Guidance on Resumption of NIOSH Extramural Activities for PAR-13-245 "Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K01)" Applications Following the Recent Lapse in Appropriations

Notice Number: NOT-OH-14-001

Key Dates
Release Date: October 31, 2013

Related Announcements

Issued by
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)


This Notice is to provide NIOSH’s extramural community with information on how NIOSH is resuming operations after the government shutdown.

eRA Systems Availability
eRA systems are currently available for use by the applicant/grantee/reviewer. will continue to accept applications for funding opportunity announcements with October closing dates, even if those dates have passed.

Rescheduling October Application Due Date K01
The October grant application due date (October 12, 2013) has been rescheduled for November 12, 2013. Please note that the regular due date for revised, renewal, or resubmission applications remains November 12.

Rescheduling Peer Review Meetings
The shutdown required that NIOSH cancel its October peer review meeting. Applications that were scheduled to be reviewed by the NIOSH study section in October will now be reviewed at the February study section meeting to be held February 19-21, 2014.

Applications Submitted Prior to the Shutdown can be “Refreshed”
Applications submitted since October 1 that were held at during the period of the shutdown will proceed to the February 2014 study section meeting without any action by the applicant. NIOSH is giving applicants who have already successfully submitted an application for an October due date the opportunity to replace the submission with a “refreshed” application.

If you choose to replace your existing application, follow the steps below carefully:

  • If an application has an image in the eRA Commons and is within the two-day viewing window, the institutional Signing Official should first reject the application in the Commons to keep it from further processing, and then submit the refreshed application.
  • If there is no option to reject the application in the Commons (meaning the application has moved beyond the viewing window for further processing), applicants should withdraw the application before submitting a refreshed application.
  • Applications that have been submitted but have errors (thus have no application image), can submit a changed/corrected application.

Existing applications must be withdrawn by November 15, 2013.

  • Submit the application to the original funding opportunity announcement (FOA).
  • Submit a cover letter with the refreshed application. Indicate that you are refreshing your application for the new council round, include the previous application number, and provide the previous study section assignment.
  • Make the “refreshed” application a “new” or “resubmission” to match the withdrawn application.
  • All replacement/”refreshed” applications are due by December 11, 2013. No late applications will be allowed for this special receipt date.
  • Only applications that are reassigned to the May 2014 Council round should submit at the December 11, 2013 deadline. Any other applications to this deadline will be returned without review.

Note: Replacing the application submission with a “refreshed” application does not count as a resubmission (A1), meaning that an application submitted for an October due date as a “new” application should be submitted as a “new” application. A “resubmission” should be submitted again as “resubmission”. A “renewal” should continue to be a “renewal”.

Payment Management System
Payments through the Payment Management System (PMS) should be processing as usual. If grantees received a communication during the shutdown that a drawdown request was on hold, please contact PMS directly to determine the status of that pending request.


NIOSH will continue to provide the community with guidance on resumption of extramural activities after the shutdown as necessary. For questions or further information, please contact:

Steve Dearwent, PhD
Office of Extramural Programs
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Telephone: (404) 498-6382
Fax: (404) 498-2571
Email: [email protected]