Changes in the Process of Selecting Assays for the MLSCN and Synchronizing Submission Dates for PAR-06-259(X01) and PAR-06-545(R03)

Notice Number: NOT-RM-07-003

Key Dates
Release Date:   November 21, 2006

Issued by
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), (

This Notice is in reference to Roadmap initiatives PAR-06-259 and PAR-06-545.  All NIH Institutes and Centers participate in Roadmap initiatives. These FOAs are administered by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) on behalf of the NIH.


The purpose of this notice is to inform the research community of changes in the process of selecting assays for the Molecular Libraries Screening Centers Network (MLSCN) and synchronizing submission dates for the two FOAs: PAR-06-259 (X01) and PAR-06-545 (R03), both titled, “Solicitation of Assays for High Throughput Screening (HTS) in the Molecular Libraries Screening Centers Network”.  Currently, two award mechanisms, the X01 as solicited by PAR-06-259 (X01) and the R03 as solicited by PAR-06-545 (R03), run in parallel to solicit HTS assay applications for the MLSCN.  The changes proposed in this notice will be effective as of January 2007 and will apply to all future applications.

Revised process for selection of assays for the MLSCN:

Peer review results will be communicated to the NIH MLSCN Project Team.  Summary statements will be assessed and prioritization of applications, based on review results and NIH-wide programmatic priorities, will be developed. Selected assay applications will be given formal notification in the form of a Notice of Grant Award for $1.  Subsequent to award, the list of awarded assay applications will be presented to the MLSCN Steering Committee for implementation within the screening centers network. In review of the awarded applications, the MLSCN Steering Committee will provide information regarding existing capacity and expertise of each center such as assay target, cost, workload, detection system, etc.  Those awards that are deemed cost-effective and feasible within current available MLSCN center resources will be revised to provide full funding, as allowed by the Grants Policy Statement.

Submission of a cover letter that allows sharing of X01 or R03 applications with the MLSCN Steering Committee is no longer required.

It is no longer required for the PD/PI to submit a letter with his/her application agreeing to allow their X01 or R03 application to be shared with the MLSCN Steering Committee members.  The process of reviewing the information in the selected applications for the purpose of assay assignment to individual centers will be accomplished after the award is made.  Accordingly, this letter is not required to be included in the Optional Components: PHS398 Cover Letter File in the application package.

Change remaining submission dates for PAR-06-259 (X01). 

In order to synchronize the key dates for PAR-06-259 (X01) and PAR-06-545 (R03), the remaining submission dates for the X01 (PAR-06-259) will be changed to the same dates of  submission for the R03 (PAR-06-545).  These dates are noted below.

New Key Dates

For PAR-06-259:
Letters of Intent Receipt Date(s): Jan 26, 2007; May 26, 2007 and Sept 26, 2007.
Application Submission/Receipt Date(s): Feb 26, 2007; Jun 26, 2007 and Oct 26, 2007
Peer Review Date(s): April 2007; August 2007 and December 2007.    
Council Review Date(s): September 2007; January 2008 and May 2008.
Earliest Anticipated Start Date(s): October 2007; February 2008 and June 2008.
Expiration Date: October 27, 2007

All other aspects of the PAR-06-259 and PAR-06-545 remain as previously published.
The complete FOAs can be accessed at the following URLs: and


Issues regarding these changes or the FOA may be directed to:

Ingrid Li, Ph.D.  
Program Director, Molecular Libraries & Imaging Roadmap
Division of Neuroscience & Basic Behavioral Science
National Institute of Mental Health
6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 7189, MSC 9641
Bethesda, MD 20892
Telephone:  (301) 443-1421
Email:  [email protected]

Christine Colvis, Ph.D.
NIH Molecular Libraries & Imaging Roadmap
National Institute on Drug Abuse
6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 4282, MSC 9555
Bethesda, MD 20892-9555
Telephone: (301) 435-1323
Email: [email protected]