NIH Roadmap Nanomedicine Development Centers: Concept Approval Letter Evaluation Information

Notice Number: NOT-RM-06-014

Key Dates
Release Date: March 1, 2006

Issued by
National Institutes of Health (NIH), (

This notice is an addendum to the NIH Roadmap Nanomedicine Development Centers (PN2) request for applications (RFA-RM-06-007). Prior to submitting a full application for a PN2 award, potential applicants are required to submit a five-page Concept Approval Letter by March 15, 2006.

In addition to the requirements outlined for the Concept Approval Letter in the RFA (See RFA section 6. Other Submission Requirements), NIH staff will also consider the following in determining whether an applicant may submit a full application:

Does the proposed project clearly address the specific vision of this NIH Roadmap Nanomedicine initiative? This includes fundamental measurements, understanding of design principles, and ultimately using engineering principles to build or repair intracellular structures for specific control and manipulation of molecules and complexes inside cells to solve medical problems.

Will work at the center be an integrated, highly collaborative, multidisciplinary team approach?

Is there a clear statement of the potential medical benefits?

Does the proposed work demonstrate forward thinking and willingness to take risks to achieve truly high impact results rather than simply continuing ongoing work?

Are the tools to be developed described, is the model system well justified, and are other resources available that will aid or enhance work at the center?

There are other NIH initiatives that develop and apply the tools of nanotechnology for a wide variety of medical diagnostics and therapeutics. This initiative has a different emphasis and is not meant to duplicate those efforts. Work at these Nanomedicine Development Centers must be motivated by the fundamental biological concepts and knowledge required to understand and solve medical problems by measuring fundamental intracellular properties of molecules and supramolecular complexes that will lead to engineering intracellular structures for medical purposes.

nvitations to submit a full application will be issued on or before April 17, 2006. The receipt date for the application is June 23, 2006.


Specific programmatic inquiries concerning the Nanomedicine Roadmap Initiative should be directed to:

Richard S. Fisher, Ph.D.
Nanomedicine Project Team Leader
National Eye Institute
5635 Fishers Lane, Suite 1300
Bethesda , MD 20892-9300 ( Rockville , MD 20852 for overnight delivery services)
Telephone: (301) 451-2020
Email: [email protected]