Release Date: February 21, 2008
Issued by
National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) ( )
NCRR, on behalf of the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, has issued Requests for Applications for the Institutional Clinical and Translational Science Awards (RFA-RM-06-002, RM-07-002, RM-07-007 and RM-08-002).
The most current RFA, RM-08-002, under Section III, Eligibility Information, 1. Eligible Applicants, 1.A. Eligible Institutions, states: "Foreign institutions are not allowed to apply to this program. Domestic institutions may use CTSA resources to support foreign component activities of projects that receive primary funding from DHHS. These activities are permitted under the U54 and K12 components of the CTSA only and may not include the T32 component. Appropriate clearances, a mentoring plan for any foreign training and approval by NIH Program Staff are required before the use of CTSA resources begins.”
The purpose of this Notice is to announce that NCRR will allow, effective immediately, the current cohort of CTSA grants awarded in 2006 and 2007 to include foreign components of CTSA activities under the K12 (KL2) component. To request approval, the Principal Investigator or Director of the Career Development component of the CTSA must submit a letter to NCRR describing the mentoring plan for the foreign training, countersigned by an appropriate institutional official. A copy of a letter or other evidence from the institution where the off-site training is to be taken must be submitted to assure that satisfactory arrangements have been made.